Open Knowledge

France 63% open

France is ranked #10 in the 2015 Index
France's overall Index ranking is down from #3 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
1 Weather forecast
https://donneespubliques.meteo... GRIB V2 n/a 100%
1 Weather forecast
Format: GRIB V2

The "Données de modèle atmosphérique global" includes the forecast of temperature, precipitation, and wind on a worldwide scale. Data are updated every 6 hour. It forecasts at H+102 hours. All the parameters are available here:

The "Modèle Arome" gives a more precise H+42 hours forecast on these parameters for mainland France. The dataset can be dowloaded here:

Historical temperature data is collected in more than 60 meteorological weather stations, every 3 hours since 1996, and it is made available here:

Revision: just added the complementary missing information on the historical temperature data that was further added by Claire-Marie Foulquier-Gazagnes via comment.

1 Election Results
  • TXT #1  100% 100%
1 Election Results
Format: TXT

All the main elections results since 1999 are now available in open data at the polling station level (Bureaux de vote):

Élections présidentielles : données 2002, données 2007 (available on Monday 09/28), données 2012

Élections législatives : données 2002, données 2007, données 2012

Élections européennes : données 1999, données 2004, données 2009, données 2014

Élections municipales : données 2001 (available on Monday 09/28), données 2008 (communes de plus de 3500 habitants), données 2014

Élections régionales : données 2004, données 2010

Élections départementales : données 2005

Élections cantonales : données 2001, données 2004, données 2008 (available on Monday 09/28), données 2011

Référendum : données 2000, données 2005

Revision: changed the url to point to an actual list of all corresponding elections datasets, instead of all of the Ministère de l'Intérieur's datasets which include many unrelated ones.

1 Government Budget
  • CSV #1  100% 100%
1 Government Budget
Format: CSV

Revision: The originally proposed link pointed to a bunch of very different files including non budget ones, and only reflected the government's intended budget, before it was discussed and largely modified by the parliament (the data is from october 14th 2014, whereas the discussion lasted until the end of december : ).

It seems better to reference data published by the Cour des Comptes which corresponds to the actual final government budget, programme by programme, published as a whole :

23 National Statistics
  • CSV, XLS #1  100% 90%
23 National Statistics
Format: CSV, XLS

INSEE (national statistics institute) is quite a complex website that is somewhat difficult to navigate

12 Procurement tenders
  • XML n/a 90%
12 Procurement tenders
Format: XML

Procurements data (both tenders and awarded contracts) is available as open data. However there are challenges with the data:

  • Tenders data fit nearly perfectly since recently the requirements, regularily published by DILA as the BOAMP database under the Open Licence as lots of XML files. The bulk criteria does not apply to this dataset.

  • Awards data only provides procurement from a portion of the central governmental entities (see here and here), estimated to represent only 40 to 60% of the global amount awarded each year. This dataset is only updated yearly and has been published on an irregular basis and inconsistent formats for the last four years making the bulk criteria not applicable to the French dataset.

The dataset on 2014 procurement tenders is an extract of PLACE, the national procurement marketplace. It includes tenders name, description of the tenders and status of the buying unit, supplier name, award title, date of the notification (DAY/MONTH) city, zip code, value of the award, description of the award, if it was attributed to an SME.

Data from 2011, 2012, 2013

Data on procurement tenders by some sub-national entities (city, departments, regions) and independant administrative authorities are generally not present on but there are some, such as CNIL and the City of Poitiers.

24 Legislation
  • XML #19  70% 70%
24 Legislation
Format: XML

Data are now available online and for free. Regarding the license, it is now openly licensed but still subject to the 2002-1064 decree which, in theory, authorize the data owner to refuse to grant the license to a reuser. See

8 Water Quality
  • n/a n/a 65%
8 Water Quality

This data is on drinking water and is updated on a daily/weekly basis.

Detailed data on water sources are also available on: - documentation and surface water - on groundwater data

20 Location datasets
  • CSV #1  100% 65%
20 Location datasets
Format: CSV


The national address database (BAN) fulfills the requirements to a larger extent as it gives coordinates for all addresses including their zipcodes. It exists in two versions of the base and the first one is the one that is taken into account in this submission (and not in the previous one). We believe this BAN ODBL version can be accepted as an official source because: - A link to the ODBL version of the BAN, distributed by OSM France, is provided on an official & governmental website: (second link at the bottom of the page) according to the terms of the official BAN convention signed between IGN, La Poste, Etalab and OSM France - the data have the same source than the second version mentionned in the previous comment and is formated at and by Etalab (Prime Minister office for open data and open gov)


The previously registered "Base officielle des codes postaux" by La Poste does not match the new requirements as it only provides openly an association of zipcodes with ciies. Some cities have multiple zipcodes, so even by associating the data with the opened administrative borders database GEOFLA, we would not be able to get coordinates corresponding to zipcodes.

Although another database could fulfill the requirements to a larger extant : the national address database BAN that gives coordinates for all addresses including their zipcodes. Unfortunately it exists under two different versions:

The latter dataset named "Base Adresse Nationale" requires registration for direct download and is supplied after form registration under a closed license (see for a complete legal analysis).

30 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a #1  100% 45%
30 Pollutant Emissions

It seems that all the data is collected monthly but not released by the government. Although a web site of the European Commission publishes data for many cities in France

The previously registered dataset from Ministère de l'Environnement only provides yearly aggregates at a national level by regions of the required air pollutants emissions. The dataset stopped in 2009 and no update has been published since. Moreover, whereas the dataset requires regular measures, the data offers historical mean annual data. We think this is sufficiently old and unprecise to not be considered here.

Some cities provide data on the national OpenData platform, for example in Nantes, Lyon or Saint-Malo but it is also updated yearly.

In other cities such as Paris, this is closed data

Revision: completed the comment with more links and infos

45 National Map
n/a Shapefile #1  100% 35%
45 National Map
Format: Shapefile

Previous revision was proposing FranceRaster, which is only TIFF images, not matching the prerequisites here.

After full examination of all open or not available data from IGN (national geography administration), BD TOPO as shapefiles seems the only dataset matching all the requirements of yearly updates, precision and contents. Some of the different contents can be accessed openly through some of the following databases but either with not enough precision or not enough updates. No combination of those allow to build the full requirements: - ROUTE500 (roads + national limits, no fresh update) - BD ALTI250 MNT (moutains) - BD CARTO (roads + water + national limits, not open)

33 Company Register
n/a xml, csv #23  50% 35%
33 Company Register
Format: xml, csv

The whole bulk data is available online under highly restricted conditions for 70 374 € : - -

36 Land Ownership
n/a n/a n/a 20%
36 Land Ownership

The landowner name is not provided in order to protect owners' privacy in accordance to

8 Government Spending
n/a n/a #15  10% 10%
8 Government Spending

Spending data at transnational level are collected and stored on the financial information system named CHORUS. Data is however not accessible online or offline to the public.



  • Daniela Mattern
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Claire-Marie Foulquier-Gazagnes
  • Georg Neumann
  • Daniela Mattern
  • Pierre Chrzanowski
  • anonymous
  • Regards Citoyens