List of registered (limited liability) companies. The submissions in this data category does not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet etc. To satisfy this category, the following minimum criteria must be met:
- Name of company
- Unique identifier of the company
- Company address
- Updated at least once a month
Rank | Place | Breakdown | Location (URL) | Format | Info | Prev. (2014) | Score |
1 | Taiwan |
http://data.gcis.nat.gov.tw/od... | CSV | #5 90% | 100% | |
Company data is updated month by month. NB, some users may have trouble viewing Taiwanese characters when opening CSV file in Excel. |
1 | Uruguay |
https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/d... | CSV | #5 90% | 100% | |
The Register for Industrial Companies only accounts for a minority of companies in Uruguay, but is freely downloadable in bulk and available as open data. It is updated monthly. Previously, it was also possible to download data on Small and Medium Enterprises (which account for the other 80-90% of companies), but the URL currently seems to be down. http://www3.ine.gub.uy:82/Anda4/index.php/catalog/677 However, the data on small and medium enterprises is available in the following Fusion Tables: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/data?docid=146Oe8VPNVodEEXydYnWKJkjXVjvjYZ6ulA9jZN41#rows:id=1 https://www.google.com/fusiontables/data?docid=14QRQ0B0avlPeI5QV89-VWPc27k-H0nu582dYMO4H#map:id=3 This data corresponds to the year 2014. |
1 | Norway |
http://data.norge.no/data/regi... | CSV, ... | #1 100% | 100% | |
Since the 2014 index, the data sets are available directly from the publisher, The Brønnøysund Register Centre, in addition to Difi's data hotel. Follow link to dataset for more information. Through the last couple of years, the data set has been expanded with more fields, e.g. number of employees. |
1 | Moldova, Republic of |
http://date.gov.md/ckan/ro/dat... | Excel ... | #11 70% | 100% | |
The Ministry of Information Technology offers regularly (roughly once a month) updated datasets which can be freely downloaded in .xlsx file format. Previous datasets are also available spanning the past year. |
1 | Australia |
http://data.gov.au/dataset/asi... | CSV, MDB | #11 70% | 100% | |
Basic registered company data is published monthly to the Federal open data catalogue, where it can be used in bulk or via API. There is also a dataset for the Australian Business Register at http://data.gov.au/dataset/abn-bulk-extract Includes:
Does not include company address. |
1 | Romania |
http://data.gov.ro/organizatio... | CSV, xls | #1 100% | 100% | |
Data is provided via national open data repository. It includes name, identification number, fiscal registration number, areas of activity and locality (state and town, not full address). Data is updated quarterly. Old versions of the dataset remain available. |
1 | Indonesia |
http://data.go.id/dataset/dire... | CSV | #50 35% | 100% | |
This dataset gives a more extensive list of limited companies which includes both state-owned as well as private enterprises, and across sectors. The dataset consists of company names, address and locations, and the type of industry. It can be downloaded as a single CSV file to the user's computer without restrictions, and is openly licensed. |
1 | United Kingdom |
http://download.companieshouse... | CSV | #1 100% | 100% | |
Companies House, the public body responsible for maintaining company registers in the UK, has since June 2012 made available a subset of the fields of the register for all companies for bulk download as monthly 'snapshot', at no charge and on an open basis. The specifications for the data are documented at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/370248/CompanyDataProductDataset.pdf and meets the minimum requirements of the definition of this element of the OKFN Census 2013. Additionally, full information from individual company registers is no longer subject to payment. Data is timely and was last updated on Oct 1st, 2015. |
9 | Thailand |
http://data.go.th/DatasetDetai... | CSV, XLS | #66 15% | 90% | |
NB: Data is only available for companies registered in the year 2015, on a month-by-month basis. The link given above is the company registration data for the month of June. January: http://data.go.th/DatasetDetail.aspx?id=ffe0737c-e9d9-40be-89bb-46d2a109b383 February: http://data.go.th/DatasetDetail.aspx?id=ecf759a9-35fa-4962-bcf7-9e265dfb9d0e March: http://data.go.th/DatasetDetail.aspx?id=43bf1b24-fc13-42dc-bc89-77cb695f1b77 April: http://data.go.th/DatasetDetail.aspx?id=96d63e86-9711-4ccb-851d-8aa4f17a6ed1 May: http://data.go.th/DatasetDetail.aspx?id=989e24a8-6fd8-4f76-8cea-ea5ca091a79c |
10 | India |
https://data.gov.in/catalog/co... | CSV | #1 100% | 70% | |
Master data of all the companies registered is available on OGD India, which is easily downloadable and available in bulk. Most importantly it is machine readable. The information available on OGD India and is completely open for reuse and further studies and research. It is updated on an annual basis for each financial year. Data is also available on Ministry of Corporate affairs website: 1. Company Master Data (http://www.mca.gov.in/MinistryV2/masterdatareport.html)
The license is not considered open - http://data.gov.in/sites/default/files/NDSAP.pdf |
10 | Kazakhstan |
http://stat.gov.kz/faces/wcnav... | EXCEL ... | n/a | 70% | |
The information provided by government officials in Kazakhstan (by default) is open for reuse, publishing as cited by the law. However, it is unclear whether this extends to company documents. The information provided is uploaded in bulk by each region, but you can not access it all in one file. |
10 | Latvia |
http://dati.ur.gov.lv/register... | CSV ... | #11 70% | 70% | |
Enterprise register's data is published in a structured form and updated daily. Benefits from timely updates: organisations requiring Enterprise register statistics can just grab the file instead of filing official requests, thus saving time and effort. Files include basic information about enterprises but lack more detailed information. Enterprise register sells access to detailed information to commercial companies for a considerable fee (in tens of thousands EUR) which can resell this information to everyone else. This is one of the best open data examples in Latvia, but it is difficult to find - you have to know the URL of the open data server or the path to take through register's website in order to find a link to the open data server. Update 2015: situation has not changed since 2014 and the answers are the same (URL valid, dataset updated regularly). |
13 | Denmark |
http://datacvr.virk.dk/ | XML | #8 85% | 65% | |
A log in and password is needed, which is why the data is not available. Bulk data is available for payment. Update 2015: It is still the case that you need to log in using your Danish citizen "NemID" (social security number-based digital identification system) in order to access the data. Once you've done that you have access also to bulk download, although the maximum number of records extractable per download is 50,000 (and total number of records as per Oct 2 is 1,173,015). |
14 | Colombia |
http://sirem.supersociedades.g... | Excel, TXT | #23 50% | 60% | |
The Corporate Information System-SIREM Report publishes information reported by companies that are subject to monitoring, control and inspection by the Superintendency of Corporations of the State. To download datasets, navigate to "Estados financieros" and then "Todas las sociedades". Datasets can be downloaded on a year by year basis, from 2004 to 2013. No datasets more recent than 2013 are available. The default format of data files is TXT, but instructions for opening the files in Excel are outlined in this document (language: Spanish): http://sirem.supersociedades.gov.co/Sirem2/Datos/GuiaExcel.pdf It is also possible to obtain limited company data by inputting a search term here: http://www.rues.org.co/RUES_Web/Consultas but not to browse or access data by any other means. Address details of companies are also not held. |
14 | Ecuador |
http://appscvs.supercias.gob.e... | HTML, ... | #14 60% | 60% | |
Information about companies is available though an online database. The registry can be browsed through page by page and saved in a range of formats both machine readable and not. (This action takes some time to complete and it is unclear whether it saves the whole database or a single page). |
14 | Niger |
http://www.stat-niger.org/stat... | XLS, ... | n/a | 60% | |
The companies directory is made available by the national institute of statistics on their website. The data are available on the webpage and the user can search within it. The data can also be exported in a range of formats. |
17 | Dominican Republic |
http://www.dgii.gov.do/app/Web... | n/a | n/a | n/a | 55% |
18 | Singapore |
http://www.acra.gov.sg/ | XLS | n/a | 50% | |
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) holds this data. However, you have to pay to get the data. According to the website https://www.psi.gov.sg/NASApp/tmf/TMFServlet?app=MYBIZFILE-SHOP-CART&version=&S=926cf361e94397c4969b52f67ddb&D=&AT=OUT&isNew=true&Reload=true&AN=PP01 the relevant information is the "Business Profile" containing "information such as registration number, entity name, business activities, registration date, owners and charges of the entity. Please click to see samples of business profiles for different entity* types." According to the brochure at http://www.bizfile.gov.sg/mybizfile/prod/ird/Information_Services_Product_Brochure.pdf these cost $5.50 per report and upon purchase "An email with a URL will be sent to requestor within 30 minutes." Additionally, obtaining data now requires a "SingPass" account, which is only made available to Singapore citizens and permanent residents. Those who cannot obtain an account are referred to this list of information providers: https://www.acra.gov.sg/components/wireframes/howToGuidesChapters.aspx?pageid=1262#1277 |
18 | Bulgaria |
http://www.brra.bg/ | XML, WSDL | #26 45% | 50% | |
The company database can be searched online, but queries are restricted to single entities and captcha. Obtaining the full database costs about 50 EUR. There are still some legal aspects of the bulk download (mostly relating to personal data protection) that are still unclear. Therefore the bulk download and subscription for new users is in effect blocked by the personal data protection agency. |
18 | Sweden |
http://www.bolagsverket.se/be/... | XML | #23 50% | 50% | |
Very sparse information available as open data in CSV format(http://www.bolagsverket.se/om/oss/vidareutnyttjande/oppna-data-1.10631) but doesn't include basics such as address. Bulk data is available for a fee as an "XML packet", which retrieves data directly from the register. It can be accessed online with a server certificate. For more information, the contact email is: forsaljning@bolagsverket.se |
21 | Jersey |
n/a | Excel | n/a | 45% | |
Users can perform ad hoc searches of the companies database at: https://www.jerseyfsc.org/registry/documentsearch/ All data can be obtained in bulk in Excel format for a fee of £100 (please contact registry@jerseyfsc.org). The registry has confirmed via email that when paid for, the bulk data is provided in Excel format. |
21 | Portugal |
http://publicacoes.mj.pt/ | n/a | #26 45% | 45% | |
Platform provides a search interface for company information. Search is heavily crippled by CAPTCHA and delays on multiple searches, features that severely limit scraping. The information provided is also limited and does not include address details. It is possible to browse the registry without a search term by selecting other criteria, though to do so would take a very long time. |
21 | Guernsey |
https://www.greg.gg/webCompSea... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
The registry can be browsed by entering a "%" as search term, though the results are limited to 500. Users can click to view more company details and company documents. |
21 | Rwanda |
http://org.rdb.rw/inf/Public/P... | n/a | #70 10% | 45% | |
Rwanda's company register is held and maintained by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB). Their website is http://org.rdb.rw/?page_id=203. The register can be browsed by users by selecting Enterprise Search (http://org.rdb.rw/inf/Public/Products/EntSearch.aspx) and entering a space as the search term, or else searching for a keyword. The database provides company name, registration number, registration date and address details. |
21 | Kosovo |
http://www.arbk.org/en/Home | n/a | #26 45% | 45% | |
The companies register of Kosovo can be searched through, or browsed by inputting a blank search. The registry contains the name, address and type of company; there is a field for register number, but for some reason it appears blank for all companies. The licensing status of the information is uncertain; Article 12 of Law No. 04/L-065 on copyright and related rights indicates that public documents such as government publications are not subject to copyright, but this may not apply to company documents or data. http://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDocumentDetail.aspx?ActID=2787 |
21 | Kyrgyzstan |
http://register.minjust.gov.kg... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
The Ministry of Justice has the full database of all the companies registered in a country. The information can be obtained by entering name of the company, registry number or identification number. Alternatively it is possible to bring up a list of all companies by inputting "%" as the search term. Clicking in the furthest right column allows users to view registration documentation and download it as a PDF. |
21 | Iceland |
http://rsk.is/fyrirtaekjaskra/... | n/a | #26 45% | 45% | |
Companies data can be accessed via a web form (search), or browsed by inputting a blank search (space), though possibly not in its entirety. Clicking on the company will reveal more details including limited information on financial statements and VAT number. Bulk data is available under a very restrictive licence and for a fee. There are database rights associated with the collection, pursuant to Copyright Law. |
21 | Georgia |
https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/m... | n/a | #9 75% | 45% | |
Data is available for free; no charge is required for any site functions. A search interface to access the full data is available at the link given. It is possible to browse the whole database by submitting a blank search, and clicking to reveal more detailed company information (after submitting a CAPTCHA). However, address information does not seem to be included. The data is not machine-readable because most important data, including data on company ownership and directors, is in PDFs and/or DjVu format. The data is not available in bulk. Transparency International Georgia (an NGO) runs a web scraper which republishes the information in a machine-readable format with an API at http://www.companyinfo.ge/en/ . However, this information is not timely, and the Public Registry recently installed a CAPTCHA which prevents the web scraper from functioning. All government-generated information in Georgia is legally in the public domain. However, there is no licensing information included with this data set. The data set pulls directly from the central database of company registrations and is therefore always up to date. |
21 | Puerto Rico |
https://prcorpfiling.f1hst.com... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
The Corporate Registry is continually updated. It can be browsed by submitting a blank search term, though the search is limited to 250 results at a time. |
21 | Bahrain |
http://www.business.gov.bh/ | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Bahrain provides a dedicated website for the company register (http://www.business.gov.bh/ ) that allows the public to search or browse the register and find up to date details about any company with information including the company registration number, address, telephone number, shareholders, registered activities and more. To browse the register, select "Information Request" at the side. The information is sorted by Block (area), Industry or Company Type, and at least one of these criteria must be chosen to make a search; but the data can otherwise be browsed freely. To perform a search with keywords, select "Search" at the side and enter the company name or registry number to obtain search results. |
21 | Saint Lucia |
http://www.rocip.gov.lc/stluci... | n/a | n/a | 45% | |
When using the website, you can enter the name of a company to search. A record of places will appear and the year the company has begun. However the data is not able to be downloaded in PDF or CSV format. Entering a space as the search term can bring up the whole database, although small search terms such as one character tend to interfere with the CSS/HTML styling of search results. It is also difficult to make multiple searches in one session without refreshing the page in between. |
21 | Benin |
http://www.ccibenin.org/index.... | n/a | #14 60% | 45% | |
The chamber of trade and industry of Benin is responsible for companies data collection and publishing. The data are registered at the creation of a company and updated when the company notifies a change. The data is available on the website of the chamber, but in PDF format and not updated (appears to be current to 2013). |
33 | Albania |
http://www.qkr.gov.al/nrc/Kerk... | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
The registry is not updated very often as a result of delay on the publishing of financial statement from companies. Users can browse the registry by entering a "%" as search term into any of the fields. To see company details, it is necessary to download a Historical Extract or Simple Extract in .doc form. |
33 | Jordan |
http://www.ccd.gov.jo/e-servic... | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
The Companies Control Department register can be searched for free on its website, using a wide range of queries including company name, trade name, company capital, board member name, etc. It is possible to browse the register by inputting a blank search ("%") although an upper limit of search results is imposed, 500 in some places and 250 in others. Clicking on a company's name will bring up more detailed information. |
33 | Greece |
http://www.businessportal.gr/s... | n/a | #86 0% | 35% | |
It is possible to search for company names and details, or to browse the register by inputting a space as the search term, up to a limit of 20 results. The limit to the number of results displayed is a severe logistical limitation to using the database. There are also no address details given for the companies retrieved. A more full company register can be found and searched here: http://www.et.gr/index.php/2013-01-28-14-06-23/search-ae-epe-issue-with-publisher-criteria but it still requires inputting a search term with a minimum of 4 characters to access data. It is possible to view company documentation by clicking on the company name, and download it in PDF form. |
33 | France |
n/a | xml, csv | #23 50% | 35% | |
The whole bulk data is available online under highly restricted conditions for 70 374 € : - http://www.sirene.fr/sirene/public/static/tarifs-rediffusion - http://www.sirene.fr/static-resources/doc/redifsirR2a.pdf |
33 | Burkina Faso |
http://cci.bf/?q=fr/entreprise... | n/a | #19 55% | 35% | |
The chamber of trade and industry have a database of all the registered companies in Burkina Faso. On his website there is a page where information related to the companies can be search, but all the dataset cannot be downloaded. Beneath the search box it is also possible to browse the register page by page. Clicking "Voir les détails" will give more detailed information about that company, e.g. trading name, category, RCCM number. Full address details are not always included. It it said (on the website) that those who need the whole dataset must send an email. We contacted the chamber of trade and industry related to the dataset and they let us know that the reusable format of the whole dataset must be purchased. |
33 | Lebanon |
http://cr.justice.gov.lb/searc... | n/a | #70 10% | 35% | |
The ministry of Justice has a Commercial Register site which provides the ability to search within company registers. The register can be browsed by submitting a blank search (space). There is no way to download the data as bulk. We found results for companies registered in 2015, yet there is no metadata or any other means to check how frequent the information is updated. The site and its content have a non-open license. http://cr.justice.gov.lb/search/res_list.aspx Here is an example for one of the results http://cr.justice.gov.lb/search/result.aspx?id=1000119598 It shows the Name of company, Unique identifier of the company (1019890 here), Company address, as well as other information such as capital, date of registration, its legal form and names of equity holders. |
33 | Nepal |
http://ocr.gov.np/search/ | n/a | #50 35% | 35% | |
Office of Company Registrar is responsible for data but they haven't provided these data in Open Format. However, the company register can be browsed by the public and contains company registration number, name, type and address as well as advanced search filters. |
33 | Senegal |
http://creationdentreprise.sn/... | n/a | #50 35% | 35% | |
The office that published the companies register (BCE) helps entrepreneurs establish their companies. It has a database of all established companies that can be searched through, or alternatively browsed beneath the search engine. You can click each company name to view more details. |
33 | Myanmar |
http://dica.gov.mm.x-aas.net/ | n/a | n/a | 35% | |
The DICA Company Search feature allows the public to search through a database of Myanmar companies, their names, registration numbers and license expiration dates. Further information including address, type of business and director names can be accessed by clicking on an individual name. It is also possible to browse through all companies in the database by entering a space as the search term. The data is copyrighted and it is unclear how frequently the database is updated. |
33 | China |
http://www.saic.gov.cn/ywbl/zx... | n/a | #26 45% | 35% | |
Database can be browsed by submitting a blank search query (though only from this page: http://gzhd.saic.gov.cn:8281/other/chaxun/listQyName.jsp), but only 10 results display at a time. The limit to the number of results displayed is a severe logistical limitation to using the database. The data available at national level might not include certain companies which are registered at city/province level. There is also a browseable government list of enterprises available here: http://zxjg.saic.gov.cn/saicmrktout/etpsPublish.do?method=toEtpsList&infoType=1# though it is unclear how comprehensive it is. |
33 | Ireland |
https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/Servi... | n/a | #19 55% | 35% | |
This remains unchanged from last year. Details about Accessing CRO Data are explained here: https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/Services/Access-to-CRO-Data Data available via free API for which signup is required at https://services.cro.ie/overview.aspx. Bulk data are available for an annual fee: "The CRO supplies, under licence, data in bulk format for high volume users of our data. The data concerned is company information in respect of all companies on the register. It is in a specified format which may be updated to take account of changes in filing requirements. Daily updates of the data may be downloaded via the internet - a password is assigned to a Licensee to facilitate this. The fee for the daily data update service has been fixed by the Minister at €31,000 per annum." The database can also be searched free of charge at http://search.cro.ie/company/. |
33 | Guinea |
http://www.apiguinee.gov.gn/an... | n/a | #79 5% | 35% | |
The data is made available in an online register that can be browsed through but is not machine readable or downloadable in any way. The site's search function can also be used to search for individual companies. The majority of companies on the register do not list addresses, but a small handful do. |
45 | Turkey |
http://www.ticaretsicil.gov.tr... | n/a | #26 45% | 30% | |
It is possible to obtain in full information held by the Trade Registry Gazette, from 1992 until the present day, in exchange for a fee. The data can be obtained online but the format is unknown. It is also possible to perform a free search for company names, mostly for the purposes of checking the availability of a name. A search term of at least 5 characters is required. http://www.ticaretsicilgazetesi.gov.tr/english/sorgu_acik.php |
45 | Bermuda |
https://www.roc.gov.bm/roc/roc... | n/a | #50 35% | 30% | |
Only change since 2013 entry is 'updated in a timely manner' being changed from 'Yes' to 'Unsure' because there are no indications of the frequency of updates. The register is free to browse but viewing company details requires a login, which must be applied for. Therefore the only details that can be viewed without an account are name, incorporation date and registration number. Another version of the public register may be found at Open Corporates (non-gov/third party source) and is downloadable as open data via API. https://assets.opencorporates.com/companies/bm They presumably obtained this dataset from scraping the registry. |
47 | Trinidad and Tobago |
https://rgd.legalaffairs.gov.t... | n/a | n/a | 25% | |
Data is available through bulk download, however there is a paywall. Any individual interested in gaining access to the dataset must pay per download. |
47 | Japan |
http://www.touki.or.jp/ | n/a | #57 30% | 25% | |
PDF, so not machine readable. No bulk data, no open license, charge to access data. |
47 | Germany |
https://www.unternehmensregist... | n/a | #57 30% | 25% | |
The company register is protected by data base rights and might not be reused without permission. Original License notice states: "Das Unternehmensregister genießt Datenbankschutz nach § 87a ff. UrhG und darf insoweit nicht ohne Zustimmung des Verlags außerhalb der gesetzlichen Vorschriften genutzt werden." No change from 2013 and 2014. |
47 | Austria |
http://www.justiz.gv.at/web201... | n/a | #26 45% | 25% | |
Access to the corporate registry is only possible through several private actors who obtained a license from the government to sell access to the A) company register (http://www.justiz.gv.at/web2013/html/default/2c9484852308c2a601240b693e1c0860.de.html) and B) trade register (http://www.bmwfw.gv.at/Unternehmen/Gewerbe/Seiten/ZentralesGewerberegister.aspx). Among these service providers is now also the fully state-owned Wiener Zeitung, the Republic's official gazette, which provides free access on http://firmenmonitor.at. There are several private operators that, like the Wiener Zeitung, offer free access to corporate ownership data, applying an add-supported business model or charge for access to financial corporate data. But none of the free offers provides an official extract of the data, and there appear to be some discrepancies in terms of how current the datasets of various providers are. |
47 | Aruba |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 25% | |
The Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry allows users to purchase information on all businesses registered with them, for a fee. (http://www.kvk.aw/products) An order can be placed with info@arubachamber.com. The Chamber also offers a free online company registry search (http://www.kvk.aw/registers), which requires inputting the branch or KvK number of a company in order to find data. The search results show the company's name, trade name, address, KvK number, branch and a Google map showing the company's location. |
47 | Cayman Islands |
http://www.ciregistry.gov.ky/ | n/a | n/a | 25% | |
Account registration is required to search the companies database. Upon making a search, company names only can be viewed for free; viewing any more details requires a payment to be made. |
47 | Ukraine |
https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/pai... | n/a | n/a | 25% | |
The register can be searched for free using keywords, although a CAPTCHA must also be entered for every individual search. To make a search in the registry, visit: https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/ua/freesearch All other data must be purchased, though it is unclear whether or not this is bulk data or what format it is available in. |
47 | Isle of Man |
https://services.gov.im/compan... | n/a | #9 75% | 25% | |
The Isle of Man Companies Registry can be searched online for free, but any other data requires payment to obtain and is not made available in bulk. An account is also required to view company documents and purchase them. The registry appears to be updated monthly. The website content is available under an Open Government License (https://www.gov.im/about-this-site/open-government-licence/) except where otherwise stated, but it is not clear whether this applies to any purchased documents, or what form those might be in (machine readable or not, digital or not). |
55 | South Africa |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 20% | |
Users must subscribe and pay for access to company data such as directors, addresses and registration details. http://www.cipc.co.za/index.php/find-enterprise-ip-informatr/moo2/public-disclosure/ |
55 | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
n/a | n/a | #70 10% | 20% | |
The Central Register of Macedonia gathers and administers company registries. Citizens can consult the registry (http://www.crm.com.mk/DS/default.aspx?MainId=12) but they need the number of the legal entity to get access to the data. Data is maintained timely (there is a related e-government service to business registration) but is not publicly available. |
55 | Syria |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 20% | |
Company registration information is available through the trust of commercial register in the province that the company belong to, according to Syrian company law 2011(http://www.dcc-sy.com/pgimg/Tamim/1327399691.7812.pdf). |
58 | Canada |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
It is possible to retrieve some company information by inputting a keyword of at least 3 characters into a search here: https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/cc/CorporationsCanada/fdrlCrpSrch.html?locale=en_CA up to a maximum search size of 200 results. However, this places restrictions on what data can be obtained, even though the data does exist. More details below: Because Canada is a federation of provinces and territories, these data would be considered incomplete, as companies are also registered, sometimes exclusively at those jurisdictions. A complete picture would require going to each jurisdiction and assessing their degree of openness. This response is solely for the federal / national level. These data are however generally incomplete, are destroyed every 7 years as per the tax act and are inconsistently managed. They are also not easily available to the public. While these national scale data meet many of the OKFN criteria, the fact that they are incomplete, inaccurate and destroyed every seven years is problematic, especially regarding transparency and investigations into money laundering. Furthermore, they are not readily accessible by the data producer, you can find a company but not a list of all the companies. Also, the Corporations Canada database "does NOT include corporations created under financial legislation (such as financial institutions, insurance companies or loan and trust companies) or those created under provincial/territorial legislation or corporate legislation from another jurisdiction." See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_company_registers#Canada The terms and conditions restrict commercial use, therefore the data is not openly licensed: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/icgc.nsf/eng/h_07033.html#ownership (No change from 2014) |
58 | Switzerland |
n/a | n/a | #14 60% | 15% | |
It is only possible to obtain companies data by inputting a search term into the search engine here: http://zefix.admin.ch/zfx-cgi/hrform.cgi/hraPage?alle_eintr=on&pers_sort=original&pers_num=0&language=4&col_width=366&amt=007 and it is not possible to browse or otherwise access the data without these restrictions. Data is available for personal use: "publication of the whole database, or of parts of it, by any means is strictly forbidden". http://zefix.admin.ch/hrweb/eng/about.htm There are daily summaries of new entries, changes and deletions to the register available to download on this page: http://zefix.admin.ch/shab/ but they are likely meant more as notifications than as a comprehensive resource. |
58 | Belgium |
n/a | n/a | #19 55% | 15% | |
Reviewer's comment: It appears that it is only possible to obtain companies data by inputting a search term of 9 or 10 characters into this free search engine: http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html There is no other way to freely browse or obtain the data. I have been unable to find evidence of the data as described by the submitter below. Submitter's comment: There are three ways to obtain this data. One is as an Open Data CSV file that is updated monthly and available for free after registration, in this dataset however you can only see the publicly available information about the companies. There is also a daily updated webservice where users pay 50 euro per 2000 queries. And there is a full xml catalogue, daily updated with more up-to-date information on the companies (current and stopped). For this you pay a license of 75000 euro per year. As long as the basic way to obtain data is not open without needing to register, we cannot see this as open data under the open definition as defined on http://opendefinition.org/. |
58 | Brazil |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
Access to company data in Brazil - on a federal level - is very limited. In order to access data, one needs to know the identification number of the company. There is no service where people can search for the identification number if they only know the name. On a state level every state has a company registration agency that maintains company data. Data for the state of São Paulo is available here: https://www.jucesponline.sp.gov.br/Default.aspx There is also a dataset of the government supplier registry that can be queried by name, has the legal name and identifier as well as addresses of companies. However, it is not updated regularly. Last update: January 2015. Companies that have never either laid bids for procurement with the government (mandatory) or just registered themselves (voluntarily) are not listed. Not available in bulk but is openly licensed. http://compras.dados.gov.br/fornecedores/v1/fornecedores.html |
58 | Czech Republic |
n/a | n/a | #5 90% | 15% | |
The data is available via a register - you can browse one company at a time and then download each listing as pdf. It is not possible to view company data unless a search term is inputted. Last year, there was an option to download machine readable data (XML) but last update is more than a year old. 2015 data are therefore available only via the search interface. Also, the licence restricts commercial use https://or.justice.cz/ias/ui/download/licence_pro_pouzivani_zverejnenych_dat.pdf |
58 | Russian Federation |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
Brief Description: Russian companies registry data is available to be searched via the http://egrul.nalog.ru website. This data is up to date, free, but limited by company name, it's unique registration number, address and short list of latest registration actions without details. It is also not possible to obtain data without inputting a search term, which restricts users from browsing the database freely. Any financial information is provided with fee or via commercial services. Most important issues: 1. No machine readable data 2. No bulk download 3. No open licenses 4. Data hidden behind captcha 5. Public information is very limited. Comment: Nothing changed since 2014 |
58 | Korea, Republic of |
n/a | n/a | #14 60% | 15% | |
The list of registered companies is maintained in the official registry managed by the Supreme Court of Korea in accordance to the law. (http://www.iros.go.kr/ifrontservlet?cmd=INSEWelcomeNseFrmC) Even though the list can be searched on the Web, the whole list of registered companies is not available, and the information acquired by searching cannot be re-used since the information is copyrighted. It is also necessary to download and install an unknown file in order for the search feature to work. Actually, the site insists linking to the site requires a pre-registration, but in my opinion, this is not the right that can be protected by the law. |
58 | Italy |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
"Is it up to date?": there are several inconsistencies. You can access to individual entries via the online form with a search term, (http://www.registroimprese.it/richiedi-subito-documenti) but you can't download it. It's possible to pay to get the whole dataset via email. |
58 | Slovakia |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
It is only possible to obtain companies data by searching for a keyword. Company names can be clicked on to view more detailed data, although addresses are not included in the database. http://www.orsr.sk/search_subjekt.asp?lan=en |
58 | Jamaica |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 15% | |
Data is held by the Companies Office of Jamaica. It is possible to manually search for companies by name, which will provide the company number, name, industry and status but no further details. There is no browsable or downloadable dataset. The URL https://www.orcjamaica.com/CompanySearch.aspx provides a search engine and let's say you enter |
58 | Morocco |
n/a | n/a | #62 25% | 15% | |
Data is not really shared : at directinfo.ma (the e-service side of OMPIC), there is a form to fill (web-based query) where to enter the search criteria. (http://www.directinfo.ma/fr/fc) Only very limited information on each company is given; for any further detail, the visitor needs to pay. The pricing policy is available here: http://www.directinfo.ma/directinfo/DownloadDocPDFServlet?type_doc=tarif (PDF, in French). |
58 | Hong Kong |
n/a | n/a | #57 30% | 15% | |
It is not possible to search the registry or view any company data without paying a fee. Details of the fees are made available at: https://www.icris.cr.gov.hk/csci/chargeRate.do |
58 | Netherlands |
http://www.kvk.nl/producten-be... | n/a | #70 10% | 15% | |
For a fee, users can purchase company data from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, which includes "a complete view of an organization; product extracts, history, filings and also where available financial statements and corporate relationships". These are available in digital or paper form. |
71 | Dominica |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
The office allows a name search of the companies, but we could not find the full dataset in bulk without a search term. |
71 | Luxembourg |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 10% | |
Data is also published in the Mémorial C, http://www.legilux.public.lu/entr/. People have written scrapers for both, e.g. http://legicopylux.free.fr/ |
71 | Panama |
n/a | n/a | #50 35% | 10% | |
You have to register for an account to access the data. Unofficial sources: http://www.panadata.net/sociedades http://www.panadata.net/personas |
71 | Costa Rica |
n/a | n/a | #70 10% | 10% | |
It can be accessed online but a password or permissions is required. |
71 | United States |
n/a | n/a | #66 15% | 10% | |
In the US, corporate registration happens at the state level. The timeliness, availability, and licensing of this data varies among all 50 states. There is no federal dataset that contains all corporate registrations. It would be possible to create a unified open registry for all US corporations (even if only via aggregation from state ones) but this does not exist at this time. Across those states performance varies widely and in many cases data is not available in bulk, is not machine readable, is not openly licensed etc. For more detail, see the per state summary on Open Corporates. |
76 | Mexico |
n/a | n/a | #63 20% | 5% | |
Despite the fact that data is available under the Treasury and Economic Ministry, there is no public database available to the public. Some query mechanisms exist in order to find basic company information based on the name of the company or their tax id. It is also possible to download generated search results in .XLS format. No change from 2014. |
76 | Finland |
n/a | n/a | #19 55% | 5% | |
The business information system has a limited companies search feature, which can be found here: https://www.ytj.fi/english/yrityshaku.aspx?path=1704;1736;2052&kielikoodi=3 However, I have not been able to find evidence of the data (Data from the Finnish Trade Register's public notices and Data from Finnish Business Information System, in .JSON format) as specified by the submitter. |
76 | Israel |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 5% | |
Despite the official description, only basic data is available for for free, and obtaining it requires inputting a search with a minimum of 3 characters. Advanced details about a corporation (e.g. debt status, insolvency) require identification and payment. It is stated that information online may also be missing, out of date or inaccurate. |
76 | Grenada |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 5% | |
To access the information, a formal request needs to be submitted to Legal Affairs/ the Corporate Affairs of Intellectual Property Office. This can be done though email to annettehenry7@gmail.com OR legalaffairs@spiceisland.com |
76 | Spain |
n/a | n/a | #66 15% | 5% | |
An user account is needed to access the Company Register of Spain. Accessing a company file isn't freely available. https://www.rmc.es/privado/LoginConvenio.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fsociedadesInscritas%2fNombreSocial.aspx |
76 | Côte d'Ivoire |
n/a | n/a | #66 15% | 5% | |
It appears that the data is available from the Chamber of Commerce but you need to pay for access. For a quotation, you must send an email to a given address. - Website: http://www.cci.ci/index.php/informer/information-economique-liste-des-entreprises-et-fichiers-de-prospects Therefore, the data is not publicly available. |
76 | Barbados |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 5% | |
The Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property office allows the public to perform a "Company Inquiry" for a fee of $5, though there is no information given about what data the inquiry would return or its format. http://www.caipo.gov.bb/site/index.php/fees/article/24-company-inquiry The office makes available a very limited free internet search facility, which allows the user to search for or browse through the names of registered companies and view registration numbers and dates. However, the database is not regularly updated and is not meant to be used as a substitute for a paid search of the official records. http://www.caipo.gov.bb/site/index.php/search/search-our-database/ |
76 | Cambodia |
n/a | n/a | #50 35% | 5% | |
The Ministry of Commerce has a Company Search feature: http://www.moc.gov.kh/en-us/company-search which allows users to look up the name of a company if they know it (minimum search input is 3 characters), its director and contact number. Clicking on the name also reveals registration number and registered address. However, there is no option to browse the whole database freely or download its contents. It is unclear how frequently the dataset is updated. |
84 | Kenya |
n/a | HTML | #79 5% | 0% | |
Data on companies is not available online from Government sources it is available upon request at the respective government office. There is a fee for the 'search' to de done and it is not clear in what format the requesting person receives the data. I am also not sure if the data at the offices is fully digital though this could be possible and unfortunately I cannot verify in good time. [According to Ahmed - No changes from 2013] Data on company registry is available from other non-governmental sources such as the Credit Risk Monitor (https://www.crmz.com/Directory/CountryKE.htm). |
84 | Algeria |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The CNRC (Centre National du Registre de Commerce) appears to hold companies data, but it has not been possible to determine what kind, or how detailed it is. It is only possible to bring up a list of company names (either by inputting a keyword, or a space as a blank search) using the online search feature. http://www.cnrc.org.dz/fr/src/recherche.php The whole database is available under conditions and paying fees, though the cost is not specified, and it is still unknown what data this would constitute. http://www.cnrc.org.dz/fr/services/index3.html No official information about the frequency of database updates. |
84 | Tunisia |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 0% | |
We checked in September 8, and it stated last update was in August 31. So it is updated. In the Industrial Business Directory is contains only companies with more than 10 employees. Total registered is 5,636, as for the Directory Service companies the total registered is 3,117. Names of companies and addresses are listed, but no unique identifier seem to exist, only company legal names (Dénomination) and Raison Sociale. We are not sure these are all the companies in Tunisia, especially that it is stated in their FAQ that "To be included in the directory of industrial companies, which is available free of charge to operating industrial enterprises operating in Tunisia and employing ten people or more, contact the Regional Directorate of the API implementation that covers your region". Which means only companies who contact them are being listed. Last year's comment below: No information about license, therefore the data is considered non-open. Industry: http://www.tunisieindustrie.nat.tn/fr/dbi.asp Services : http://www.tunisieindustrie.nat.tn/fr/dbs.asp |
84 | Saudi Arabia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry provides a web based system for querying the company register (http://eservices.mci.gov.sa/Eservices/Verification/PageVerify.aspx?docId=3). However, this system retrieves data by using the commercial registration number of a company in order to retrieve data about it. Due to the lack of a valid commercial registration number, it could not be verified if (a) the system works, and (b) it contains the data required for satisfying the requirements of this question. |
84 | Tajikistan |
http://www.andoz.tj/index.php/... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
Tajikistan has a "Legal register of taxpayers" online which can be searched and browsed (by submitting a blank search) and includes information on private entities and legal entities which pay tax. The data license is open according to the legislation on access to information - http://www.andoz.tj/ It includes entity names, tax numbers and registration dates, but is unarguably still a tax register and not a companies register. Therefore it is not possible to say with certainty whether Tajikistan has the data as detailed by the Index. |
84 | Cameroon |
http://www.statistics-cameroon... | n/a | #26 45% | 0% | |
At the Cameroon National Institute of Statistics, this information is organized for investors and this might explain why it is so incomplete. It concerns only companies having a turnover over 100 millions per year (Official source) Source : http://www.stat.cm/downloads/liste_entreprise_2012_fr.pdf Mining companies are to be found elsewhere, especially in the EITI-Cameroon website (Official source). Source : http://www.eiticameroon.org/index.php/les-industries-extractives/les-societes-minieres Oil companies are to be found in another link in the same EITI-Cameroon website (Official source) http://www.eiticameroon.org/index.php/fr/les-industries-extractives/les-societes-petrolieres The Chamber for commerce, industry, mining and craft (CCIMA) is responsible for the collection and diffusion of information on companies in Cameroon (1). The eRegulation service maintained by the Ministry of SMEs, Solidarity Economy and Crafts (MINPMEESA) offers information for registration for specific councils but there is no centralized process yet (2). A project on the creation of a central database was mentioned in a 2009 report but there is no evidence such an exhaustive register is operational (3). Finally, the Statistics Institute conducted a Census of Companies in 2009 but it does not provide the list of the companies, the results provided are only about statistics on these companies (4). (1) CCIMA, http://www.ccima.net/present_fr.php Accessed on 2014-07-03 (Official source) (2) Cameroon eRegulations, http://cameroun.eregulations.org/ Accessed on 2014-07-03 (Official source) (3) Observatoire Economique et Statistique d'Afrique Subsaharienne, Atelier sur le traitement des statistiques d'entreprises, February 2009, http://www.afristat.org/contenu/doc_travail_experts/Com_Repertoire-Final_publication.pdf Accessed on 2014-07-03 (4) INS Cameroun, Recensement Général des Entreprises (RGE2009),http://www.statistics-cameroon.org/news.php?id=78 Accessed on 2014-09-09" (Official source) Status: "There are some lists of companies that are shared but these lists are not complete at all. The Chamber for commerce, industry, mining and craft (CCIMA) maintains a database on industrial companies in the country. The database only have 63 companies registered though, on a voluntary basis. It is possible to export the data in Excel file (1). The CCIMA also provides another listing on its website (1) but there are less than 400 companies available and there is no possibility to export the data easily. (1) Base de données sur les entreprises industrielles du Cameroun (CCIMA), http://www.pointsbiz.com/projets/ccima4/entrepriselist.php (2) CCIMA, Annuaire des entreprises du Cameroun, http://www.ccima.net/annuaire_fr.php |
84 | Paraguay |
https://marangatu.set.gov.py/e... | txt | #26 45% | 0% | |
At the moment, all the links which used to lead to data on Paraguay are not working. There was a company search feature in which you could obtain data by knowing the Company Registry ID (RUC), but this link was not working at the time of data review. https://marangatu.set.gov.py/eset/perfilPublicoContribIService.do Formerly, the data was also available for bulk download at http://www.set.gov.py/pset/hgxpp001?6,18,543,O,S,0,MNU;E;106;11;MNU or http://www.mic.gov.py/GuiaIndustrial/ However, these two links are also now broken. |
84 | Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% |
84 | Azerbaijan |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is not evidence of a companies register such as we are looking for. The Ministry of Taxes has a "state register of business entities" which is searchable, but it is geared towards taxes, thus it only provides company names and Taxpayer Identification Number - not company registration number or any other company details. https://www.e-taxes.gov.az/ebyn/commersialChecker.jsp |
84 | Egypt |
http://www.tpegypt.gov.eg/Arab... | n/a | #86 0% | 0% | |
It has not been possible to find an official Egyptian companies register or database that contains comprehensive company information. The Egyptian International Trade Point (http://www.tpegypt.gov.eg/Arabic/EgyDirectory.asp) has a companies search feature of sorts, but it appears to be geared around buying and selling products rather than information about companies. |
84 | St. Vincent & the Grenadines |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
It has been difficult to determine the existence of a companies register on the Commercial and Intellectual Property Office website. (http://www.cipo.gov.vc/) There is mention of an "Inspection of documents" fee which could refer to inspecting company documents, but this is not certain. (http://www.cipo.gov.vc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=38) |
84 | United Arab Emirates |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Economy of the UAE has an online system for querying the unified central register of businesses in the UAE. ( http://cbls.economy.gov.ae/ ) The feature for searching for the business name displays the name of the business, its unique identify, and the date of its registration and expiration. The address is not available from this form. There is another search option for looking up business activities ( http://cbls.economy.gov.ae/BASearch.aspx ) but it is difficult to use this system to verify if it shows the address of the business or not. |
84 | Antigua and Barbuda |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The most likely body responsible is the Financial Services Regulatory Commission (http://www.fsrc.gov.ag/), but there is no evidence of a companies registry on that site. |
84 | Philippines |
n/a | n/a | #57 30% | 0% | |
No data found from http://www.sec.gov.ph/ nor anywhere in the official government website http://www.gov.ph/about/gov/ |
84 | Guatemala |
n/a | n/a | #70 10% | 0% | |
The website for company registration in Guatemala appears to be: http://www.registromercantil.gob.gt/ but it is impossible to view anything that might be company data without a registered account, which requires ID such as a passport. Therefore, the data's existence cannot be verified. |
84 | Ethiopia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Trade (http://www.mot.gov.et/) appears to be the body responsible for company registration, but many of the website links are broken, and it has not been possible to verify the existence of a companies register. |
84 | Oman |
n/a | n/a | #79 5% | 0% | |
The Ministry of Commerce "One Stop Shop" website provides many services to the public includes a feature to search the listing of the commercial register to look for basic information about registered companies. The data available to the public is limited and provides only details of the registration number, name, number of branches, company type, registration date, and whether or not the company is still active. As there is not enough data to qualify for the minimum criteria, the dataset's existence has been marked as uncertain. |
84 | Botswana |
n/a | n/a | #79 5% | 0% | |
Submitters comments: There is a names register online - but this does not provide additional information such as address etc. http://www.mtinamesearch.gov.bw/search/ It appears that Botswana does not use company registration numbers, but only register businesses by their name (http://www.gov.bw/en/Business/Sub-audiences/Small--Medium-Businesses/Company--Business-Name-Registration/#a35fb00617eb47dd93b0193e9d5eb0d4). |
84 | Malaysia |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
From the Companies Commission of Malaysia official portal, there datasets are not available. The only information that is available online is the generic information about number of registered companies and business. Given that the institution is in the Federal State territory, submitting for Freedom of Information request is impossible because there is no Freedom of Information Act for the Federal State Wilayah Persekutuan. |
84 | Bahamas |
http://rgd.bahamas.gov.bs:8081... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Registrar General's Department has a free company search feature which allows users to look up company names and registry numbers: http://rgd.bahamas.gov.bs:8081/netdata/db2www.pgm/findcompany.ndm/searchcomps It can also be browsed by entering a space as the search term, though with a limit of 100 search results displayed at a time. There are no other details provided and it is unclear how often the database is updated. |
84 | Argentina |
n/a | n/a | #86 0% | 0% | |
Unable to find a definitive register of companies information in Argentina. |
84 | Guyana |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Guyana Office for Investment is the body responsible for incorporation of companies (http://goinvest.gov.gy/investment/incorporation/), but it is unclear whether or not it has a companies registry or how to access it. |
84 | Iraq |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Trade has a department to register companies, you can only find the numbers of of companies from 2003 until 2013 on the ministry website. It is not clear if that department has a detailed record of registered companies in Iraq (http://www.mot.gov.iq/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=57). |
84 | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
We were not able to find the data on the website of the Company Registration General Office here (http://sherkat.ssaa.ir/Default.aspx?tabid=4767) |
84 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The body responsible for company registration is the Financial Services Regulatory Commission: http://www.fsrc.kn/ There is no evidence of a companies register on the site. |
84 | Pakistan |
http://www.secp.gov.pk/CLD/cld... | n/a | #26 45% | 0% | |
Only names and website links of registered companies are available, published by the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan: http://www.secp.gov.pk/CLD/cld_stakeholders.asp There is also a company name search feature, which gives access to registration numbers, incorporation dates and incorporation status: http://www.secp.gov.pk/ns/index.asp |
84 | Togo |
http://togo.eregulations.org/p... | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
There is a resource provided by the Ministry of Industry, Free Zone and Technological Innovations to aid in the creation of businesses (http://togo.eregulations.org/), but it does not appear to hold company data or make it available. |
84 | Nigeria |
n/a | n/a | #79 5% | 0% | |
Nigeria's company register is not open. There is a name search facility that allows you to check the availability of company names: http://services.cac.gov.ng/group/customer/name-search No other information is available about data held on companies or how to access it. |
84 | Kuwait |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Kuwait Government Online website (http://www.e.gov.kw/) does not have any evidence of a register of companies data. However, there are some companies of different types - hospitals, banks, airlines - listed along with their contact numbers in the Kuwait Statistical Review 2013, which is the closest the website comes to providing a directory. http://www.e.gov.kw/Documents/English/Forms/CSB/Statistical_Review_2013.pdf It is unlikely this is a comprehensive list. The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce (non-governmental) has a searchable companies and institutions registry which features names, dates of registration, addresses and registration numbers. http://www.kuwaitchamber.org.kw/echamber/website/index.jsp#:searchListReport@1 |
84 | Libya |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
No data is available. |
84 | Qatar |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce (http://www.mec.gov.qa/en) is responsible for the registration of companies in Qatar, but there is no evidence of any data on its website or elsewhere. However, the Qatar Chamber of Commerce (a non-government organisation) has a searchable companies directory: http://qatarchamber.com/2311 as does the Qatar Financial Centre Authority: http://www.qfc.qa/company-register/Pages/cro-search.aspx The QFC register includes information on date of registration and licence status, and has the ability to search by company director. It does not contain address information, but the Chamber of Commerce directory does. |
84 | Tanzania, United Republic of |
n/a | n/a | #86 0% | 0% | |
The Business Registrations and Licencing Agency (BRELA) is the government agency that has started recently to list registered companies in Tanzania. (http://www.brela.go.tz/) Previously there was a company name search feature available on its website, but this appears to have gone, and there is no other form of company data in evidence. |
84 | Mali |
n/a | n/a | #86 0% | 0% | |
The Investment Promotion Agency gives advice on how to start a business in Mali: http://www.apimali.gov.ml/api/en/index.php?page=start-a-business and has a step-by-step registration procedure on its eRegulations portal: http://mali.eregulations.org/procedure/2/4?l=fr but does not indicate where company registry data is held or how to access it. |
84 | Montserrat |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Monserrat Development Unit has a guide to creating and registering companies: http://www.devunit.gov.ms/company.htm but there is no evidence where that data is held, what it is, or how to access it. |
84 | El Salvador |
n/a | n/a | #26 45% | 0% | |
It was not available on the research for the Open Data Global Index 2015. National Registration Centre website is under construction, data is not available. Address: http://www.cnr.gob.sv/ |
84 | Chile |
n/a | n/a | #86 0% | 0% | |
The Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism has a facility for checking whether company names are registered, which doubles as a search engine of sorts for registered companies and their ID numbers: http://www.empresaen1dia.cl/res.verificamarcasmp.aspx However, there is no evidence of more detailed company data being available. There is also an unofficial online directory of Chilean companies current to 2012, provided by the non-profit SOFOFA, which can be freely browsed. http://www.sofofa.cl/Net/DirectorioIndustrial/Consulta/WebForms/Buscar.aspx |
84 | Sudan |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Ministry of Justice of Sudan is responsible for the commercial register. Its website has a feature to look for registered company names, to help users in applying for names which are not taken already (http://www.crd.gov.sd/searchtst22sql.php). This search engine does not provide any details about the companies themselves and no other information appears to be available on the internet about this dataset. |
84 | Timor-Leste |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The Institute for Business Enterprise, an official government website, has what appears to be a comprehensive list of businesses in Timor-Leste. http://www.iade.gov.tl/en/tis/enterprises/ However, it does not provide address details for companies - only district - and has no unique identification numbers. It is also unclear how often it is updated. |
84 | Turks and Caicos Islands |
n/a | n/a | n/a | 0% | |
The website is http://www.tcifsc.tc/departments/registries/companies but it is unclear what data it contains and there is no way to access or search it. |