Open Knowledge

Kuwait 18% open

Kuwait is ranked #93 in the 2015 Index
Kuwait's overall Index ranking is up from #98 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
36 Procurement tenders
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
75 Government Budget
  • n/a n/a 45%
75 Government Budget

The data format is PDF

87 National Statistics
  • n/a n/a 35%
87 National Statistics

Population data up to 2005 Gdp up to 2012 Unemployment up to 2013

45 National Map
  • n/a n/a 35%
45 National Map

Kuwaiti government online has a page for Kuwaiti map but there is an error in the page (

The municipality of Kuwaiti has a map fro Kuwaiti linked with google maps (

Reviewer's comment: When checking again, the map worked. It has zoom up to 1:150,000, further zooms sometimes don't show anything, though, it apparently provide zoom up to 1:5,000 for some locations. The map has marks for roads, national borders, etc. Not sure when it is updated though.

109 Legislation
  • n/a n/a 25%
109 Legislation

You need to need to loge-in in order to see the legislations. The data format is PDF.

Reviewer's comment: According to original submitter, you need to login, thus, changed publicly available to no. (Technical Glitch, while re submitting, the system forced me to set the available for free question to false)

69 Weather forecast
  • n/a n/a 20%
69 Weather forecast

Kuwait Meteorological department has a 5 days forecast of temperature and wind, but it does not has a data about precipitation. The only data about precipitation is a daily data about Kuwait international airport. No historical temperature data for the past year.

The data on a web page (

65 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a n/a 10%
65 Pollutant Emissions

There is interactive map shows the air quality on Kuwait official environmental portal (

add by yaron

Air Pollution are Measured link but the data Air Pollution is not Exist What Exist is Air Pollution index(ICA) that is base on the raw data so the data is not Considered Exist Online in the usa the epa give the raw data and index data so the data is ope link to data on the

82 Government Spending
n/a n/a n/a 5%
82 Government Spending

The ministry of finance publishes historical expense totals: which indicates that the data exists. The last one is for fiscal year 2013/2014 so it seems that it isn't fully digital (no totals for last fiscal period).

53 Location datasets
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Location datasets

It seems Kuwait has a postcodes/zipcodes service but we could find any data on Kuwait postal official websites (

The data can be found here (

66 Land Ownership
n/a n/a n/a 5%
66 Land Ownership

Kuwait has a real estate register(, but we could not find the data online. There is only record of sold properties on ministry of justice website(

74 Water Quality
n/a n/a n/a 0%
74 Water Quality

We could not find any data about the quality of water on ministry of electricity and water official website (

87 Election Results
n/a n/a n/a 0%
87 Election Results

There is a data about parliament election in 2013 on the internet but on official website ( There are parliament election results for previous years on Kuwait National Assembly official website (

84 Company Register
n/a n/a n/a 0%
84 Company Register

The Kuwait Government Online website ( does not have any evidence of a register of companies data. However, there are some companies of different types - hospitals, banks, airlines - listed along with their contact numbers in the Kuwait Statistical Review 2013, which is the closest the website comes to providing a directory. It is unlikely this is a comprehensive list.

The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce (non-governmental) has a searchable companies and institutions registry which features names, dates of registration, addresses and registration numbers.



  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Neal Bastek
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Tarek Amr
  • Sadeek Hasna