Open Knowledge

Morocco 26% open

Morocco is ranked #76 in the 2015 Index
Morocco's overall Index ranking is up from #79 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
1 Location datasets
  • Excel #17  50% 100%
1 Location datasets
Format: Excel

36 Procurement tenders
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
39 Legislation
  • n/a #68  35% 45%
39 Legislation

In addition to last year's comment, the Morocco official Gazette publishes the legalisations, and it seems to be updated

Previous year's comment: The General Secretariat of the Govt has several texts of existing/promulgated laws (The Constitution, Financial and Budget laws, Labour law, Family law, etc.) and many more of draft bills ("Projets de textes diffusés aux membres du gouvernement", ).

I was not able to identify such documentation on the Ministry of Justice website ( ), yet the ADALA ( database seems to be the focal point where legislation content is published.

The legislative documents do not seem published on a timely basis: many of the recently adopted laws are not featured on any of these websites. This is for ex. the case for the widely discussed "rape law" (the Penal Code provision which used to allow the aggressor to marry the victim in order to avoid jail sentence) which was amended in January 2014 (

20 Water Quality
  • n/a n/a 35%
20 Water Quality

URL licence

87 National Statistics
  • n/a #82  35% 35%
87 National Statistics

Unemployment rate is here, but no updates since last year (2014)

The population is published here

However it is mainly projections based on the results of the census of 2004 and 2009/2010. No traces of more recent census.

We found more updated version for the population on the Open Data portal in XLS format (for 2014)

We found GDP data here, but not up to date

The question about licensing is tricky to answer: when it boils down to the HCP, the data and content it provides are property of the institution. The Open Data portal has an unclear status: each dataset here is individually licensed under the ODbL yet the website itself and all its content are copyrighted by the eGov unit ( has no indication whatsoever on its 'License' page: Thus, the copyright mention has priority and the data is considered non-open.

45 National Map
  • n/a #75  5% 35%
45 National Map

Updating previous submission by Chadi, changing the "machine readable" question to No, as maps are in PDF format

48 Land Ownership
n/a n/a n/a n/a 15%
58 Company Register
n/a n/a #62  25% 15%
58 Company Register

Data is not really shared : at (the e-service side of OMPIC), there is a form to fill (web-based query) where to enter the search criteria. ( Only very limited information on each company is given; for any further detail, the visitor needs to pay. The pricing policy is available here: (PDF, in French).

105 Government Budget
n/a n/a #56  50% 10%
105 Government Budget

There is an old data for 2012-2013 in the open data portal:

However, it does not have detailed expenditure for sub-departments. It seems like the data does exist but its not available.

82 Government Spending
n/a n/a #15  10% 5%
82 Government Spending

Transactional data is not available. Audit report publication on IBP's Open Budget Survey indicates that the data exists.

80 Weather forecast
n/a n/a n/a 0%
80 Weather forecast

Maroc Meteo ( provides forecast for only 2 days, with only min/max temperature (, no wind speed or precipitation available.

Data is available for purchase but it is unclear what is provided (

This website ( does provide 5 days forecast with temperature, wind speed and precipitation, though it is not an official governmental website, and it is not clear where it gets its data from.

79 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a #73  0% 0%
79 Pollutant Emissions

Maroc Meteo (marocmeteo.m), has air quality measurements in this page (, you can see the forecast for the current day, and two days ahead, and measurements for previous dates; all shown on a map and you need to hover to get the values (not machine readable). The following pollutants are being measured, PM10, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone and IQA (Air Quality Index), which according to this ( includes the aforementioned pollutants. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs, e.g. Chemicals containing hydrogen (H), carbon (C) and possibly other elements, that evaporate easily, Organic Carbon and Aerosol) and Carbon monoxide (CO) are not measured/reported.

Previous year's comment below: The agencies responsible for this data are The High Commissioner for Water, Forests and Desertification Control and the Ministry of Environment. No data exists at all. The rare details in reports are all non machine-readable (PDFs or static webpage with a chart as JPG or PNG). They do not appear to be up-to-date. Lastly, the reports are not openly licensed (instead, they are property of the institutions that publish them).

87 Election Results
n/a n/a #85  5% 0%
87 Election Results

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for this information and for the collection of this data. This website is run by them,, though it in the results pages (example, and we could only find names for winners, MP's, breakdown of seats per political parties, and percentage of participation of voters. We, however, could not find number of registered voters per polling station, number for participation, invalid and spoiled votes. We were not able to access the Moroccan Open Data portal,, during this reviewing process to check if such missing data is available there. We thus, will mark the existance of this dataset as unsure

Previous year's review below: The Ministry of Interior is responsible for this information and for the collection of this data. It has no website (yet ?). Also, the Ministry of Interior is not a producer of Data at the Open Data portal ( The Ministry of Interior thus collects data but does not share it, neither on the ma nor elsewhere.

No data exists online at all. The conditions according to which the data may be released are unknown. It is unknown how the data is handled. Thus, questions about pricing policy and timeliness have been marked 'Unsure' to reflect this reality.



  • Rayna St
  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • Stephen Gates
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Rayna St
  • azeddine zroura
  • Chadi Nanaa
  • Tarek Amr
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • anonymous
  • Anass Beddi