Open Knowledge

China 18% open

China is ranked #93 in the 2015 Index
China's overall Index ranking is down from #58 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
49 Government Budget
  • n/a #43  55% 55%
49 Government Budget

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for publishing the central government's annual budget. Each central ministries and agencies is responsible for publishing own annual budget. For instance, the Ministry of Education's budget is here, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's budget is here

36 Procurement tenders
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Procurement tenders

The is the central information portal publishing tender and award information at both national and local level.

For tender, you can find all national tender information here:

For award, you can find all national award information here:

data are available in HTML table. Some data such as the name of the supplier is available in a word document.

39 Legislation
  • n/a #25  55% 45%
39 Legislation

nothing changed in 2015

30 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #33  55% 45%
30 Pollutant Emissions

The China National Environment Monitoring Center is responsible for gathering and publishing the national-wide air pollutant emission data. Currently All major cities have own monitoring sites and the data are collected and published by the center. Data collected include:

Particulate matter (PM) Levels Sulphur oxides (SOx) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Carbon monoxide (CO)

The data is updated several times per day. No VOC data is available though.

33 Company Register
  • n/a #26  45% 35%
33 Company Register

Database can be browsed by submitting a blank search query (though only from this page:, but only 10 results display at a time. The limit to the number of results displayed is a severe logistical limitation to using the database.

The data available at national level might not include certain companies which are registered at city/province level.

There is also a browseable government list of enterprises available here: though it is unclear how comprehensive it is.

82 Government Spending
n/a n/a #84  0% 5%
82 Government Spending

According to the IBP's Open Budget Survey China publishes the year end and audit reports which indicates the data exists. The Open Budget Library has a 2012 audit report so the data does not seem to be fully digital.

88 National Map
n/a n/a #75  5% 5%
88 National Map

State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping is responsible for map data. The agency only provides low resolution online (max 1: 4 000 000) in JPG or EPS format (1).


(1) Accessed on 2014-10-16

Nothing changed in 2015

66 Land Ownership
n/a n/a n/a 5%
66 Land Ownership

All lands are owned by the government but the land use right can be sold to other bodies.

The website publishes all information regarding the tender and award of land use right. The website provides information on land size but it does not provide detailed information on land boarders.

The information on land boarders can only be obtained in paper form from the local government office and the local government has its own criteria on who can obtain such document (e.g. whether you are a legal person of a company who will bid for the land use right)

80 Weather forecast
n/a n/a n/a 0%
80 Weather forecast

No 5 days forecast exists in China

74 Water Quality
n/a n/a n/a 0%
74 Water Quality

The water quality data is currently not published at the national level. Besides, the current regulation only requires the Environment agency monitor and collect data on a monthly (at least) basis. So it does not meet the minimum criteria of the index

106 National Statistics
n/a n/a #41  60% 0%
106 National Statistics is the data portal managed by the National Statistics Bureau.

It provides: 1. Quarterly and Yearly GDP for the whole country 2. Yearly Unemployment statistics 3. Yearly population data

However, based upon the new minimum criteria set by index (2015 version), that means China does not have the right statistic data opened up by the government.

61 Location datasets
n/a n/a #18  45% 0%
61 Location datasets

No single data source meets the minimum criteria set by index (2015 version)

87 Election Results
n/a n/a #89  0% 0%
87 Election Results

nothing changed in 2015



  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Neal Bastek
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • anonymous