Open Knowledge

Location datasets 22% open (avg.)

Ranked #10 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)
The Index average ranking for Location datasets is down from #9 in 2014


A database of postcodes/zipcodes and the corresponding spatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar coordinates in an openly published national coordinate system). If a postcode/zipcode system does not exist in the country, please submit a dataset of administrative borders. Data submitted in this category must satisfy the following minimum conditions

  • Zipcodes
  • Address
  • Coordinate (latitude longitude)
  • national level
  • updated once a year

  • Administrative boundaries

  • Boarders poligone
  • name of poligone (city, neighborhood)
  • national level
  • updated once a year

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
1 Rwanda
  • Shapefi ... n/a #57  0% 100%
1 Colombia
  • .xls, .txt #18  45% 100%
1 Colombia

El código postal es un esquema que asigna a distintas zonas o lugares de un país un código, que junto con la dirección sirven para facilitar y mecanizar el encaminamiento de un objeto postal (una pieza de correo como una carta, un sobre, un paquete o cualquier elemento que necesite ser llevado a un lugar).

No reemplaza la dirección, sino que la complementa para facilitar la entrega de un envío.

Para mayor información consultar en:

1 Netherlands
http://geodata.nationaalgeoreg... xml #1  100% 100%
1 Netherlands

As part of the "BAG" data which contains all addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. The data set is most likely public domain (In this the description link yields an XML that specifies public domain), and the national data portal lists the BAG as public domain (although provides faulty links) The downloaded data set does not contain licensing info.

Cadastre is the data holder but they provide no direct mention of the data set on their own site, just a reference to their paid for services. They are however listed as data holder and contact info in the links above as well.

The data dump is a 1.4 GB zip file, that contains 7 other zip files, yielding over 30GB of data when unpacked, split up in 21MB xml files. This is the full BAG data set, containing all addresses and buildings for all of the Netherlands. From this dataset you need to combine several subsets to get to a full postcode list: The ‘NUM’ files give you address index numbers, its georeferences, the house number and the postcode, and a number that corresponds with a street. The ‘OPR’ files give you the corresponding street name, and the number of the place it is in. The ‘WPL’ files give you the place name, and through a separate table also the municipality it is in. (Do note that is does not include postcodes that are not connected to geolocations, such as PO Boxes) See for a detailed description of the search for the Dutch postcode data;

[No changes from 2013]

Update 2015: The opacity described above remains, but same link to data still valid.

1 Morocco
  • Excel #17  50% 100%
1 Morocco

1 Iceland
  • DSV SHP #1  100% 100%
1 Iceland

The data comes from two different public bodies. Access address registry is available from Þjóðskrá Íslands (National registry). Border polygons come from Landmælingar Íslands (National land survey).

National land survey's website requires registration where a link (which expires in 2 days) is emailed to the user. However the national open data portal, contains a direct link to the data without registration. That can be regarded as an official source for this index.

Links to data and license are restricted to the access address registry. Boundaries are available at under this license

1 Uruguay
  • KML, SHP n/a #1  100% 100%
1 Finland
  • GML, ... #18  45% 100%
1 Finland

Zipcodes now include location data i.e. coordinates and boundaries of the Zip-code areas. The datasets is available through web mapping services, WMS and WFS.

1 Norway
  • tab-sep ... #40  10% 100%
1 Norway

Postal codes are distributed by Posten Norge AS, while the borders for each postal code is distributed by The Norwegian Mapping Authority.

The Norwegian Mapping Authority also have administrative borders for download:

1 Japan
  • CSV #1  100% 100%
1 Japan

JP Post does not claim copyright on zip code data.

Additionally, a data set linking postal addresses with geo-coordinates are separate, but publicly available online, free of charge, in bulk, without much usage restriction, in digital, machine-readable format, in a timely manner (updated yearly). The license for the geocoded postal data can be found here

1 United Kingdom
https://geoportal.statistics.g... CSV #1  100% 100%
1 United Kingdom

Update: While you need to fill out a form in order to get access to the Ordnance Survey's Code-Point Open dataset, the Office for National Statistics publishes postcode data under an open licence publicly on the web.

Revision: you need to fill a form to get access to this dataset. Then you get a link by email.

Open postcode data which meets the specification here (postcodes and corresponding geospatial locations - lat/long or equivalent) is available via the Ordnance Survey's Code-Point Open dataset, which contains the 1.4m GB post codes each with a UK national grid reference of the postcode's location in eastings and northings (convertable to lat/long by published formulae) and with the administrative area (country/county/district/ward, plus National Health Service Region and Authority) in which it is located. This is updated quarterly. Similar Postcode data for the devolved province of Northern Ireland is not available as Open Data. The main UK address database (~24m individual addresses) is confusing called the Postcode Address File. This is a subscription-only database privately owned by the Royal Mail. The Open Data User Group have been pressing for its release too - see The Postcode data as of August 2014 is available here: The geographic coverage is United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland). More detailed information on the dataset can be found here:{473A5770-FB1B-4C1A-AEEC-5DC056E5EC7F}

Comment 2015: Didn't change from 2014. Link to products is here -

1 Denmark
  • json, ... #1  100% 100%
1 Denmark

First link provided contains maps of postal areas Postal codes can also be found at: QA question: Please explain how to obtain the data required for this item of the census according to the definition above. The file at contains postcodes and town/commune names, without geolocations in lat/long or equivalent. The link is to an inventory of maps, in shape files: how would these be used to obtain a table of postcodes and their lat/long please? Answer: The postcode information is available in multiple formats for different purposes. For polygons on maps (incl. lat/long), see here and here (text in Danish, maps in shape, mapinfo and geomedia). There's also a webservice from which you can enter an address and obtain the postcode. I'm not an expert in geodata myself so in order to answer the postcode-related questions at the Census I had help from (who might be more helpful in order to explain how to find the data of your need). Thanks to Andrew Stott and Neografen for help on this


Provided name and link for correct official API-provider of zipcodes and other various address endpoints.

Update 2015: No changes from 2014.

12 Mexico
  • KML #40  10% 90%
12 Mexico

SEPOMEX (Mexico Postal Service) provides up to date information about postal codes, last update being on Jan.15, 2015.

12 United States
  • txt #8  90% 90%
12 United States

This dataset in the US presents some challenges as there is a mixture of data available.

The US Census provide zip-code centroids as part of their 2010 Gazetteer located at in the form of the Zip-Code Tabulation Areas:

This data is open data (openly licensed, and machine readable etc).

However, there are some limitations of this data as it is based off the census, the last of which was in 2010. Thus, over time this database gets out of date versus the authoritative data held by the USPS. Given this, the data is marked as not timely.

In addition, the ZCTA isn’t as complete as the USPS zip-code list as it focused on geographical areas and so its coverage of e.g. PO boxes is more limited. However, given the specifications of this dataset this should not be considered a major limitation and so we have not docked points anywhere else.

More on Zip-Codes and the USPS

The full database of zip codes from the USPS has not yet been found although it looks like products are available for sale, and they are multiple datasets that can help to provide a whole picture.

The ZCTA file produced by the US Census Bureau is useful but is not the full USPS Database of Zip Codes and lookup tables. Instead, this is a census related product produced every 10 years.

"You may have noticed that Census Bureau products refer to “ZIP Code tabulation areas (ZCTAs)” and not simply to ZIP Codes™. The reason that we cannot tabulate data for ZIP Codes is that they do not have distinct geographic boundaries. Designed by the U.S. Postal Service for use in mail delivery, ZIP Codes represent carrier routes made up of individual addresses. A true representation of ZIP Codes would separate out individual housing units and releasing data for them would risk disclosing personally identifiable information".

The ZCTAs are not the same as the (regularly updated) USPS postal code lookup files or the postal code database with addresses and Lat Long. Those data are for sale and a number of USPS services are resold.

There is an USPS API for companies to integrate their their systems - Some date exchange for companies - Segmentation direct mail tools Lots of info about databases and services - and lots of private sector tools such as

In addition, there are also some crosswalk files made by HUDs and posted on

14 India
  • CSV #40  10% 70%
14 India

The dataset (All India Pincode directory with contact details along with Latitude and longitude) is available in CSV format at The information available on OGD India and is completely open for reuse and further studies and research. Many Applications have also been developed using this data. The data is also available at The data consists of pincodes along with post office information like address and postal code. The data can also be searched by location or pincode on

The license does not allow commercial use, it is not open.

14 Albania
  • geojson n/a 70%
14 Albania

The dataset was updated after the new Administrative Reform, but its does have the Zipcodes, the addresses and geographical coordinations.

14 Czech Republic
  • CSV #10  70% 70%
14 Czech Republic

Data are part of basic register of territorial identification RUIAN.

There is no licence.

14 Kazakhstan
  • JSON, xml n/a 70%
14 Kazakhstan

The address and coordinates are shown in most of the open data where possible. It is not accessible in bulk form yet. The information on Open Data Portal is provided by government officials. The information provided by government officials in Kazakhstan (by default) is open for reuse, publishing as cited by the law.

14 Pakistan
  • Microso ... #10  70% 70%
14 Pakistan

Updated the download link for file. Geocoded postal code dataset can be obtained by attribute join by province name.

14 Switzerland
  • PDF,XML ... #10  70% 70%
14 Switzerland

SwissTopo offers various geodata information on the territory through web mapping services, including the postal codes (layer name PLZ und Ortschaften).

Licence for free geodata applies.

20 France
  • CSV #1  100% 65%
20 France


The national address database (BAN) fulfills the requirements to a larger extent as it gives coordinates for all addresses including their zipcodes. It exists in two versions of the base and the first one is the one that is taken into account in this submission (and not in the previous one). We believe this BAN ODBL version can be accepted as an official source because: - A link to the ODBL version of the BAN, distributed by OSM France, is provided on an official & governmental website: (second link at the bottom of the page) according to the terms of the official BAN convention signed between IGN, La Poste, Etalab and OSM France - the data have the same source than the second version mentionned in the previous comment and is formated at and by Etalab (Prime Minister office for open data and open gov)


The previously registered "Base officielle des codes postaux" by La Poste does not match the new requirements as it only provides openly an association of zipcodes with ciies. Some cities have multiple zipcodes, so even by associating the data with the opened administrative borders database GEOFLA, we would not be able to get coordinates corresponding to zipcodes.

Although another database could fulfill the requirements to a larger extant : the national address database BAN that gives coordinates for all addresses including their zipcodes. Unfortunately it exists under two different versions:

The latter dataset named "Base Adresse Nationale" requires registration for direct download and is supplied after form registration under a closed license (see for a complete legal analysis).

21 Burkina Faso
n/a shp #57  0% 60%
21 Burkina Faso

The administrative boundaries is managed by the geographic institute of Burkina Faso. The data is not available online but it can be request and granted for free by the institute. It is available as shapefiles and there is no license applied even if the institute said that it can be used as the requester desire.

22 Sweden
http://www.postnummerservice.s... CSV #15  55% 55%
22 Sweden

Available for a fee (approx EUR 2000 for weekly updates per year). No plans to make it available as open data. National postal company sent takedown notice to entrepreneurs that scraped and republished some of the data.

This link could not be found:

23 Singapore
n/a shapefiles n/a 45%
23 Singapore

The data on postal/zip codes was easily available on the site . This site even have details on the latitude and longitude of the cities of the country. Data didn't change

Data is available in this link - In order to get license for the data, one need to apply and pay for it. Data therefore, is not publicly available. After payment, data is available in machine readable format and in bulk.

23 Luxembourg
  • n/a n/a 45%
23 Luxembourg

The whole database is also sold as a SHP file:

Data updated weekly.

23 Ukraine
  • n/a n/a 45%
23 Ukraine

One got to run a query to get needed postcode, therefore no option to get data in bulk. No information on postcode boundaries is given, though Google-maps are available for every post office serving respective zipcode.

Re-submit from 2014

Dataset available at, at charge.

23 Timor-Leste
  • n/a n/a 45%
23 Timor-Leste

I can't confirm the existence for Location Datasets because there are no dedicated department(s) nor ministry that focuses storing a database for postcodes/zipcodes in Timor-Leste. However, there are some generic information about districts in Timor-Leste from the official website Ministry of State Administration but that doesn't meet the above criteria.

23 Philippines
n/a n/a #57  0% 45%
23 Philippines

There is a query system database of Philippine Postal to check the local zip codes - Zipcodes do exist, but they have not been geocoded.

NAMRIA updated their Geoportal providing access to updated shapefiles up to the barangay level.

28 Bolivia, Plurinational State of
  • n/a n/a n/a 40%
28 Tanzania, United Republic of
  • n/a #18  45% 40%
28 Tanzania, United Republic of

The official list of post codes has the values for all administrative divisions (region, ward, villages).

The official administrative boundaries are freely available from the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) at ward level.

30 Italy
n/a mdb, shp #34  25% 35%
30 Italy

The data of the Italian zipcode are available with a restricted form online (= captcha) The entire data set is for sale. The national open data agenda of the italian digital agency announces the release as open data in late 2014. Currently there are no confirmation. Poste Italiane doesn't offer also the address number. This resource is managed by local authorities. The Italian Institute of Statistics is also involved in this data, but doesn't release address numbers or streets with coordinates. The current status of the release of adddress numbers is in a study (often updated) by Cesare Gerbino

QA review - Changed the answered so they will refer to the dataset in bulk and not to the online application. Therefore - Publicly available, not for free, not online, is machine readable.

30 Korea, Republic of
n/a Shapefile #40  10% 35%
30 Korea, Republic of

Short after introducing the new address system called "Road Name Address," the Republic of Korea has also reformed the postal code system into the so-called "State Basic District System." Addresses with the new postal codes are freely available in bulk on the site of "Road Name Address," but the dataset does not include coordinates.

The dataset which meets the minimum criteria can be found on the Website of the National Spatial Information Clearinghouse (NSIC). However, the dataset is not publicly available requesting the registration. However, people can freely download in bulk daily changes of address data with its coordinates on the Korean Website of "Road Name Address."

30 Cambodia
  • n/a #18  45% 35%
30 Cambodia

The data is updated and reflected on the latest changes of administrative boundary changes including Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Cham.

30 Australia
n/a CSV, PDF #8  90% 35%
30 Australia

Australian Post provides postcode data as a free PDF that enables you to look up postcodes for non-commercial use only.

You need a license to use the Australian postcode data for commercial or business purposes. Standard and complementary CSV data files can be purchased at

Data is updated monthly.

Postal Areas, the Australian Bureau of Statistics approximation of Australia Post postcodes, are described here and the data is available in a zip file.

This has the areas of postal areas (and shapefiles for their boundaries). This data is machine-readable, available in bulk, openly licensed with Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics data is only updated every 5 years.

34 Jersey
  • n/a n/a 30%
34 Jersey

also ad hoc searches without lat/long geolocation data:

34 Benin
n/a shp #57  0% 30%
34 Benin

There is a administrative map managed by the national geographic institute. This data contain the administrative borders of each administrative area. The data is not available online and must be paid when requested.

36 Isle of Man
n/a n/a #29  40% 25%
36 Isle of Man

The Isle of Man Government owns the Isle of Man Post Office. Postcode searches require a registered email address (free) and rate limited to 10 searches per day. The government IT department sells the postcode/geolocation dataset to a very small customer base of couriers, dairy co-operative doorstep milk delivery service, Tesco, etc. An IT services company ( also resell geolocation datasets and data cleansing services.

Sep 2015: not all data available online or in one place but specific meta data available on request from public counters

Sep 2015: clarified that the Isle of Man Post Office supplies postcodes to UK Royal Mail PAF under a contract but it is unclear if the contract is exclusive or non-exclusive and a request to establish legal certainty some time ago has still not had a response (unsurprisingly if non-exclusive lol)

Sep 2015: coordinates are in ESRI GIS system (Cabinet Office) and UNIFORM gazetteer (Department of Infrastructure) as northings/eastings but standard algorithms to convert to lat/long kn Google Maps, etc.

36 Tunisia
n/a n/a #30  35% 25%
36 Tunisia

Same as last year. Previous year's comment follows:

The website allows to map a locality to a zip code, but the data is not open (according to the Open Definition). It is also possible to map a locality with latitude/longitude in this official government web site This second website is under Creative Commons by 3.0 licence (

36 Germany
n/a n/a #34  25% 25%
36 Germany

The Postcodes are provide by Deutsche Post AG, a formal state owned, now private Company. The Postcodes can be accessed via an online Service However the underling datasets are not available for download and are not free of charge. Geospatial data (polygon vectors) are available from unofficial sources: here or here

36 Austria
n/a n/a #30  35% 25%
36 Austria

A tabular datasets with ZIP codes at city level is available on the government's open data portal, but this dataset does not contain geo-coordinates, No dataset that meets the description of this survey appears to be publicly available at this point. Further observation: The Statistical Agency Austria holds related ZIP code data, also without coordinates. On the webpage of the Austrian Postal Service user can search for a postal code, but no geospatial information is provided. more info:

40 Dominica
n/a n/a n/a 20%
40 Dominica

This information would probably be gathered from the Land and surveys department. The information is not publicly available as in on the website for download or utilize, however, it can be requested from the department.

The department can be contacted at:

Lands and Surveys Division Top Floor, Vanoulst House Tel: (767) 266 3431 Fax: (767) 449 9869 E-mail:

40 Cameroon
n/a n/a #57  0% 20%
40 Cameroon

There is no national zipcode system in use in Cameroon. The Government has a project with the African Development Bank to build such a database for 2015 year. But there is data of the national administrative boundaries, produced by the National Institute of Cartography. This institute produces even guides for regions, cities and villages. But these guides aren't free of charge.

40 Canada
n/a n/a #15  55% 20%
40 Canada

Canada Post is a Crown corporation of the Government of Canada. Commercial use of Canada Post's Postal Code Address Data (PCAD) product has been quoted at $50,600 per year. Canada Post claims copyright in its database of postal codes. It has recently defended its claim by filing a lawsuit against Geolytica:

The data are available over the web and in bulk but these are restricted and behind are not for free.

There are different maps available: Forward Sortation Areas - Postal Code Conversion File - Address Data Products - Many other products are available here -

40 Ireland
n/a n/a #57  0% 20%
40 Ireland

Ireland has just released its postal code data. I have sent them a question with regards to data formats.

The data are machine readable, and the data can be downloaded in bulk and they are available online but only for a fee.

The pricing and licences are as follows:

40 Ecuador
n/a n/a #18  45% 20%
40 Ecuador

Postcodes were launched in Ecuador in 2013.

40 Guernsey
n/a n/a n/a 20%
40 Guernsey

ad hoc postcode search free on official Guernsey Post website bulk dataset only available with a commercial use fee from suppliers such as Guernsey Post, PostcodePal, etc.

Administrative boundaries can be found here, published by Digimap: or

Post code data is available at charge:

40 Cayman Islands
n/a n/a n/a 20%
40 Cayman Islands

The post code data is available at charge here

47 Kyrgyzstan
n/a n/a n/a 15%
47 Kyrgyzstan

The Address register of the Kyrgyz Republic provides all the locations of the country. Additionally they have SOAP API

47 Bermuda
n/a n/a #40  10% 15%
47 Bermuda

The official page for the postal codes is:

On that page you can online find a PDF download:

No geolocation with the zipcodes.

49 Taiwan
n/a n/a #10  70% 10%
49 Taiwan

  1. The Zip Code above. is in Zh-TW and can be open by unzip tools, and also provide the English post code search interface here.
  2. The Administrative boundaries above. can be open by GIS tools, and also provide the English administrative boundaries search interface here

49 Botswana
n/a n/a #57  0% 10%
49 Botswana

Botswanna does not have nor use Postal Codes.

Botswana is in the process of establishing postcodes and a street based addressing system, Land parcels (plots) are identified by a number which is allocated at the land board.

Unchanged since 2013.

49 Thailand
n/a n/a #30  35% 10%
49 Thailand

Thailand has a post code system []. The data is available from GeoData company here at charge.
The official Post offers a search service Coordinate (latitude longitude) of provinces, districts and sub-district

49 Costa Rica
n/a n/a #40  10% 10%
49 Costa Rica

The postal codes are made up of province, canton and districts (each assigned a number) and made available via an interactive form, one at a time. The map data, available at does include the breakdown of provinces, cantons and districts so the data can be found and merged together but it is not easily accessible.

Geolocation is no sufficient for this dataset type.

53 Togo
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Togo

No zipcodes system in Togo. Could not find an official source for administrative boundaries.

53 Israel
n/a n/a #40  10% 5%
53 Israel

There is a zipcode address map, but it is up-do-date to 2012 and it's updated to the old zipcode system in Israel and cost 30,000 shekels.

53 Malaysia
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Malaysia

From the Department of Statistics Malaysia official portal, there datasets are not available. Given that the institution is in the Federal State territory, submitting for Freedom of Information request is impossible because there is no Freedom of Information Act for the Federal State Wilayah Persekutuan.

53 Kuwait
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Kuwait

It seems Kuwait has a postcodes/zipcodes service but we could find any data on Kuwait postal official websites (

The data can be found here (

53 Senegal
n/a n/a #57  0% 5%
53 Senegal

The government have published information about the data on their website (1). And it is said that the machine readable data can be requested


53 Dominican Republic
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Dominican Republic

The official link is not available

53 Jamaica
n/a n/a #57  0% 5%
53 Jamaica

The postcode team built the website extensively throughout the world. The website currently provides postcode inquiry service around hundreds of countries in 50+ languages. There are more than 40,000,000 postcode / ZIP code data in

The postcode information for Jamaica are clearly stated but cannot be downloaded on the computer due to not being machine readable (PDF, CSV, etc).

53 Barbados
n/a n/a n/a 5%
53 Barbados

There is no reference on what ministry/agency is in charge with postal code database, if there is a unified and official one. Post codes are available at a cost through the GeoData company service:

61 Bulgaria
  • json #40  10% 0%
61 Bulgaria

Administrative boundaries on all levels including land parcels are available freely. This includes landmarks like springs, etc. The property level information exists only for about 30% of the country.

61 Kenya
  • HTML #57  0% 0%
61 Kenya

The data that is available from the official postal website by search does not have geolocations nor corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system) hence the answer is data does not exist (no changed from 2013).

61 Spain
n/a .txt #40  10% 0%
61 Spain

Postcode data are available without georeference and under licence fee here

61 Grenada
  • CSV n/a 0%
61 Grenada

Based from the information gathered for the postcodes, they are retrieved by downloading the zip file. Extracting the zip file will show a variety of folders and files where there are additional formats (kml, json)

61 Niger
  • shapefile n/a 0%
61 Niger

The directory have been published in 2014, and contain Niger location data. It is available online and for free.

61 Turks and Caicos Islands
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Turks and Caicos Islands

It is uncertain if location datasets exists

61 South Africa
  • XLS #10  70% 0%
61 South Africa

Here is an extract from the website terms of use (there is no specific licence attached to the post codes database):

  • Unless otherwise indicated, users are welcome to copy, download or print any of the visible text or images on this website for personal and non-commercial use.
  • Users wishing to utilise content for their own commercial purposes may only do so with prior written permision of the website owner. Requests for commercial use may be submitted by e-mail to

61 Bahrain
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Bahrain

Bahrain does not use a postcode/zip code system. It is unknown if there is a dataset of administrative borders with the required descriptions is available.

61 Guatemala
n/a n/a #36  20% 0%
61 Guatemala

There is a postcode dataset, not a geolocation one.

This is a postcode dataset from a third party:

61 Chile
n/a n/a #18  45% 0%
61 Chile

Data with Geolocation is available here under Correo de Chile -

61 Libya
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Libya

Libya does not have street naming or postcode / zip code system. Such dataset is not avaliable.

61 Oman
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Oman

Oman does not use a postcodes/zipcode system that translates into a physical address. The postal system in Oman uses PO Boxes which are based at postal offices in each city and which the users have to visit to collect their mail.

61 Belgium
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Belgium

There is no geospatial link for the postcodes. All that's available is the postcodes themselves with corresponding place names on the Belgian Postal Office (bpost) which is partially owned by the Belgian government (privatised public office). ( Unchanged since review in 2014.

61 Slovakia
n/a n/a #36  20% 0%
61 Slovakia

Slovak Republic is a small country, so there is only about 10^4 different postcodes altogether. List of those can be obtained from Slovak Post Office at . License is not clearly stated and there is Copyright notice at the page providing the download so "no" is filled.

Latitude and longitude information is not provided in the data source but other data source ( - intended for users, no API) can be used to locate towns (but not streets). Thus the data is considered as NOT available.

61 Russian Federation
  • HTML, ... #40  10% 0%
61 Russian Federation

A database of postcodes/zipcodes and a corresponding geospatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar co-ordinates in an openly published national co-ordinate system) DOES NOT EXIST You can only get a list of postcodes, no geospatial information. At the same time we now that by url we could find a web form using that we could find postcode by address. So we know that address data exists but it is not publicly available

Comment: No changes since 2013 year Comment: No changes since 2014 year

61 El Salvador
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 El Salvador

In El Salvador we don´t use zipcodes for adresses or geographic distribution. And if it exists it´s not avaible by the public.

61 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

The Postal Agency of Republic of Macedonia ( provides а free and easy to use search option (, that lists the postal codes in the country, or lists the exact location (nearest city or village) if the postal code itself is entered. No latitudes or longitudes are provided.

61 Portugal
  • CSV ... #57  0% 0%
61 Portugal

The Portuguese postcodes/zipcodes data is made available by CTT (registration required)

CTT was the Portuguese national public mail service until 9 September 2014. Since this date it became a private company and there is no other public portal where the same data is made publicly available.

61 Latvia
n/a n/a #40  10% 0%
61 Latvia

Data matching the listed criteria does not exist.

Latvia Post has a related dataset: ZIP-code index page ("Pasta indeksu grāmata") containing a number of XLS files in unstructured / semi-structured form.

It shows the mapping between locations (towns, street addresses, etc.) and relevant ZIP-codes but does not contain geo-coordinates nor is there another service where one could resolve ZIP-codes to geo-coordinates.

61 Ethiopia
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Iran, Islamic Republic of
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Iran, Islamic Republic of

Iran has 10 digits postal codes for each and every place (see here and here

Here ( you can search for codes by entering the full address. However, we could not find a database of postal codes and corresponding address. No coordinates are shown in all cases.

61 Jordan
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Lebanon
n/a n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Egypt
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Egypt

The website of the postal service has details about the location of postal offices, but does not provide any details on postal codes and their correspondence geospatial locations. It is suspected that Egypt does not use an address system that links postal addresses to physical locations.

61 Nigeria
n/a n/a #33  30% 0%
61 Nigeria

The data cannot be downloaded in bulk. The post code search service returns a post code and zooms in at city level using Google Maps, but no geolocation specific information.

61 Algeria
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Algeria

In Algeria, the postal codes of province capitals are composed of the province code as in ISO 3166-2:DZ and three zeros, for example: 16000 for Algiers, while the postal codes of other cities, towns, and villages in the province are the provincial code followed by three numerals. [Wikipedia]

The Algerian Post website ( has a link to search for postal codes "Rechercher Un Code Postal", but it is not working. The link is removed from most of the pages now, though, we found it on this page ( which seems to be an older version of the site that was not updated.

61 Romania
n/a n/a #40  10% 0%
61 Romania

The national open data portal provides in open format: - the postcodes dataset - the administrative boundaries dataset

But no connection between the two.

61 Trinidad and Tobago
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Trinidad and Tobago

In 2012 Trinidad implemented a postal code system. The Trinidad & Tobago Postal Corporation is responsible for managing its implementation. The Corporation's website provides information about the implementation of the programme, its benefits and the coding system.

However, it does not currently provide information to assist a person finding out a specific postal code if they know the address. The website states that "When we are ready, TTPost will provide a Postal Code Finder on our website. Customers can also find out their postal code by contacting any TTPost outlet.".

61 Turkey
n/a n/a #40  10% 0%
61 Turkey

Data does not include geo location data and therefore the dataset doesn't exist. Link to current data -

61 Argentina
n/a n/a #36  20% 0%
61 Argentina

Argentina has an up to date zipcodes dataset on this website:

However, it does not contain the relevant Geodata, and it is in a separate dataset.

61 United Arab Emirates
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 United Arab Emirates

The UAE does not use a postcode/zip code system. It is unknown if the required data under this category is available in the UAE. No official admin boundaries shapes have been identified.

Admin boundaries can be downloaded from different third parties:

61 Qatar
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Qatar

Qatar does not use a postcode/zip code system. It is unknown if there is a dataset of administrative borders with the required descriptions is available.

61 Kosovo
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Kosovo

Kosovo uses a post code system but no official data was found.

The administrative boundaries can be downloaded from The shapefile is not officially endorsed.

61 Greece
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Greece

You can search for a postal code : But that does not give you the corresponding geospatial location of that postal code. Unsure if that data exists.

The dataset can be downloaded at charge from GeoData

61 Azerbaijan
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has a post code system but no official data is available.

Post code data is available at charge here

61 Iraq
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Iraq

It seems Iraq has a database of postcodes (, but it is not georeferenced. We could not find the data on official website of postal service (

61 Guyana
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Guyana

postcodes/zipcodes do not exist

Administrative boundaries are available We have not identified any official datasets of administrative boundaries.

61 Saudi Arabia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia uses 2 post code systems:

No dataset has been identified.

61 Nepal
  • n/a #40  10% 0%
61 Nepal

Data is under the GPO of Nepal. No geolocation -

61 Hong Kong
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Hong Kong

postcodes/zipcodes not used so this dataset does not apply. This category discriminates on all the countries and territories that do not have postcodes (>60 China uses one postcode for all of Hong Kong (999077) so sent a FOI request to see if that was listed anywhere on a HKgov website and if could be used as a postcode for HK. This was the response

They said to use this page: See also:

Review - did not identified any official admin boundaries. Not endorsed admin boundaries are available here

61 China
n/a n/a #18  45% 0%
61 China

No single data source meets the minimum criteria set by index (2015 version)

61 Georgia
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Georgia

There is a database of postal codes available online, but it only provides street information, without geospatial coordinates.

The National Agency of Public registry is the maintainer of postal codes, but does not make this information public for free.

61 Côte d'Ivoire
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Côte d'Ivoire

There is no zipcodes system,however the administrative boundaries data seems to be available, but there is no evidence

Unofficial administrative boundaries available

61 Guinea
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Guinea

Guinea has a postal code system but we were unable to identified any post code dataset available.

61 Paraguay
n/a PDF #18  45% 0%
61 Paraguay

Link to download de data set: (2 parts)

Asuncion (Capital):

Rest of the country:

The data is complete in the sense that it contains the list of zip codes for the country. Howerver, there is no coordinates or georeferenced data related to each zip code and therefore is does no comply with the definition of the location dataset (ZIP+GEO)

The list of zipcodes is available in PDF.

DIRECCION NACIONAL DE CORREOS DEL PARAGUAY (DINACOPA) Address: 25 de Mayo esq. Yegros Phone: (595 21) 498-112/16 ZIP CODE 1301

Open data law 5189:

61 Brazil
http://www.buscacep.correios.c... free ... #57  0% 0%
61 Brazil

The Brazilian postcode is named CEP. It is an hierarchical code with 8 digits. The partial 5-digit CEP have map and polygonal representation, but full 8-digit CEP not (it is used today as a logistic non-spatial information), is only a street segment attribute.

Individual CEPs are supplied free, but a full-copy of all CEPs aren't free (not available in bulk)... The access to database queries is free as Internet-webservice: CEP-to-address, and address-to-CEP, human and machine resolution services... So this is a cause of ambiguity in this form: CEP is individually free, but must pay to access on bulk.

The CEP, as a postcode-list, is copyrighted and sold by the public company "Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos - Correios" (Brazilian mail service). It is a non-spatial database, with no coordinates in the dataset:

The postcode copyright monopoly by Correios company exist since 1978, with the Federal Law 6538.

61 Sudan
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Sudan

Sudan postal codes do not represent actual locations but postal offices, it is unknown if Sudan collects the required location dataset.

61 Syria
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Syria

61 Montserrat
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Montserrat

Montserrat now has a postcode system which will go into effect April 1, 2014 The official Government Montserrat postcode page is not working

61 Panama
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Panama

Our postal service is mediocre at best. Their link is: However, Panama does not have a post code system

ANATI, the national agency for land administration, has a geospatial viewer but it's accessible only through registration.

ANATI publishes PDF maps.

61 Puerto Rico
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico follows the United States of America postal system. Its state code is PR and its postal codes range from 00601 to 00799 and from 00901 to 00999. Official available geodata has not been discovered on the governmental official portal [].

Boundaries are here- [Data is not open - see terms of use here -, shapefile format]

Post codes dataset available from GeoData, at charge.

61 Moldova, Republic of
n/a n/a #36  20% 0%
61 Moldova, Republic of

I have not identified if the official Posta Moldovei has the dataset. However the Moldavian postal codes dataset is available on GeoNames, free of charge, or from GeoData with charge.

61 Mali
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Mali

The National Geographical Institute has administrative boundaries data. But there is no evidence about the availability.

Mali has a mailing system with post codes but we were unable to find reference regarding what national agency is responsible. The Mali Post is down for maintenance. The post codes dataset is available, at a cost, from GeoData company

61 St. Vincent & the Grenadines
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 St. Vincent & the Grenadines

it is uncertain if official data for location datasets exist. Point dataset with locality is available free of charge form GeoData company, but the postal code attribute is NA.

61 Saint Lucia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Saint Lucia

postcodes/zipcodes not used

61 Saint Kitts and Nevis
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Saint Kitts and Nevis

postcodes/zipcodes not used

61 Myanmar
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Myanmar

No evidence showing from the President's Officer website that the data exists. I have found a 3rd party website that provides a list of ministries official websites but some of these websites are not found. Kindly note that there is a high possibility that Myanmar government did not update each of these ministries websites so there is an error while trying to gain access to these websites. Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (Burmese: မြန်မာ့ဆက်သွယ်ရေးလုပ်ငန်း), abbreviated MPT) is a state owned enterprise in Myanmar under the supervision of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. MPT operates the country's postal system.

61 Bahamas
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Bahamas

postcodes/zipcodes not used

61 Aruba
n/a n/a n/a 0%
61 Aruba

postcodes/zipcodes not found

61 Antigua and Barbuda
  • n/a n/a 0%
61 Antigua and Barbuda

We could not identify on any official website reference that a datasets with geocoded postal codes exists. The subdivision for post code data is available from GeoData company, free of charge:, but the post codes are missing from the dataset.

61 Indonesia
n/a n/a #57  0% 0%
61 Indonesia

No change from 2013

The data is available via search form, but no corresponding geolocations (which must be manually referenced to another separate subdistrict geolocation databases which are non-free)

Data did not change until 2015

61 Tajikistan
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%