Open Knowledge

Brazil 61% open

Brazil is ranked #12 in the 2015 Index
Brazil's overall Index ranking is up from #26 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
1 National Statistics
  •, http://seriesestatisticas.ibge..., csv, ... #41  60% 100%
1 National Statistics
Format: csv, tsv, xls

Since 2009 the Brazilian Federal Institute for Geography and Statistics realizes regular research about economic activity on a monthly base. Data is available for different economic activities and per state. Every ten years the institute realizes a demographic census. Data can be accessed via online services:, is presented in time series: or can be downloaded:

Statistics are also provided by the federal Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), many of which are reproduced from another source. Some series are regularly updated, others are not. Licensing information is similar to CC-BY, allowing copying and reuse but requiring attibution. So it should be considered open. Data is not linkable to, as the machine-readable versions (csv or Excel) require clicking an "export" button on the interface, and there is no direct access URL for the files.

1 Legislation
  • metada ... #33  45% 100%
1 Legislation
Format: metada XML, law-documents in HTML and PDF

The LexML is a (governmental) "voluntary initiative", not an robot (like google) neither an "obligation", but is complete about Federal law, statutes and judgments.

LexML collection of legal metadata have only links to documents, today is not a full-text repository. This metadata includes official links (in general HTML converted-publication) and link to the Official Gazette (original online PDF).

There are no "oficial license", only "inferred license", based on official position about it (copyright law interpretation).

About "machine readable": the metadata is machine readable in XML via the web service, but the legal content in the links is HTML, with no semantic markup or structural conformity. Machine readability in this context is assumed to be referring to legislation metadata, not the legal content itself.

There are ~260000 documents described in metadata repository of Federal law, it is available in bulk. The URL and documentation is available at LexML's dataset page in the Senate's open data catalog.

About "timely and up to date basis": have all (precise) metadata, but "up to date" is not a precise criteria for enacting authorities – they are the metadata publishers.

More details: LexML sommary, Wikipedia's description

Credits due to Peter Krauss for submitting most of this information. Some further additions by Carlos Melo and Augusto Herrmann.

1 Election Results
  • csv #22  70% 100%
1 Election Results
Format: csv

The repository of election data is available since 1945. There is no license available on the website. An introductory text explains that data can be freely used by researchers and citizens but no reference is made to open data. Also on the Open Data Catalogue ( no license is specified. Data is not timely on the Open Data Catalogue but on the primary source (website of Tribunal Superior Eleitoral).

2015 - The result can be exported to CSV from the commission's website.

comment of reviewer

About Openly licensed, in Brazil there are no explicit licence for governamental products, is rare and there are no tradition about this kindo of notice in a document. The link illustrates the inferred licence of law-documents, and similar inference must be done for elections datasets.

16 Procurement tenders
  • csv, ... n/a 80%
16 Procurement tenders
Format: csv, xml, json

Has data on tenders, participants, suppliers, contracts, bids, values, etc. Available as a RESTful open data API. Possible to browse data in html format as well. Sources: Sistema Integrado de Administração e Serviços Gerais (SIASG), SICAF (suppliers registry), CatMat (material types catalog), CatSer (service types catalog) and Comprasnet (online tender bidding system).

Does not qualify the minimum criteria because the data us not up-to-date (last update: January 2015).

3 Government Spending
  • CSV #3  70% 70%
3 Government Spending
Format: CSV

Data till 2011 is published on the open data catalogue

More recent data can be downloaded also from the Transparency Portal: as bulk download per month (the size of each file is so big that this can be regarded as bulk download)

Neither the Transparency Portal nor the Open Data Catalogue specify the license of the data, Example:

Data on a certain type of spending (funds voluntarily transferred from federal to other levels of government or from federal government to non-profit organizations) is available on an open data RESTful API, updated daily: . It is openly licensed. However, a bulk download is available only for an outdated version of the data.

25 Government Budget
https://www1.siop.planejamento... .rdf #1  100% 70%
25 Government Budget
Format: .rdf

Data is also published on the website of the Brazilian planning Ministry: But links are broken. In June 2014 the Brazilian government published all budget data as .rdf data on the Open Data Catalogue

Review- 2015 - The file is not updated on the CKAN portal. It can be found in this link - There is no license attached to this source.

21 National Map
  • shape ... #20  70% 60%
21 National Map
Format: shape files, .prf, .mdb

There is a machine-readable 1:250.000-scale vectorial map data suitable for ingestion in digital map-making systems (GIS), which includes administrative boundaries, water bodies, transportation infrastructure, energy and communication, etc. There are several other map products, at scales both greater and smaller that the above one. The licensing is unclear on the website of IBGE. As no clear license is available it has been evaluated as "not openly licensed". Also, proprietary formats are used to publish data. However, data is claimed to be public domain on Open Street Map, see

Evidence from the server where the files are hosted suggest that these maps are from 2013, in which case they are not being regularly updated (the criteria for it is to be updated at least once a year).

5 Land Ownership
http://acervofundiario.incra.g... shapefile n/a 60%
5 Land Ownership
Format: shapefile

The information above covers only rural land; urban properties do not have a centralized archive and varies widely for different cities, towns, and municipalities. Bulk download available via menu item, or directly at Unclear legal status -- no licensing claimed.

28 Weather forecast
  • n/a n/a 45%
28 Weather forecast

Weather forecast for the next 5 days is only available in non-machine-readable websites, both by Inmet and INPE:

Both have temperature and wind information but not precipitation forecasts.

Historical data is made available by Inmet in two separate ways:

  1. Historical data on temperature, wind and precipitation. Said to be updated daily. Data sits behind user registration and access control.

  2. Historical data on temperature, wind and precipitation from automatic weather stations. Updated hourly. Available in CSV but users have to fill in a captcha.

18 Water Quality
  • n/a n/a 45%
18 Water Quality

Data is outdated as this is a report from the year 2004.

Other potential but unusable sources: (link is broken) (has only methodological information, but no measurements) (has no pollutant data)

30 Pollutant Emissions
  • .xls #51  35% 45%
30 Pollutant Emissions
Format: .xls

The Brazilian Federal Institute for Geography and Statistics - IBGE produced time series between 1992 and 2009/2010 referring to the air pollution in metropolitan areas. However, these data is not being updated anymore. The data does only cover some Brazilian cities. Additionally to this the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais publishes green house effects based on changes to land coverage in Amazon region: Apart from this data on air quality falls under the authority of the state government. It is provided for the state of São Paulo here: The evaluation was made for the air quality data of São Paulo. No (daily) microdata is provided but the report shows a lot of details on the data collection and data for each point of measurement although aggregated over the year.

A national level report with data for the following metropolitan regions.

  • Distrito Federal
  • Vitória
  • Belo Horizonte
  • Curitiba
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Salvador
  • Porto Alegre
  • São Paulo
  • Santos
  • Campinas

It contais measurements for PM, SOx, NOx and CO, but not VOCs. Report produced in 2013.

Some state-level environment agencies do have more up to date reports, for instance

Distrito Federal:

None of these do measure Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), however.

Air Quality:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Particulate matter (PM) Levels

58 Company Register
n/a n/a #26  45% 15%
58 Company Register

Access to company data in Brazil - on a federal level - is very limited. In order to access data, one needs to know the identification number of the company. There is no service where people can search for the identification number if they only know the name. On a state level every state has a company registration agency that maintains company data. Data for the state of São Paulo is available here:

There is also a dataset of the government supplier registry that can be queried by name, has the legal name and identifier as well as addresses of companies. However, it is not updated regularly. Last update: January 2015. Companies that have never either laid bids for procurement with the government (mandatory) or just registered themselves (voluntarily) are not listed. Not available in bulk but is openly licensed.

61 Location datasets
http://www.buscacep.correios.c... free ... #57  0% 0%
61 Location datasets
Format: free webservice (JSON, etc.) for individual items, copyrighted (must pay) database as both, .mdb and .txt

The Brazilian postcode is named CEP. It is an hierarchical code with 8 digits. The partial 5-digit CEP have map and polygonal representation, but full 8-digit CEP not (it is used today as a logistic non-spatial information), is only a street segment attribute.

Individual CEPs are supplied free, but a full-copy of all CEPs aren't free (not available in bulk)... The access to database queries is free as Internet-webservice: CEP-to-address, and address-to-CEP, human and machine resolution services... So this is a cause of ambiguity in this form: CEP is individually free, but must pay to access on bulk.

The CEP, as a postcode-list, is copyrighted and sold by the public company "Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos - Correios" (Brazilian mail service). It is a non-spatial database, with no coordinates in the dataset:

The postcode copyright monopoly by Correios company exist since 1978, with the Federal Law 6538.



  • Georg Neumann
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Neal Bastek
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Daniela Mattern
  • Rodrigo Brito
  • Augusto Herrmann
  • Peter Krauss
  • anonymous
  • Everton Zanella Alvarenga
  • Felipe G. Nievinski
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson