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Cameroon 25% open

Cameroon is ranked #78 in the 2015 Index
Cameroon's overall Index ranking is up from #84 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
48 National Statistics
http://www.statistics-cameroon... CSV, ... #41  60% 60%
48 National Statistics

The National Institute of Statistics has some information that is regularly updated like inflation rate, economic growth, GDP and other economics indicators. But population data are not regularly updated (not once a year).

See also the data portal here.

49 Government Budget
  • n/a #87  35% 55%
49 Government Budget

Cameroon Budget is voted every year as per de law and it is made available to Citizens through several means. Since 2013, Cameroon is moving from line item budget to program budgeting, so the Cameroon budget is presented by program for each ministry.

36 Procurement tenders
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Procurement tenders

The Ministry of public contracts published on its website all the contracts awarded ( The Public Contract Regulatory Agency publishes regularly a Public Contract Journal, on a monthly basis including call for tenders and results of the calls (

The Ministry of public contracts has just build an eProcurement platform that will be launched as soon as January 1st 2016. Testing and training are underway. The goal will be to provide procurement datasets for all public contracts processes in Cameroon.

39 Legislation
  • n/a #68  35% 45%
39 Legislation

Laws and regulations are published in various websites...

Prime Minister's Office Very outdated

National Assembly This is very outdated

Presidency of the Republic This is the most updated as it is easy to see that last laws published are from September. Even last speeches of the President of the Republic is online. That's why I think the last question of this survey deserves a YES.

45 Election Results
  • n/a #85  5% 45%
45 Election Results

Those data are not available from the 2 entities in charge of the elections process in Cameroon.

Elections Cameroon

Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization

45 National Map
n/a n/a #48  35% 35%
45 National Map

The most complete, detailed and up-to-date maps in Cameroon have to be found at the National Institute of Cartography.

It is a public body in charge of conception and construction of map, either administrative map, road map, topographic map or geodesic map. It is also in charge of handling the production specific map according to anyone purpose or goal. It may be a map or a monograph for a specific locality, for a council, etc. with any type of information one might need.

But the problem is that they charge a fee for accessing maps. All their maps are up-to-date.

40 Location datasets
n/a n/a #57  0% 20%
40 Location datasets

There is no national zipcode system in use in Cameroon. The Government has a project with the African Development Bank to build such a database for 2015 year. But there is data of the national administrative boundaries, produced by the National Institute of Cartography. This institute produces even guides for regions, cities and villages. But these guides aren't free of charge.

46 Water Quality
n/a n/a n/a 10%
46 Water Quality

La Camerounaise Des Eaux is a public utility in charge of water production and distribution to citizens in Cameroon. Data resulting from the analysis of water quality it undertakes, is not available to the public. It describes in its website the battery of analysis done periodically to assess if water quality matches regulations and norms, but no information on their findings is published;

There are many official (Centre Pasteur du Cameroun) and private laboratories that undertake regularly analysis of water quality for various goals... but regularity is not given and results are not systematically published.

8 Government Spending
n/a n/a #15  10% 10%
8 Government Spending

Government spendings reports are still published at end of the following year pending auditing by the Audit bench of the supreme court and the vote by the legislature.

2014 budget spending report is not yet available when 2013 spendings report was released in December 2014 ( This is why we have so many "No" in this survey. To access the spending data, the requester must write to the minister

66 Land Ownership
n/a n/a n/a 5%
66 Land Ownership

The Ministry of Domains, Cadaster and Land affairs doesn't have a working website. Land ownership is Cameroon has been so far a very serious problem due to ill management, generating resentment between citizens, loss of confidence in land titles, various losses to land owners. A research report from African Development Bank noticed that anyone need a 2 to 7 years period to acquire a land title in Cameroon. The Ministry website is not working at the time of this survey.

So there is project going on launched (PAMOCCA) with ADB support to streamline the process for land ownership, computerizing existing documents, building a unique geodesical database, publishing cadaster data online, etc.

80 Weather forecast
n/a n/a n/a 0%
80 Weather forecast

In principle, Cameroon has an institution in charge of collecting, processing and publishing weather forecast data : The Direction of National Meteorology of the Ministry of Transport.

The website of this direction has not been updated since 2012 :

This is why I choose to indicate that, from this official source, weather forecast data in non-existant, even though our national broascasting TV (Cameroon Radio and Television - CRTV) has a daily weather service. It is easy to understand that these data come from other non-official sources.

The same CRTV annouced in February 2015 that the Government has signed a contract with a Moroccan consortium to offer weather forecast service in Cameroon.

79 Pollutant Emissions
n/a n/a #73  0% 0%
79 Pollutant Emissions

Link to data portal of the ministry of environment:

Comment: “Data on environment are not available from the Ministry of environment. Few years ago The Cameroon’s National Institute of Statistics did a study on the pollution of surface and ground water in Yaoundé and its impact on population health.. (this study is not available).”

84 Company Register
http://www.statistics-cameroon... n/a #26  45% 0%
84 Company Register

At the Cameroon National Institute of Statistics, this information is organized for investors and this might explain why it is so incomplete. It concerns only companies having a turnover over 100 millions per year (Official source) Source :

Mining companies are to be found elsewhere, especially in the EITI-Cameroon website (Official source). Source :

Oil companies are to be found in another link in the same EITI-Cameroon website (Official source)

The Chamber for commerce, industry, mining and craft (CCIMA) is responsible for the collection and diffusion of information on companies in Cameroon (1). The eRegulation service maintained by the Ministry of SMEs, Solidarity Economy and Crafts (MINPMEESA) offers information for registration for specific councils but there is no centralized process yet (2). A project on the creation of a central database was mentioned in a 2009 report but there is no evidence such an exhaustive register is operational (3). Finally, the Statistics Institute conducted a Census of Companies in 2009 but it does not provide the list of the companies, the results provided are only about statistics on these companies (4).

(1) CCIMA, Accessed on 2014-07-03 (Official source) (2) Cameroon eRegulations, Accessed on 2014-07-03 (Official source) (3) Observatoire Economique et Statistique d'Afrique Subsaharienne, Atelier sur le traitement des statistiques d'entreprises, February 2009, Accessed on 2014-07-03 (4) INS Cameroun, Recensement Général des Entreprises (RGE2009), Accessed on 2014-09-09" (Official source)

Status: "There are some lists of companies that are shared but these lists are not complete at all. The Chamber for commerce, industry, mining and craft (CCIMA) maintains a database on industrial companies in the country. The database only have 63 companies registered though, on a voluntary basis. It is possible to export the data in Excel file (1). The CCIMA also provides another listing on its website (1) but there are less than 400 companies available and there is no possibility to export the data easily.

(1) Base de données sur les entreprises industrielles du Cameroun (CCIMA), (2) CCIMA, Annuaire des entreprises du Cameroun,



  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Katelyn Rogers
  • Stephen Gates
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Idriss TINTO
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson


  • Katelyn Rogers
  • Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
  • anonymous
  • Nick Ingalls
  • Jean Brice TETKA
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson