What data is expected?
5 days forecast of temperature, precipitation and wind as well as recorded data for temperature, wind and precipitation for the past year. In order to satisfy the minimum requirements for this category, data submitted should meet the following criteria:
- 5 days forecast of temperature updated daily
- 5 days forecast of wind updated daily
- 5 days forecast of precipitation updated daily
- Historical temperature data for the past year
What data is available
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data available for free? No
- Is the data machine readable? No (n/a)
- Available in bulk? No
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No
- Publicly available? No
- Is data in digital form? No
- Is the data available online? No (No URL given)
- Does the data exist? No
Iraqi Meteorological Organization (http://meteoseism.gov.iq/) is part of the Ministry of Transportation. On the home page, there is a map for stations and when you click on one it gives you a two day forecast.
An example forecast is at http://meteoseism.gov.iq/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=118. No precipitation data nor wind speed shown, only wind direction. A separate page for precipitation here (http://meteoseism.gov.iq/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=155), but it only shows one day.
Historical statistical data has not been updated since March 2015, http://meteoseism.gov.iq/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=169. No data for more recent months.
Reviewer comments
Submission is valid. Thank you for your submission to the 2015 Global Open Data Census.
- Stephen Gates
- Tarek Amr