What data is expected?
Records of actual (past) national government spending at a detailed transactional level; A database of contracts awarded or similar will not considered sufficient. This data category refers to detailed ongoing data on actual expenditure. Data submitted in this category should meet the following minimum criteria:
- Individual record of transactions.
- Date of the transactions
- Government office which had the transaction
- Name of vendor
- amount of the transaction
- Update on a monthly basis
What data is available
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data available for free? No
- Is the data machine readable? No (n/a)
- Available in bulk? No
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No
- Publicly available? No
- Is data in digital form? No
- Is the data available online? No (No URL given)
- Does the data exist? No
IMF has published a report with aggregated government expenditure: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/2015/cr1527.pdf
However as the report states:
"[A] significant share of extra-budgetary expenditures (other than donor funded projects) remains unreported"
Which indicates that detailed transactional expenditure data does not exists except for maybe a subset of the data (although the IMF still finds this comprehensive). Without anything but an IMF report we cannot claim that this data exists.
Reviewer comments
Submission fixed.
IMF report is aggregated and as the report itself says, based on incomplete data.
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Bruce Hoo Fung