Open Knowledge

Egypt / 2014 25% open

Egypt is ranked #81 in the 2014 Index
Egypt's overall Index ranking is down from #51 in 2013

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
15 Government Spending
n/a n/a #18  30% 10%
15 Government Spending

The Ministry of Finance publishes yearly and quarterly briefs. The data is available online through PDFs. The Central Bank of Egypt also publishes outdated data (see here for example:

The data published by the Ministry of Finance is published as part of a report, and you have to read the report and/or search for the data tables in there and there they exist only as aggregated data, not transactional spending data. As stated earlier, data is in PDF format, and there is no API for real-time data.

Example reports [in Arabic]:

In the above report, the actual spending for last year (2013/2014) is still not available as of November 2014.

22 Election Results
  • Excel ... #30  60% 70%
22 Election Results
Format: Excel and CSV

Election data is published by the High Election Commission. Older election results are available in separate subdomains accessible from a dropdown list on the upper left hand corner of the website. All data is licensed under restrictive terms (data belongs to the High Election Commission).

47 Transport Timetables
  • n/a #13  45% 35%
47 Transport Timetables

The trains time schedule is available online on the website of the Egyptian National Railways Authority. You can only search with specific data and start/stop stations, no way to download data in bulk. The search boxed are not user friendly.

In addition to trains, timetable for buses going from one city to the other are available on the website of the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport:

Cairo International Airport flights timetable are available here: (Cairo Airport and the EgyptAir companies are government-owned).

Final reviewer: On none of the websites a clear mention of update procedure was identified. Thus, it is unknown whether the information provided is released on a timely and up-to-date basis. The three websites carry a 'copyright' mention at the bottom: the information is thus the property of the respective institution. Lastly, as the data is solely queriable through a web-based interface, it is admitted that the data is not provided in a machine-readable format; there is no way to easily download the whole dataset, therefore data is not available for download in bulk.

57 Location datasets
  • n/a #37  30% 0%
57 Location datasets

The website of the postal service has details about the location of postal offices, but does not provide any details on postal codes and their correspondence geospatial locations. It is suspected that Egypt does not use an address system that links postal addresses to physical locations.

59 Government Budget
  • n/a #36  45% 45%
59 Government Budget

The Egyptian financial year starts in the beginning of July each year, thus this is the budget for the period between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015. The budget is available in a PDF format.

Final reviewer: the data was marked as unavailable in bulk as it is solely provided as a single PDF. This is not exactly 'dataset available in bulk'.

67 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a #51  10% 15%
67 Pollutant Emissions

This page provides information on the air quality for today and the next 2 days. Nothing more, no historical data and only to one index and that's atmospheric particulate matter (PM10).

Final reviewer: this indicator has been judged on the basis of the webpage provided. Thus, the data seems to exist albeit at a very general level. It is unclear how it is gathered and managed nor what criteria need to be satisfied for the data to be provided. Yet, from the static page, it come outs that this very general information is provided on a timely basis (for a review done on 28 November, the latest data was for 27 Nov).

75 National Map
  • n/a #57  0% 5%
75 National Map

Map for Egypt governorates, villages and districts. Historic maps are also available. All maps are available for purchause upon request to the dedicated Authority. [No changes from 2013]

Final reviewer: I am unable to respond to most of the questions in a more precise way since the website is down at the time of review (28 November 2014). Yet, if the data is available for purchase, then the data exists (thus, 'unsure' -> 'yes'), is not available for free (thus, 'unsure' -> 'no') and is not openly licensed (thus, 'unsure' -> 'no').

82 National Statistics
  • n/a #38  55% 35%
82 National Statistics

The CAPMAS (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics) is the national authority responsible for collecting, curating and releasing the country's data on demographics, wages, agriculture, tourism, etc. The website and the data are available in Arabic and English.

Majority of are in PDF format, but some others are in XLS. There are also some broken links on the website.

Final reviewer: The majority of information is available as PDF embedded in a flash reader. The data overall is available in a non-readable format and is not available in bulk. Yet these criteria were marked as 'unsure' since one can filter and download quite some data through the CensusInfo database, incl. in a machine-readable format.

Regarding the timeliness of data, it is marked as outdated: and are the CAPMAS database; they seem to provided data from either 1980 or 2012 (unclear). Indeed, some summary numbers are provided for 2014 (e.g., Lastly, it is unknown what the release mechanism is and how often the data is updated.

85 Legislation
n/a PDF #51  35% 30%
85 Legislation
Format: PDF

The website for the Egyptian Government Services Portal ( ) has a handful of laws available for download, but there is no apparent way for accessing all the laws in Egypt.

Final reviewer: the data exists, its online publication just suffers various issues. As aforementioned, the Govt Services Portal hosts few legal texts; the Egyptian Legislative and Jurisprudence Database (, an initiave by the Ministry of Justice, hosts a chunk of legislation and jurisprudence texts. The data was marked as publicly available because these websites are accessible by anyone. Since it is difficult to appreciate what proportion of the data is availble online, the respective indicator was marked as 'unsure'. Lastly, the Official Gazette does not seem to publish legal texts online (

86 Company Register
n/a n/a #62  0% 0%
86 Company Register

No changes from 2013.



  • Rayna St
  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Riyadh Al-Balushi
  • Neal Bastek
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Rayna St
  • Sadeek Hasna
  • Tarek Amr
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Riyadh Al-Balushi
  • anonymous
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson