Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. | Score |
1 | Transport Timetables |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | CSV | n/a | 100% | |
URL: https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/dataset/horarios-interdepartamentales-de-omnibus_verano2014 Format: CSV Metadata also available as a text file in spanish which describes the csv files. For each column in the csv, a description is provided. |
1 | National Statistics |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | CSV, ... | n/a | 100% | |
URL: https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/dataset?organization=ine Format: CSV, TSV, XLS, DAT, dBase Plenty more information available at: - http://www.agev.opp.gub.uy/observatorio/servlet/mainindicadoresap?41018,41018 - http://www.ine.gub.uy |
1 | Location datasets |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | KML, SHP | n/a | n/a | 100% |
1 | Government Budget |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | CSV, ... | n/a | 100% | |
URL: https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/dataset/credito-presupuestal-asignado-y-ejecutado Format: CSV, TXT, XLS Metadata on the contents is provided, as a TXT file that describes each of the fields in the CSV files (description in Spanish) |
5 | Company Register |
http://www3.ine.gub.uy/anda4/i... | Excel, ... | n/a | 90% | |
URL: http://www3.ine.gub.uy/anda4/index.php/catalog/64 Format: Excel, RDF,PDF, XML, Google Fusion Tables This data corresponds to 2011 and accounts for about 80 to 90% of companies in the country, which are micro, small and medium companies. Metadata on the dataset is provided as DDI and RDF. |
36 | Election Results |
http://www.corteelectoral.gub.... | Excel | n/a | 60% | |
URL: http://www.corteelectoral.gub.uy Format: Excel Results of electoral contests are spread across different pages in the web site. |
34 | National Map |
http://www.sgm.gub.uy/geoporta... | wms, pdf | n/a | 50% | |
URL: http://www.sgm.gub.uy/geoportal/index.php/mapas/descargas Format: wms, pdf Infraestrutura de Datos Espaciales (IDEuy) is responsible for aggregating information on geospacial data produced by different government agencies. On IDEuy website users only find information about which government agencies provide geospacial data. There is no easy download provided. Scales are mostly not specified. There is also a catalog on metadata: http://ide.uy/geonetwork/srv/es/main.home - it provides data on which geospacial information is available. Nonetheless it is not the required dataset but only an inventory of geospacial data. The terms of use of IDEuy (http://ide.uy/inicio/condiciones-de-uso/) make no reference to geospatial data. A map of 1:50.000 or 1:20.000 can be found for instance on the website of the Geographic Service of the Army of Uruguay (http://www.sgm.gub.uy/geoportal/index.php/mapas/descargas), there data can be downloaded as PDF (non machine readable format). Also a WMS download is provided and a visualization tool (http://visualizador.sgm.gub.uy/map.phtml) where different layers can be selected is provided. Data can't be downloaded for the whole country but only one tile at once. |
33 | Legislation |
https://www.impo.com.uy/cgi-bi... | HTML | n/a | 45% | |
URL: https://www.impo.com.uy/cgi-bin/suscripcion/loginUsuario.cgi Format: HTML Registration needed. There is a limit of 250 requests for free. |
15 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
The national transactional spending data is not available. Procurement data (which is a big subset of national spending data) is however available as open data. It can be downloaded in bulk from: http://comprasestatales.gub.uy/inicio/datos-abiertos/interfaz-consulta-publicaciones /interfaz-consultas-publicaciones. XML files in a dataset in Uruguay's CKAN instace at https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/dataset/compras-estatales correspond to the codelists used in the actual data. |
73 | Pollutant Emissions |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
- Georg Neumann
- Daniela Mattern
- Gil Zaretzer
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Etcheverryorena L
- Kamil Gregor
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Mor Rubinstein
- Zach Christensen
- Nisha Thompson
- yar michl
- Rebecca Sentance
- Neal Bastek
- Codrina Maria Ilie
- Daniela Mattern
- Pierre Chrzanowski
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Daniel Carranza
- anonymous