Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2014) | Score |
1 | Procurement tenders |
https://www.contrataciones.gov... | JSON, CSV | n/a | 100% | |
URL: https://www.contrataciones.gov.py/datos/data Format: JSON, CSV The DNCP is in charge of maintaining the national e-procurement platform. The system contains information about all the procurement phases are: planning, tender, award, contract, amendment. All this information is available at the open data platform from the DNCP, where the user can:
1 | Government Budget |
http://www.hacienda.gov.py/por... | CSV,HTM ... | #39 60% | 100% | |
URL: http://www.hacienda.gov.py/portalspir/ Format: CSV,HTML,EXCEL,PDF,TSV The data available at the SPIR portal 1 is provided with low granular level, it not seems to be complete but it is up-to-date and well formatted. It is also easy to share. Howerver, it only works on Firefox. There is another tools maintained by the Ministerio de Hacienda, called the Boost database [3] that contains budget information from 2003 until 2014. About the license, the Paraguayan FOI law[3], and the presidential decree that regulares this law [4] establishes an open license for the budget data. References: 1 http://www.hacienda.gov.py/portalspir/ [2] http://isdatabank.info/boost_paraguay/ [3] Law 5282/2014. http://www.gacetaoficial.gov.py/uploads/pdf/2014/2014-09-19/gaceta_2549_EIIHKKDJCCCGFKKBGBGGBJAFIHIEIIIBGGJFGCDI.pdf [4] http://www.presidencia.gov.py/archivos/documentos/DECRETO4064_6b26wnlx.pdf |
16 | Legislation |
http://digesto.senado.gov.py/i... | HTML, ... | #33 45% | 75% | |
URL: http://digesto.senado.gov.py/index.php Format: HTML, DOC, PDF The Quality of the data is very well in respect of Content, because you can find the documents with a high level of granularity, this is, who proposed the law, when did it, the content of the documents, etc. About the structure, there are no structure of the data, there are not tabular format at all. There is another link where the data is placed with more information about the actual status of the documents that are processed for subsequent enactment: http://sil2py.senado.gov.py/ Considering the license, all the Paraguayan laws are not subject to the Copyright law (Art. 8 Law 1328 1), which means that the content of the laws are public, and as by Art. 8, it requires attribution. Information about technical and administrative contact: Name: Marcelo Ferreira Email: jmferreira@senado.gov.py Phone number: (595) 21 414 5817 Another contacts: Email: silpy@diputados.gov.py, asilva@senado.gov.py Phone number: (595) 21 414 4122, (595) 21 414.5901, (595) 21 414.5905 Reference: 1 http://digesto.senado.gov.py/ups/leyes/7003ley%201328-1998.doc |
16 | Election Results |
http://datosabiertos.tsje.gov.... | n/a | #16 90% | 75% | |
URL: http://datosabiertos.tsje.gov.py/ Existen datos de Elecciones Generales para los años 2013, 2008 y 2003, Elecciones Municipales para los años 2001 y 2006. Contenido: Los datos no están completos, existen columnas en los archivos CSV que no tienen valor, necesita un nivel de especifidad mayor, se puede obtener cantidad de votos por; departamento, distrito y local de votación para los diferentes cargos, pero no se especifica cantidad de votos por mesas. La certificados de votación (Elecciones Generales) para el año 2013 están disponibles en http://tsje.gov.py/e2013/trep/consulta-certificados.html (accedido 29/Agosto/2014). Se puede obtener por departamento, distrito, zona, local y mesa, estos certificados están en formato JPG, también existe una tabla HTML que refleja los datos que aparecen en los mismos. Se especifica votos obtenidos por lista, votos nulos y votos en blanco. Ofrece opción de descargar certificado en formato PDF. Elecciones Municipales para los años 1996 y 2010, están disponibles en http://tsje.gov.py/elecciones-municipales.html (accedido 29/Agosto/2014). Para el año 2010 se puede descargar; Intendentes Electos por departamento y distrito, en formato XLS. Para el año 1996 existe formato JPG. Elecciones Generales para los años 2000 y 1998 están disponibles en http://tsje.gov.py/elecciones-generales.html (accedido 29/Agosto/2014), año 2000 en formato HTML y año 1998 en formato JPG. Estructura: Los datos que existen en formato CSV, no tienen metadatos, lo que hace difícil la comprensión de los mismos. Existen columnas que se pueden eliminar, ya que pueden ser calculadas en base a los datos y cabeceras que no son necesarias. Existen muchos datos en formato PDF, JPG, PNG y HTML en http://tsje.gov.py/ (accedido 29/Agosto/2014). According to Juan, did not changed from last year. |
9 | Land Ownership |
http://www.catastro.gov.py:806... | .dwg | n/a | 50% | |
URL: http://www.catastro.gov.py:8060/pmapper/map_default.phtml Format: .dwg The data is managed by the National Cadastral Service, dependent of the Ministry of Finance (Ministerio de Hacienda), which publishes the information scattered in different parts:
64 | Weather forecast |
http://www.meteorologia.gov.py... | n/a | n/a | 30% | |
URL: http://www.meteorologia.gov.py/ The data exists at the "Dirección Nacional de Aeronautica Civil - Dirección de Meteorología e Hidrología" They have several types of sensors distributed in the country 1 with several types of readings 2. In the homepage of the agency 3, there is information about the current weather, and a 5-day weather forecast, in HTML format. However, the Presidential Decree 8701/2012 establishes a payment for accessing this information. The current cost is 7,70 U$D 2 for accessing the daily registry for each parameter by month by location. References:
8 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | #11 45% | 10% | |
The execution of the budget is presented in a financial reporting system: http://www.hacienda.gov.py/analytics/saw.dll?Go This indicates that the data exists and is digital but it is aggregated. Comments about procurement platform which is not considered enough:
All government spending must go through the e-procurement platform (source of spending data) except salaries which are exempt from it. The producrement phases are: planning, tender, award, contract, admemends, implementation. At the time of the review, all this information, except "implementation" (which contains the payment information) is available at the open data platfrom from the "Dirección Nacional de Contrataciones Públicas" which can be browsed and downloaded in bulk and via an HTTP API at https://www.contrataciones.gov.py/datos. However, the individual payment information can still be queried at the provided link, and the DNPC is in the process of integrating this phase in their open data portal. The information available on the web is constantly updated. |
80 | National Map |
http://www.disergemil.mil.py | jpg | #67 10% | 10% | |
URL: http://www.disergemil.mil.py Format: jpg According to Juan, did not changed from 2014. |
73 | Pollutant Emissions |
n/a | n/a | #51 35% | 5% | |
There is no official information about availability, howerver, the "Secretaría del Ambiente" is, by Law 5211 1 responsible for monitoring and protect the quality of the air in Paraguay. The are other unofficial sites that publish reports on air quality for Paraguay, for example 2, 3 References: 1 http://digesto.senado.gov.py/ups/leyes/8573%20.pdf 2 http://www.mercosurambiental.net/MD_upload/Archivos/7/File/biblioteca/agua/PY_informe_final_%20sobre_%20el_rio_paraguay_y_lago_ypacarai.pdf 3 http://www.paho.org/par/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=268&Itemid=253 |
74 | Water Quality |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
In Paraguay DIGESA 1 (General Direction of Environmental Sanitation, dependent of the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare) and SENASA 2 (Servicio Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental or National Environmental Sanitation Service) are the responsible for measuring water quality for all types of water, superficial and underground. Most drinking water (80%) in Paraguay comes from groundwater. No public information is available on water quality measurements are publicly available, an after consultation public officials stated that the measurements are performed periodically, yearly or upon request. The above mentioned information does not comply with the management and weakly publication of water quality measurements. References: |
106 | National Statistics |
http://www.dgeec.gov.py/ | #82 35% | 0% | ||
URL: http://www.dgeec.gov.py/ Format: PDF Population in PDF and Excel (relying on macro) Unemployment up to 2010 in PDF Links to GDP don't work. |
61 | Location datasets |
n/a | #18 45% | 0% | ||
Format: PDF Link to download de data set: (2 parts) Asuncion (Capital): http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/documents/10179/11670/Codigo+Capital/0f517dcf-f167-4ace-aea1-b631343580c0 Rest of the country: http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/documents/10179/11670/Codigo+Localidades/dc3c3b3f-580e-455b-b458-f55da409d309 The data is complete in the sense that it contains the list of zip codes for the country. Howerver, there is no coordinates or georeferenced data related to each zip code and therefore is does no comply with the definition of the location dataset (ZIP+GEO) The list of zipcodes is available in PDF. DIRECCION NACIONAL DE CORREOS DEL PARAGUAY (DINACOPA) Address: 25 de Mayo esq. Yegros Phone: (595 21) 498-112/16 ZIP CODE 1301 Open data law 5189: http://www.correoparaguayo.gov.py/web/guest/transparencia-ley-5.189 |
84 | Company Register |
https://marangatu.set.gov.py/e... | txt | #26 45% | 0% | |
URL: https://marangatu.set.gov.py/eset/perfilPublicoContribIService.do Format: txt At the moment, all the links which used to lead to data on Paraguay are not working. There was a company search feature in which you could obtain data by knowing the Company Registry ID (RUC), but this link was not working at the time of data review. https://marangatu.set.gov.py/eset/perfilPublicoContribIService.do Formerly, the data was also available for bulk download at http://www.set.gov.py/pset/hgxpp001?6,18,543,O,S,0,MNU;E;106;11;MNU or http://www.mic.gov.py/GuiaIndustrial/ However, these two links are also now broken. |
- Juan Pane
- Georg Neumann
- Gil Zaretzer
- Kamil Gregor
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Mor Rubinstein
- Zach Christensen
- Nisha Thompson
- yar michl
- Rebecca Sentance
- Neal Bastek
- Codrina Maria Ilie
- Juan Pane
- Clara López
- Guillermo Osorio
- Rodrigo Valdez
- Joan Andres Ruax Caballero
- Mor Rubinstein
- Julio Daniel Reyes
- Martin Poletti
- Pablo Lopez
- anonymous
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson