Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2014) | Score |
8 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | #15 10% | 10% | |
There is a aggregate spending data that are publicly available online as pdf documents. The detailed data can be accessed by request for free. |
15 | National Map |
http://www.basegeo.gouv.sn/-Do... | shp,kml ... | #34 50% | 70% | |
URL: http://www.basegeo.gouv.sn/-Donnees-vectorielles-au-1-100-0000-.html Format: shp,kml,svg The National Agency for Spatial Planning with the collaboration of IT agency of the State, have launched a geodata portal and allow users to download the data in machine readable format. there was trying to apply opn data principles, but there are no license and the legal mentions do not clarify the user right to reuse the data. |
20 | Election Results |
http://cour-appel-dakar.sn/?p=... | xls | #79 35% | 70% | |
URL: http://cour-appel-dakar.sn/?p=544 Format: xls Some of the published results are in pdf format and others in excel. But the court of appeal said that when requested, excel format data can be given. |
33 | Company Register |
http://creationdentreprise.sn/... | n/a | #50 35% | 35% | |
URL: http://creationdentreprise.sn/rechercher-une-societe The office that published the companies register (BCE) helps entrepreneurs establish their companies. It has a database of all established companies that can be searched through, or alternatively browsed beneath the search engine. You can click each company name to view more details. |
36 | Procurement tenders |
http://www.marchespublics.sn/i... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
URL: http://www.marchespublics.sn/index.php?option=com_attribution&task=listeavisattribution&Itemid=203 The procurement tenders are made available for public on a dedicated website. User can query and download data for free. Bulk download is only available as PDF. |
39 | Legislation |
http://www.gouv.sn/-Lois-et-re... | n/a | #33 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.gouv.sn/-Lois-et-reglements-.html The laws registre is made available on the website of the government. All the data can be queried and downloaded |
53 | Land Ownership |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
According to this article from the government website, cadastre data does exist and in digital form, but I could not find a version of it in the web and publicly available. According to this webpage, cadastre can be purchased in paper copy. |
53 | Location datasets |
n/a | n/a | #57 0% | 5% | |
The government have published information about the data on their website (1). And it is said that the machine readable data can be requested |
54 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://www.air-dakar.org/bulle... | n/a | #51 35% | 35% | |
URL: http://www.air-dakar.org/bulletins/bulletins-mensuels.html The government have adopted a standard(1) related to the atmospheric pollution surveillance, and that standard precise that the mesures will be done by quaterly. But there is no evidence that the mesures are effectively done. For the city of dakar, there is a website where polluttants data are published(2). 1. http://www.denv.gouv.sn/index.php?option=com_joomdoc&task=doc_download&gid=27&Itemid=59 2. http://www.air-dakar.org/images/pdf/bulletins/bulletin_dec_2014.pdf add by Reviewer 3.it now seem the data is Measured the last data is from 02 octobre 2015 its stil not Is provided on a timely and up to date basis of a week 4,and the Detailled readings, for each pollutants and expressed in mg/m3 is not available. Instead, only 4 levels are provided (good, moderate, unhealyhy and very unhealthy) without much information about the dominent pollutants and thresholds. http://aqicn.org/country/senegal/ also it seem the data is only for the city of dakar |
74 | Water Quality |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
75 | Government Budget |
http://www.dpee.sn/ | n/a | #59 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.dpee.sn/ According to Genova, no change from 2014. |
76 | National Statistics |
http://www.ansd.sn | #57 55% | 45% | ||
URL: http://www.ansd.sn Format: PDF The data is accessible here. Population figures last updated for 2013. |
80 | Weather forecast |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
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