Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2014) | Score |
8 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://www3.epa.gov/airdata/ | CSV | n/a | 70% | |
URL: http://www3.epa.gov/airdata/ Format: CSV The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States montier the data of air Pollutants in in the same site with the USA data from the USA Another site of the epa only for pm vale http://www3.epa.gov/airtrends/pm.html i didnt see VOCs measurement but i think it shold be in NATTS (National Air Toxics Trends Stations) that dont look to work in this time |
62 | National Statistics |
http://www.mercadolaboral.pr.g... | n/a | n/a | 55% | |
URL: http://www.mercadolaboral.pr.gov/ Annual GDP is available from Junta de Planificación de Puerto Rico / Puerto Rico Planning Board: http://www.jp.pr.gov/portal_jp/ActividadEconómicaEconomicActivity/Apéndice/tabid/184/Default.aspx Monthly Unemployment Rate is available from Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos de Puerto Rico / Puerto Rico Departament of Labor and Human Resources: http://www.mercadolaboral.pr.gov/ Annual Population Estimate is available from the U.S. Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov/popest/index.html |
49 | Government Budget |
http://www.presupuesto.pr.gov/... | n/a | n/a | 55% | |
URL: http://www.presupuesto.pr.gov/ Budget information is updated and published annually on this website as part of the regular budgetary process. The Executive presents a budget recommendation on this website (between March and May of every year), and after Legislative review and approval of the budget, the website is updated with the final approved budget numbers by the end of June, for the Fiscal Year that begins on July 1st. Reviewer's note: Data is PDF. Could not find a machine readable version of the data. License suggest that the data is copyright of the government of Puerto Rico. |
9 | Land Ownership |
http://www.satasgis.crimpr.net... | vector ... | n/a | n/a | 50% |
36 | Procurement tenders |
http://www2.pr.gov/subasta/Pag... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
URL: http://www2.pr.gov/subasta/Pages/subastas.aspx The Administración de Asuntos generales has a link to this website http://www2.pr.gov/subasta/Pages/subastas.aspx , the unique registry for auctions; you can search for auction information by auction number, awarding agency, or contract type. For closed auctions, this link does not include who the contract was awarded to or the value of the award. The Administración de Asuntos Generales, has a separate registry of awarded contracts, which includes the scanned original contracts-- these contracts include auction number, amount awarded, etc: http://www.asg.pr.gov/Compras-y-Suministros/Contratos The information is there, but it is not easy to match. |
39 | Legislation |
http://www.oslpr.org/v2/leyesp... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
URL: http://www.oslpr.org/v2/leyespuertorico.aspx The site is continuously updated. QA reviewer - Bills are available in Spanish and English. There is a copyright notice on the website's terms of use. Lastly, the bills available in PDF and Word format, and are not machine readable. |
21 | Company Register |
https://prcorpfiling.f1hst.com... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
URL: https://prcorpfiling.f1hst.com/CorporationSearch.aspx The Corporate Registry is continually updated. It can be browsed by submitting a blank search term, though the search is limited to 250 results at a time. |
60 | Weather forecast |
http://www.weather.gov/ | n/a | n/a | n/a | 35% |
20 | Water Quality |
http://www2.pr.gov/agencias/jc... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 35% |
45 | National Map |
http://www.jp.pr.gov/portal_jp... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 35% |
78 | Election Results |
http://ceepur.org/es-pr/Webmas... | n/a | n/a | 30% | |
URL: http://ceepur.org/es-pr/Webmaster/Paginas/Eventos-Electorales.aspx Electoral results are published right away on the website of the Comision Estatal de Elecciones. |
99 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is an up to date contract database at the Office of the Comptroller's website and at data.pr.gov, but no detailed records of spending at a detailed transactional level. According to a note around the auditing of the government's fiscal statements the government has failed to produce the data for the last fiscal year. Therefore it seems that the data does not exist. |
61 | Location datasets |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Puerto Rico follows the United States of America postal system. Its state code is PR and its postal codes range from 00601 to 00799 and from 00901 to 00999. Official available geodata has not been discovered on the governmental official portal [http://www2.pr.gov/agencias/gis/descargaGeodatos/Pages/default.aspx]. Boundaries are here- http://www2.pr.gov/agencias/gis/descargaGeodatos/Delimitaciones/Pages/Limites-legales.aspx [Data is not open - see terms of use here - http://www2.pr.gov/Pages/NormasdeUso.aspx, shapefile format] Post codes dataset available from GeoData http://www.geopostcodes.com/goto_Puerto_Rico, at charge. |
- Georg Neumann
- Gil Zaretzer
- Kamil Gregor
- Neal Bastek
- Mor Rubinstein
- Zach Christensen
- Nisha Thompson
- yar michl
- Rebecca Sentance
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Codrina Maria Ilie
- Mor Rubinstein
- anonymous
- Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico