Open Knowledge

Belgium 43% open

Belgium is ranked #35 in the 2015 Index
Belgium's overall Index ranking is up from #53 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
33 National Statistics
  • Excel, ... #23  70% 70%
33 National Statistics
Format: Excel, CSV, PDF

Many separate spreadsheets available, although some data is only available when making a selection using online report builder.

More data is available at

Note that all statistics are also published by Eurostat. Where they are available in bulk. See This holds for every European Union Member state.

20 Election Results
  • XLSX #51  45% 70%
20 Election Results
Format: XLSX

Up-to-date XLSX files of the European, federal and regional results for the elections of 2014. No license to be found, so not sure if openly licensed or available. The website contains all the info in tables, the one mentioned above has als the xlsx files that can even be downloaded in one zip file, so bulk applies.

25 Government Budget
  • xls #59  45% 70%
25 Government Budget
Format: xls

Budget Online webpage provides access to recent budget data in pdf and xls formats.

26 Procurement tenders
https://enot.publicprocurement... XML n/a 60%
26 Procurement tenders
Format: XML

Current and closed tender notices are available. Contract notices are available, but information on companies is not included. It is only searchable in a search engine, not available in bulk or aggregating datasheets.

21 National Map
  • SHP #59  30% 60%
21 National Map
Format: SHP

The NGI has provided a mapviewer application to show the different layers of their maps as requested in these global census. However it not yet available in a downloadable open format for the whole of Belgium, nor is it available for non-commercial use.

We do have to nuance that these maps are openly available for Flanders and Brussels on thanks to the Open Data Policy of Flanders.

28 Weather forecast
  • n/a n/a 45%
28 Weather forecast

For now, the RMI provides little information and only up to 36 hours in advance. There seems to be no historical temperature data.

In the nearby future, more data will be opened up since the RMI is a state owned company and thus should open it its data by default. (

39 Legislation
  • n/a #33  45% 45%
39 Legislation

Structure of laws / law books could be improved: most legislation is available in HTML, but it misses semantic markup. Jurisprudence can be searched / viewed in a flash-based application.

30 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #36  45% 45%
30 Pollutant Emissions

Air quality: (data from services embedded in HTML pages), licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND Radiation: (flash based) Since environment is a Other data probably fed to Unchanged since 2014.

20 Water Quality
  • n/a n/a 35%
20 Water Quality

I had two issues in my search for this data. 1. Water quality is a regional, not federal, matter. The global census prevents me to link to more than one source for the data, which is in this case hard to do.

  1. Lack of definition of the dataset. Is this about water surfaces? Of water ways or watercourses? Of also of lakes, the seashore, etc? Or is it about ground water? Potable water, sewage water,...

Data is very dispersed. The Walloon region has a good tool to search the quality of potable water in your street, with levels of hardness and chemicals. Flanders also has a seperate webpage with data on swimming water quality. In lakes, swimming pools and the sea. They also have extensive reports and different datasets on water quality of measuring on the OpenDataForum.

So although a lot is going on water quality data in our regional governments, there is no easy way of measuring this on a national scale.

31 Land Ownership
n/a vector ... n/a 30%
31 Land Ownership
Format: vector format (?)

CadGis is still more an online viewer, rather then it is a dataset. However it is a free service that shows the required information on a national level, except for the name of the owner. Due to this being private information.

The application is not openly licensed as it states that excerpts can only be used for private usage.

58 Company Register
n/a n/a #19  55% 15%
58 Company Register

Reviewer's comment: It appears that it is only possible to obtain companies data by inputting a search term of 9 or 10 characters into this free search engine: There is no other way to freely browse or obtain the data. I have been unable to find evidence of the data as described by the submitter below.

Submitter's comment: There are three ways to obtain this data. One is as an Open Data CSV file that is updated monthly and available for free after registration, in this dataset however you can only see the publicly available information about the companies. There is also a daily updated webservice where users pay 50 euro per 2000 queries. And there is a full xml catalogue, daily updated with more up-to-date information on the companies (current and stopped). For this you pay a license of 75000 euro per year.

As long as the basic way to obtain data is not open without needing to register, we cannot see this as open data under the open definition as defined on

8 Government Spending
n/a n/a #15  10% 10%
8 Government Spending has .xls and .pdf files of the periodic reporting to the EU, summary tables of the government spending in PDF and XLS + PDF files of the detailled government spending of 2015. There is also an indication of a comprehensive dataset that should according to its description contain all transactions:

61 Location datasets
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Location datasets

There is no geospatial link for the postcodes. All that's available is the postcodes themselves with corresponding place names on the Belgian Postal Office (bpost) which is partially owned by the Belgian government (privatised public office). ( Unchanged since review in 2014.



  • Pieter-Jan Pauwels
  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Neal Bastek
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Pieter-Jan Pauwels
  • Deraesara L
  • Bert Van Nuffelen
  • anonymous
  • Pieter Colpaert
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson