National government budget at a high level. This category is looking at budgets, or the planned government expenditure for the upcoming year, and not the actual expenditure. To satisfy this category, the following minimum criteria must be met:
- Planned budget divided by government department and sub-department
- Updated once a year.
- The budget should include descriptions regarding the different budget sections.
Rank | Place | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. | Score |
1 | Slovenia |
http://www.mf.gov.si/si/delovn... | CSV, pdf | n/a | 100% | |
Each of the budget revisions are published as an Act and therefore available freely. Click on the links in the content of the page, to get to a page about each revision of a yearly budget. There, the first two links will be the budget in PDF and CSV format. Since 2013 the budget is also provided in CSV. Older PDF and CSV files, general part only ("splošni del"), are provided via a third party, on github: https://github.com/zejn/prrorracun/tree/master/final/splosni ---- |
1 | Germany |
https://www.govdata.de/daten/-... | xls | n/a | 100% | |
It has to be said that the granularity of the data is not satisfying. The budget data is available as XLS in bulk and free to use as an "amtliches Werk" according to §5 Abs 1. UrhG |
1 | United States |
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/... | XLS, ... | n/a | 100% | |
Current budget is available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/. Formal budget documents are in PDF format and are on http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Overview. Machine-readable data in Excel and CSV files can be found in the supplemental material at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Supplemental. In terms of the open license, given this is Federal data one would anticipate this is public domain. Furthermore, the Whitehouse.gov copyright notice states all material is CC-By (see http://www.whitehouse.gov/copyright). Comments: - Bulk: Whilst the data is split across multiple files there is an good core set of data in the "Public Budget Database" which consists of only 3 substantial CSV files. As such, have marked Bulk as "Yes" - Machine-readable: whilst formal budget is PDF we believe that all relevant data is contained in the Excel and CSV files so Machine-readable is "Yes" (note also that the CSV files are well formatted) - Older budgets: the OMB budget site only contains data for the latest budget with past budgets available on the GPO website at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionGPO.action?collectionCode=BUDGET. The GPO site only provides PDFs. However, the OMB site does contain a historical tables section at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Historicals and the Public Budget Database contains data back to 1962. |
1 | Italy |
http://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/VERS... | n/a | n/a | 100% | |
The General Accounting Office publishes data on central government spending of the state in time series from 2007 and processable format. The data allow to follow the evolution of resources allocated, committed and paid from the state budget, broken down into the public policy goals (missions and programs), the economic nature of the expenditure (by title and economic category), the nature of 'legislative authorization (by type of authorization) and the administration responsible for the implementation and management (accounting). [amended: it is possible to download state 2013 budget as xls from http://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/_Documenti/VERSIONE-I/Servizio-s/Studi-e-do/La-spesa-d/Tavole/1-BP-2013.xls under IODL2 as well as other documents mentioned above] |
1 | Canada |
http://data.gc.ca/data/en/data... | Excel | n/a | 100% | |
The data for the most recent year is updated monthly. The annual budget data is avaible back to FY 2009. The data is available grouped in three ways: - Authorities and Expenditures by vote - Expenditures by Program Activity - Expenditures by Standard Object The data is available in Excel and xHTML formats. |
1 | New Zealand |
http://www.treasury.govt.nz/bu... | Excel | n/a | n/a | 100% |
1 | Denmark |
http://www.oes-cs.dk/olapdatab... | csv & html | n/a | 100% | |
Available in good detail (not transaction level data). Also proposed budgets and historical data. |
1 | Netherlands |
http://opendata.rijksbegroting... | csv | n/a | 100% | |
De begrotingsstaten van het Rijk worden op of rond prinsjesdag als open data ontsloten. Deze staten bevatten een artikelsgewijsuitsplitsing van de geraamde verplichtingen,uitgaven en ontvangsten van een begroting. Deze staten worden geregeld bijgewerkt. |
1 | Sweden |
http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/... | n/a | n/a | 100% | |
Available in Excel format. |
10 | Isle of Man |
http://www.gov.im/about-the-go... | n/a | 95% | ||
Other national statistics are available from the Treasury Economic Affairs Division (generally equivalent to Office of National Statistics): http://www.gov.im/about-the-government/departments/treasury/economic-affairs-division/ There is also a well regarded apolitical PMO Positive Action Group with topical analysis: http://positiveactiongroup.org/index.php?option=com_attachments&task=download&id=74 |
11 | Poland |
http://otwartedane.pl/72 | CSV | n/a | 90% | |
A lot of budget & spending datasets from 2007-2012. The application doesn't seem reliable, though - hangs and crashes a lot, only beta version available. Doesn't work well with Internet Explorer, suggest using Chrome to view. Link is to 2011 central budget. |
11 | Norway |
http://www.statsbudsjettet.no/... | csv, ... | n/a | 90% | |
The original submitter is entirely right that the budget information can be found via the http://www.statsbudsjettet.no/ link, but that it's hard to get machine-readable data from there. However, Statistics Norway has a much of the same data available in machine readable form ( csv, tsv, xml, pc-axis, and excel ). Alas, the data is not very detailed - the data categories are quite general generally. But still, numbers are available in machine readable form http://www.ssb.no/offentlig-sektor/statistikker/statsregn/kvartal/2013-06-04?fane=tabell&sort=nummer&tabell=114655 |
11 | United Kingdom |
http://data.gov.uk/dataset/coi... | CSV | n/a | 90% | |
The position seems to be as follows. There is an annual "Budget speech" and documents are published online by HM Treasury and are re-useable under the terms of the UK's Open Government Licence. Main documents are in PDF but some raw data is also provided in Excel format. However this does not usually include detailed departmental budgets. Departmental level budgets are in a number of places, but the two collections available regularly free of charge under the UK Open Government Licence are: (1) the annual "Estimates" published each April for the financial year commencing that April. These are published in PDF format department by department and are at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/hmt-main-estimates for the last three years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14. This dataset is "up to date" (2) the same, and some more detailed, data is contained in the "Plans" part of the COINS/OSCAR dataset http://data.gov.uk/dataset/coins (this also contains matching expenditure information). Although the expenditure information is published quarterly, the "plans" are not currently published in COINS data until the end of the financial year to which they relate. Once Plans information is available on COINS it is available for bulk download in machine readable format (CSV). In assessing the ratings fairly it was necessary to choose between the "Estimates" and "COINS" versions - the COINS version seemed closer to the ideal, even though it was not as up to date, and that is assessed here. |
11 | France |
http://www.data.gouv.fr/conten... | n/a | n/a | 90% | |
budget plans are available but not in a bulk |
11 | Poland |
http://otwartedane.pl/72 | CSV | n/a | 90% | |
A lot of budget & spending datasets from 2007-2012. The application doesn't seem reliable, though - hangs and crashes a lot, only beta version available. Doesn't work well with Internet Explorer, suggest using Chrome to view. Link is to 2011 central budget. |
11 | Croatia |
http://mfin.hr | xls, pdf | n/a | 90% | |
Older budget records are available in non-machine readable format only. |
17 | Australia |
http://www.budget.gov.au/2013-... | n/a | n/a | 75% | |
Unable to identify a published dataset of the Australian Government budget. The budget is only available in a series of PDF documents. The data is incorporated within the PDF documents. |
17 | Nigeria |
http://www.budgetoffice.gov.ng... | n/a | n/a | 75% | |
It is the National Budget Portal and the data is always available on the official Budget Office of the Federation website. Budget Implementation Documents are not released on a timely basis. |
19 | Taiwan |
http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/np.asp... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 70% |
19 | Korea, Republic of |
https://www.digitalbrain.go.kr... | XLS | n/a | 70% | |
Original source is from http://www.digitalbrain.go.kr/ |
19 | Japan |
http://www.e-stat.go.jp/SG1/es... | n/a | n/a | 70% | |
cannot see open licence on site |
19 | Mexico |
http://www.transparenciapresup... | XLS, CSV | n/a | 70% | |
Budget data files are not entirely clean for database use. Licence Terms of Reference are available in http://www.transparenciapresupuestaria.gob.mx/ptp/terminosyCondiciones.html License is not open, prohibiting commercial reuse. |
19 | Israel |
http://www.mof.gov.il/BUDGETSI... | PDF, ... | n/a | 70% | |
The data is also available graphically in http://www.mof.gov.il/BUDGETSITE/STATEBUDGET/BUDGET2013_2014/Pages/Budget2013_2014HP.aspx |
19 | Austria |
https://www.bmf.gv.at/budget/d... | PDF, XLS | n/a | 70% | |
https://www.bmf.gv.at/budget/das-budget/das-budget.html provides links to various budgets (2012, 2013 and long term estimates). The current 2013 budget is also available in XLS, so machine readability is now a yes, as is bulk download. |
25 | Hungary |
http://www.kormany.hu/hu/nemze... | XLS | n/a | 60% | |
Budget is available without a license clearly specified, therefore non-open. |
25 | Russian Federation |
http://budget.gov.ru/data/open... | XML | n/a | 60% | |
Brief Description: Russian budget data is one of most open data but a bit dispersed over a few government websites. Well prepared machine readable data available on new government webisite Budget.gov.ru right here - http://budget.gov.ru/data/opendata This data is XML data dumped from government database as XML dumps with XSD (XML schemas) provided. Budget.gov.ru is alpha-stage portal for now (September 2013) and this data is not up to date . Up to date data published as XLS on websites of Federal Treasury (http://roskazna.ru) and Ministry of Finances (http://minfin.ru) I suggest to accept this data XML but not to accept it as timely updated for now. Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes, national level budget data available at - http://budget.gov.ru/data/opendata 2. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website and has digital form. 3. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it. 4. Is the data available for free? Yes, this data is available for free. No payment is required. 5. Is the data available online? Yes. Data available at http://budget.gov.ru/data/opendata 6. Is the data machine readable? Yes, this data provided as XML files 7. Available in bulk? Mostly yes, you need to download a few XML files 8. Openly licensed? No, this data is not formally under open license from OpenDefinition.org 9. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? No, data disclosure is not well organized. Budget portal is still beta. Ivan Pavlov: we consider the Russian Budget Information as open licensed, taking into the account Russian Legislation provisions. According to the Civil Сode of Russia (Article 1259), official government documents including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character are not objects of copyright. Also according to the Russian FOI law (Article 1), information about the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government is information (including documentation), established within government bodies, their territorial bodies, local authorities or institutions subordinate to the state authorities, local self-government (hereinafter - organizations subordinated to it), or received by the mentioned bodies and organizations. Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government also includes laws and other normative legal acts concerning information on the activities of bodies of local self-government – municipal legal acts defining structure, competence, formation and operating procedures of the above-specified bodies and organizations, and other information concerning their activity. Thus, according to the current Russian legislation, there are no legal restrictions on use, reuse or redistribute budget data. |
27 | Malta |
http://mfin.gov.mt/en/The-Budg... | n/a | n/a | 55% | |
27 | Burkina Faso |
http://www.dgb.gov.bf/loif2013... | n/a | 55% | ||
The government budget is managed by the general direction of budget. This direction has a statistic service that publish the budget online in pdf format |
27 | Nepal |
http://mof.gov.np//en/archive-... | n/a | 55% | ||
Ministry of Finance published budget data. Every year they published data after government budget speech on june/july. It is suppose to have in june/july but some time not happening because of politics |
27 | Malta |
http://mfin.gov.mt/en/The-Budg... | n/a | n/a | 55% | |
27 | Serbia |
http://www.parlament.gov.rs/up... | n/a | 55% | ||
License non-open. |
27 | South Africa |
http://www.treasury.gov.za/doc... | xls | n/a | 55% | |
Government budgets are standardised across government departments allowing for easy comparisons. historic budgets are also available. most documents in PDF but if you click through you can find Excel for some information. |
27 | China |
http://yss.mof.gov.cn/2013zycz... | HTML | n/a | n/a | 55% |
27 | Spain |
http://www.sepg.pap.minhap.gob... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 55% |
35 | Ecuador |
http://www.finanzas.gob.ec/el-... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 50% |
36 | Greece |
http://www.minfin.gr/portal/el... | n/a | 45% | ||
The General Accounting Office is responsible for the dissemination and publicity of the Annual Budget. Unfortunately, the General Accounting office has chosen to publish the related data in formats, which essentially prevents further use of this information by the public. The annual budget is published as unstructured PDF documents, while the internal breakdown formations change almost every year. This makes comparisons of actual spending with the budget , particularly difficult. Some experimental projects have been made using data scraping techniques , however, for a reliable and efficient solution the General Accounting Office should re-evaluate the data publishing policies applied. |
36 | Singapore |
http://www.singaporebudget.gov... | PDF, XLS | n/a | 45% | |
The link provided is to primary budget site which only appears to contain PDF documents with the text of the enacted budget (containing tables etc). You can download consolidated PDF documents in a zip file at http://www.mof.gov.sg/budget_2013/revenue_expenditure/attachment/FY2013_Rev_Exp.zip. Material is not open as terms of use at http://www.mof.gov.sg/budget_2013/terms_of_use.html state "Except as otherwise provided, the Contents of this Site shall not be reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any way, without the prior permission of MOF. To use any parts of the Contents of this Site, the user must seek permission in writing, stating the Contents for use; intent of use; manner of use; time frame of use and identity of the user. MOF reserves the right to refuse permission without declaring reason(s); and/or if information submitted by user is deemed insufficient." Note that you can find some Excel files related to budget and finances on data.gov.sg at http://data.gov.sg/common/search.aspx?q=budget&page=1 but is not clear whether these cover all of the budget and which years. |
36 | Saudi Arabia |
http://www.mof.gov.sa/English/... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
36 | Moldova, Republic of |
http://mf.gov.md/actnorm/budge... | Excel | n/a | n/a | 45% |
36 | Slovakia |
http://www.rozpocet.sk/ | HTML, XLS | n/a | 45% | |
Data is available in a form of "interactive portal". XLS export is available for some data (but sometimes fetches tables without numbers) so "machine readable" was filled "unsure". License is not clearly stated and there is copyright notice in the footer of the web page so "no" is filled. |
36 | Switzerland |
http://www.efv.admin.ch/f/doku... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
36 | Singapore |
http://www.singaporebudget.gov... | PDF, XLS | n/a | 45% | |
The link provided is to primary budget site which only appears to contain PDF documents with the text of the enacted budget (containing tables etc). You can download consolidated PDF documents in a zip file at http://www.mof.gov.sg/budget_2013/revenue_expenditure/attachment/FY2013_Rev_Exp.zip. Material is not open as terms of use at http://www.mof.gov.sg/budget_2013/terms_of_use.html state "Except as otherwise provided, the Contents of this Site shall not be reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any way, without the prior permission of MOF. To use any parts of the Contents of this Site, the user must seek permission in writing, stating the Contents for use; intent of use; manner of use; time frame of use and identity of the user. MOF reserves the right to refuse permission without declaring reason(s); and/or if information submitted by user is deemed insufficient." Note that you can find some Excel files related to budget and finances on data.gov.sg at http://data.gov.sg/common/search.aspx?q=budget&page=1 but is not clear whether these cover all of the budget and which years. |
36 | Bangladesh |
http://www.mof.gov.bd/en/index... | n/a | 45% | ||
On http://www.mof.gov.bd/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=1# can't find information on licensing; PDFs only so not machine readable; need to download many PDFs so not available in bulk . Various forms of information available including previous years from http://www.mof.gov.bd/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=235&Itemid=1 |
36 | Czech Republic |
http://www.mfcr.cz/cs/verejny-... | n/a | 45% | ||
Czech national budget for 2014 has not been approved by the parliament yet, only a framework is available at the moment. The previous budgets are available as a series of spreadsheets, pdf and docs (see 2012 for example: http://www.psp.cz/sqw/text/text2.sqw?idd=74861). |
36 | Brazil |
http://www.planejamento.gov.br... | pdf, ppt | n/a | 45% | |
There is currently a bug on the site of the Brazilian Planning Ministry and it is not possible to access the data for 2000 and 2001. Budget data is released as soon as the annual budget law passes the congress. |
36 | Saudi Arabia |
http://www.mof.gov.sa/English/... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
36 | Ireland |
http://budget.gov.ie | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
Data could be more timely and more detailed. Based on the discussions on the [od-discuss@lists.okfn.org] list, it has been decided that the Irish PSI license is NOT an 'open license'. |
36 | Bulgaria |
http://www.minfin.bg/ | Excel, PDF | n/a | 45% | |
The Budget law is promulgated in the State gazette, so it is in the public domain. The consolidated budget framework is published on the Finance ministry website, usually as a excel generated pdf. |
36 | Finland |
http://budjetti.vm.fi/indox/in... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
On the page ( http://budjetti.vm.fi/indox/index.jsp ) data is available in PDF and HTML but not in CSV, XLS or neither through API. The page is hosted by Ministry of Finance. The main datasets are the ones Government proposes to the Parliament. The Parliament amends the budget perioidically. See the discussion in Finnish: http://avoindata.net/245/onko-valtion-budjettidata-saatavilla-avoimena-ja-milloin |
36 | Hong Kong |
http://www.budget.gov.hk/2013/... | HTML; PDF | n/a | 45% | |
budget 2013/14: http://www.budget.gov.hk/2013/eng/estimates.html |
36 | Portugal |
http://www.dgo.pt/politicaorca... | n/a | 45% | ||
The complete budget is available in a series of PDF's, from 1836 on. |
36 | Egypt |
http://www.mof.gov.eg/MOFGalle... | n/a | 45% | ||
The Egyptian financial year starts in the beginning of July each year, thus this is the budget for the period between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014. This data was extracted from the PDF file above (published by the Egyptian Ministry of Finance here) and is available on GitHub: http://datahub.io/dataset/egypt-budget-summary-2013-2014 The original data (in the PDF) as well as all publications and data are property of the Ministry of Finance. |
36 | Romania |
http://www.mfinante.ro/bug2013... | n/a | 45% | ||
The state budget is published as soon as it is approved by the Parliament on the Ministry of Public Finance website. The budget is presented as a set of PDF documents. The Ministry of Finance has formally refused (in written) to publish it as open data. On the same page, the Ministry publishes any rectification made during the year but the data is not aggregated. Thus, if one wants to know the actual budget, one has to take the information from two separate PDFs and make its own calculations. |
36 | Indonesia |
http://satupemerintah.net/Prog... | n/a | 45% | ||
Data portal covers Government of Indonesia National Budget 1968-2012. |
36 | Greece |
http://www.minfin.gr/portal/el... | n/a | 45% | ||
The General Accounting Office is responsible for the dissemination and publicity of the Annual Budget. Unfortunately, the General Accounting office has chosen to publish the related data in formats, which essentially prevents further use of this information by the public. The annual budget is published as unstructured PDF documents, while the internal breakdown formations change almost every year. This makes comparisons of actual spending with the budget , particularly difficult. Some experimental projects have been made using data scraping techniques , however, for a reliable and efficient solution the General Accounting Office should re-evaluate the data publishing policies applied. |
36 | Belgium |
http://www.begroting.be/portal... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
Portal provides links to PDFs containing all of the numbers. |
36 | Iceland |
http://hamar.stjr.is/ | HTML | n/a | 45% | |
The government budget is made available via an interactive website (and also as a printed version). |
58 | Tunisia |
http://www.finances.gov.tn/ind... | n/a | 35% | ||
Data partially available. 2012 budget published but not 2013 one. In the official "opendata" tunisian website, they mention that the license is open http://www.data.gov.tn/fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=177&Itemid=191 |
58 | Bermuda |
http://www.registrygeneral.gov... | n/a | 35% | ||
Budget speech and departments: http://www.gov.bm/portal/erver.pt/gateway/ptrgs_0_2_5786_527_2010_43/iaa%20file%20(b)/hyperlinks/requirements//gateway/PTARGS_0_2_18757_935_233626_43/http%3B/ptpublisher.gov.bm%3B7087/publishedcontent/publish/ministry_of_finance/new_ministry_of_finance/latest_news/4381_budget_2013_portal.pdf |
58 | Kenya |
http://treasury.go.ke/index.ph... | n/a | 35% | ||
Data also exists on the Kenya Open Data (KODI) portal, with more details (sector, county) but this is not updated. We chose the most significant data sources going forward and trackable as far back as possible. The ministries have changed with the new dispensation and the budget datasets on KODI are not only outdated but span only two financial years. |
58 | Senegal |
http://www.dpee.sn/ | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
58 | Costa Rica |
http://cgrw01.cgr.go.cr/apex/f... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 35% |
63 | Lithuania |
http://www.finmin.lt/web/finmi... | n/a | n/a | 30% | |
Presentation (visualizations) of data is mostly available as well as some Pdfs. However, open datasets are not available on the Governments websites. |
64 | India |
http://indiabudget.nic.in/inde... | n/a | 25% | ||
The data is fully available in the government website mentioned above. The data is available on Govt of India website "indiabudget.nic.in". The data is available in both machine readable and non readable formats. The excel format is only available for 2012-2013 data, while the earlier data is available in PDF format. The archives can be accessed at http://indiabudget.nic.in/index.asp under the sub-heading 'Annual Financial Statement'. The The Excel Sheet contains only data. For complete Statement of Budget Estimates (SBE's) with notes please see PDF Format. The PDF data is available from 1996-1997 onwards, and the 2011-2012 data is not available at the moment. |
65 | Cyprus |
http://www.mof.gov.cy/mof/mof.... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Some information is provided in reports and excels that are not clear. No information clearly set out per department/ministry or clearly labelled. More information provided in the Greek section but still not sufficient. |