What data is expected?
5 days forecast of temperature, precipitation and wind as well as recorded data for temperature, wind and precipitation for the past year. In order to satisfy the minimum requirements for this category, data submitted should meet the following criteria:
- 5 days forecast of temperature updated daily
- 5 days forecast of wind updated daily
- 5 days forecast of precipitation updated daily
- Historical temperature data for the past year
What data is available
- Openly licensed? No (No URL given)
- Is the data available for free? Yes
- Is the data machine readable? No (n/a)
- Available in bulk? Yes
- Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes
- Publicly available? Yes(as In Jamaica, the Meteorological Service of Jamaica, which is a scientific division of the Ministry of Land and Environment, handles this very important business of meteorology. published by Meteorological Service of Jamaica)
- Is data in digital form? Yes
- Is the data available online? Yes (Here)
- Does the data exist? Yes
The Meteorological Division is comprised of three distinct Branches, all overseen by the Director of Meteorological Services and managed by separate Branch Heads. These are the Administration and Support Services Branch, the Weather Branch and the Climate Branch.
The data is available through the URL http://www.metservice.gov.jm/climate.asp?id=3
Data is in pdf format and not machine readable.
Reviewer comments
Data is in pdf format and not machine readable.
- Neal Bastek
- Bruce Hoo Fung