Rank | Dataset | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2014) | Score |
1 | National Statistics |
http://www.abs.gov.au | xls | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: http://www.abs.gov.au Format: xls Location of census minimum criteria datasets:
Unless otherwise noted, all material on this website – except the ABS logo, the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, and any material protected by a trade mark – is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence. Read the Copyright page for information on attribution and exceptions. |
1 | Procurement tenders |
http://data.gov.au/dataset/aus... | Excel | n/a | 100% | |
URL: http://data.gov.au/dataset/austender-contract-notice-export Format: Excel All metadata available from the dataset at http://data.gov.au/dataset/austender-contract-notice-export. This dataset lists the weekly contract notice updates but also links to historical contract data back to 1999. |
1 | National Map |
https://www.ga.gov.au/products... | wms | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: https://www.ga.gov.au/products/servlet/controller?event=FILE_SELECTION&catno=63999 Format: wms 1:250 000 scale Topographic vector data is also downloadable in full https://www.ga.gov.au/products/servlet/controller?event=FILE_SELECTION&catno=63999 One of the first government organisations to adopt open licencing, specifically Creative Commons. http://www.ga.gov.au/copyright.html Also provides WMS API http://www.ga.gov.au/mapconnect/wms.jsp |
1 | Election Results |
http://results.aec.gov.au/ | CSV, XML | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: http://results.aec.gov.au/ Format: CSV, XML Data only became openly licenced on the 1st of February 2012 because it was the first disclosure date of political donations after Creative Commons Attribution became the default licence of PSI for the Commonwealth of Australia. This led to statement informing users that all other data from the electoral commission being licenced openly: http://www.aec.gov.au/footer/copyright.htm Otherwise, machine readable data (CSV overviews and XML for finest granularity) is provided minute-by-minute on election dates for media organisations to use in their reporting and now this access is provided to citizens. |
1 | Company Register |
http://data.gov.au/dataset/asi... | CSV, MDB | #11 70% | 100% | |
URL: http://data.gov.au/dataset/asic-companies-register Format: CSV, MDB Basic registered company data is published monthly to the Federal open data catalogue, where it can be used in bulk or via API. There is also a dataset for the Australian Business Register at http://data.gov.au/dataset/abn-bulk-extract Includes:
Does not include company address. |
1 | Government Budget |
http://data.gov.au/dataset/bud... | CSV, XLSX | #1 100% | 100% | |
URL: http://data.gov.au/dataset/budget-2015-16-tables-and-data Format: CSV, XLSX Data from the 2015-16 Budget are provided to assist those who wish to analyse, visualise and programmatically access the 2015-16 Budget. |
19 | Pollutant Emissions |
http://data.gov.au/ | CSV | #23 60% | 60% | |
URL: http://data.gov.au/ Format: CSV The data for air pollutants is available and up-to-date up but its provided by the Australia Federal Government. Each State's Environmental Protection Agency provides data to http://data.gov.au/ that aggregate data - http://data.gov.au/dataset?q=pm&sort=extras_harvest_portal+asc%2C+score+desc%2C+metadata_modified+desc State Data:
20 | Weather forecast |
ftp://ftp.bom.gov.au/anon/sample/catalogue/ADFD/ | GRIB, ... | n/a | 55% | |
URL: ftp://ftp.bom.gov.au/anon/sample/catalogue/ADFD/ Format: GRIB, NetCDF Full details about the dataset including charge details are at http://reg.bom.gov.au/other/charges.shtml. Historical weather data is available at http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/data-services/station-data.shtml for free. |
39 | Legislation |
http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ | HTML, ... | #33 45% | 45% | |
URL: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ Format: HTML, PDF, Word Legislation is not openly licensed. According to http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Content/Copyright, legislation is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence Australia v3.0 (which is not open). Data is not machine-readable as data is either PDF or (poorly structured HTML) and is not bulk as you can only access one item at a time. |
20 | Water Quality |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
It appears that there is no national aggregation of this data, except at a high level (http://www.nwc.gov.au/nwi/biennial-assessments), but individual water authorities around the country, of which there are many, publish water quality data in their annual reports. There are national guidelines and requirements that all water authorities publish data on drinking water quality, however all this data with very few exceptions was only available in PDF reports, and nowhere centrally discoverable. Some examples below: Overall report with some indicators at http://www.nwc.gov.au/publications/topic/nprs/npr-2013-urban NSW - http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/water/Pages/Drinking-Water-Quality-and-Incidents.aspx NT - http://www.health.nt.gov.au/Environmental_Health/Water_Quality/ SA - could only find http://www.pay.sawater.sa.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/A9EDDE34-3A8E-40EA-9914-64441C7721AE/0/DrinkingWaterQualityReport201314.pdf |
30 | Location datasets |
n/a | CSV, PDF | #8 90% | 35% | |
Format: CSV, PDF Australian Post provides postcode data as a free PDF that enables you to look up postcodes for non-commercial use only. You need a license to use the Australian postcode data for commercial or business purposes. Standard and complementary CSV data files can be purchased at http://auspost.com.au/business-solutions/postcode-data.html Data is updated monthly. Postal Areas, the Australian Bureau of Statistics approximation of Australia Post postcodes, are described here and the data is available in a zip file. This has the areas of postal areas (and shapefiles for their boundaries). This data is machine-readable, available in bulk, openly licensed with Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence. The Australian Bureau of Statistics data is only updated every 5 years. |
22 | Land Ownership |
n/a | shapefi ... | n/a | 35% | |
Format: shapefiles, tab Data aggregated by PSMA on behalf of the state, territory and Australian governments. PSMA sells the data through a number of resellers. Data is released quarterly. Metadata and specifications are available. Formats of data vary by reseller. Formats other than those listed may be available. |
8 | Government Spending |
n/a | n/a | #15 10% | 10% | |
The Treasury does not publish Government Spending data as defined by this census. Some government expenditure data is available at the government's budget site, the government's open data portal, and the national statistics website but only in aggregated form. |
- Alex Sadleir
- Georg Neumann
- Daniela Mattern
- Gil Zaretzer
- Kamil Gregor
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson
- Mor Rubinstein
- Zach Christensen
- anonymous
- Nisha Thompson
- Rebecca Sentance
- Neal Bastek
- Codrina Maria Ilie
- Alex Sadleir
- Daniela Mattern
- Stephen Gates
- Mor Rubinstein
- anonymous
- Pia Waugh
- Steven De Costa