Open Knowledge

Slovakia 35% open

Slovakia is ranked #50 in the 2015 Index
Slovakia's overall Index ranking is up from #61 in 2014

Rank Dataset Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
20 Election Results
  • CSV #89  0% 70%
20 Election Results
Format: CSV

All election and refernedum results are available at The dataset meets all criteria, the only drawback being licensing - as usually in Slovakia, no license is given.

25 Government Budget
  • Excel #59  45% 70%
25 Government Budget
Format: Excel

Data is available in a form of "interactive portal". XLS export is available for most data. License is not clearly stated and there is copyright notice in the footer of the web page so "no" is filled.

76 National Statistics
  • HTML, ... #66  45% 45%
76 National Statistics
Format: HTML, XLS, CSV, ...

There is no formal license attached to data, only copyright assertion at the bottom of the page. So at least free access is assumed (sort of improvement over 2013), while openly licensed is filled as "no".

Not all data is consistently availabe this way but at least those few stats mentioned in Census definition are, thus we can fill "yes" for "is it accessible online" (again, sort of improvement over 2013).

Population up to 2014.

Unemployment (quarterly up to 2015)


36 Procurement tenders
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Procurement tenders

The data is available since 2009. It is updated daily and is quite detailed. It is not structured, machine-readable, nor published in bulk or licensed under an open license, though.

The data can be scraped and is being scraped and re-published in structured format by several NGOs.

Office for Public Procurement often changes the structure of the Bulletin, which disables scrapers. A couple of weeks ago the whole Bulletin even moved to a new URL (the original URl was identical tu the current one, except it started with "www" not "www2"). The change made all links to individual data from the Bulletin non-functional and confused users of the data. It is possible that this is a part of a redesign of the Office website and the Bulletin will be moved back to its original location in time.

35 National Map
  • n/a #37  45% 45%
35 National Map

Maps are available via interactive portal without means to export data for the general public (other than printing in PDF). Maps are available in resolutions up to 1:2000 .

There is a copyright notice at the bottom of the page, apart from that, no other license is available specifically for the data - so "No" is indicated as an answer in this regard.

The data, though, should be available for download, even in bulk, machine/readable formats, for a fee. We couldn't test this functionality, therefore we couldn't specify the formats of the data and stated "Unsure" in the question about machine-readability.

According to our knowledge, the data for the whole of Slovakia is updated approximately once in 3 years. The map seems to be up-to-date at the moment, but no information about last updates is provided, so "Unsure" is indicated as an answer for the last question.

39 Legislation
  • HTML #33  45% 45%
39 Legislation
Format: HTML

Legally binding is only paper version of statute. Data can be easily scraped from web page. There is a copyright notice so "no" is filled for open license.

30 Pollutant Emissions
  • n/a n/a #36  45% 45%
31 Land Ownership
  • n/a n/a 30%
31 Land Ownership

Cadastral data is free for non-commercial usage. Bulk data & commercial usage is only possible after paying fees and under strict licence.

66 Weather forecast
  • n/a n/a 25%
66 Weather forecast

Most of the data is available online. The only item from the required minimum that is not publicly available is historical data.

The data is available at only in web view. It is not available in bulk, it is not machine-readable and it is copyrighted, so it is not openly licensed. The topic of copyright protection of meteorological data was publicly discussed for a short while in the past, but the Hydrometeorological Institute fought for the right to continue producing and publishing the data as copyrighted material.

58 Company Register
n/a n/a #26  45% 15%
58 Company Register

It is only possible to obtain companies data by searching for a keyword. Company names can be clicked on to view more detailed data, although addresses are not included in the database.

8 Government Spending
n/a n/a #15  10% 10%
8 Government Spending

There is some summary information about spending on monthly basis available at and (see for example and also for example but those do not match the definition used by Census.

The data is still relatively recent (a couple of weeks) which indicates digital form of data.

57 Water Quality
n/a n/a n/a n/a 5%
61 Location datasets
n/a n/a #36  20% 0%
61 Location datasets

Slovak Republic is a small country, so there is only about 10^4 different postcodes altogether. List of those can be obtained from Slovak Post Office at . License is not clearly stated and there is Copyright notice at the page providing the download so "no" is filled.

Latitude and longitude information is not provided in the data source but other data source ( - intended for users, no API) can be used to locate towns (but not streets). Thus the data is considered as NOT available.



  • Georg Neumann
  • Gil Zaretzer
  • Kamil Gregor
  • Tryggvi Björgvinsson
  • Mor Rubinstein
  • Zach Christensen
  • Jano Suchal
  • anonymous
  • Nisha Thompson
  • yar michl
  • Rebecca Sentance
  • Neal Bastek
  • Codrina Maria Ilie


  • Eva Vozárová
  • anonymous