What data is expected?
A database of postcodes/zipcodes and the corresponding spatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar coordinates in an openly published national coordinate system). If a postcode/zipcode system does not exist in the country, please submit a dataset of administrative borders. Data submitted in this category must satisfy the following minimum conditions
- Zipcodes
- Address
- Coordinate (latitude longitude)
- national level
updated once a year
Administrative boundaries
- Boarders poligone
- name of poligone (city, neighborhood)
- national level
- updated once a year
What data is available
- Openly licensed? Unsure (No URL given)
- Is the data available for free? Unsure
- Is the data machine readable? Unsure (n/a)
- Available in bulk? Unsure
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Unsure
- Publicly available? Unsure
- Is data in digital form? Unsure
- Is the data available online? Unsure (No URL given)
- Does the data exist? Unsure
postcodes/zipcodes not used so this dataset does not apply. http://futurehandling.com/2012/11/12/why-doesnt-hong-kong-have-postal-codes/ This category discriminates on all the countries and territories that do not have postcodes (>60 https://gist.github.com/kennwilson/3902548). China uses one postcode for all of Hong Kong (999077) so sent a FOI request to see if that was listed anywhere on a HKgov website and if could be used as a postcode for HK. This was the response https://accessinfo.hk/en/request/postal_code_information_for_hong
They said to use this page: See also: http://www.hongkongpost.hk/eng/postage/info/index.htm#addressing
Review - did not identified any official admin boundaries. Not endorsed admin boundaries are available here http://www.gadm.org/download.
Reviewer comments
- Codrina Maria Ilie
- S.C. Edmunds