Open Knowledge

Procurement tenders 43% open (avg.)

Ranked #4 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)
The Index average ranking for Procurement tenders is up from #11 in 2014


All tenders and awards of the national/federal government aggregated by office. Monitoring tenders can help new groups to participate in tenders and increase government compliance. Data submitted in this category must be aggregated by office, updated at least monthly & satisfy the following minimum criteria:


  • tenders name
  • tender description
  • tender status


  • Award title
  • Award description
  • value of the award
  • suppliers name

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. (2014) Score
1 Taiwan
  • XML n/a 100%
1 Taiwan

Active tenders are searchable. Full data is available through the Open Data portal.

1 Colombia
  • CSV n/a 100%
1 Colombia

Se actualiza la información y las url de acceso al catálogo de datos abiertos del Estado. A continuación se relaciona otra url con más información:

Adicionalmente se cuenta publicada la información en el buscador de procesos de contratación de la entidad Colombia Compra Eficiente.

1 Romania
  • XLS n/a 100%
1 Romania

Older data (2007-2014) is available in CSV format on the national open data portal:

The data is also available on the procurement portal - but not in bulk or machine readable.

1 Thailand
  • Excel n/a 100%
1 Thailand

Many of government procurement datasets were release on

1 Mexico
  • xlsx n/a 100%
1 Mexico

Public procurement site is Compranet.

Data from 2010 - 2015

Data from 2002

1 Paraguay
  • JSON, CSV n/a 100%
1 Paraguay

The DNCP is in charge of maintaining the national e-procurement platform. The system contains information about all the procurement phases are: planning, tender, award, contract, amendment.

All this information is available at the open data platform from the DNCP, where the user can:

  • Browse information about each phase 135
  • Download this information for each phase for each year since 2010 in csv format. The files are updated daily. 6[8][9][10]
  • Use the API to create new Apps [11]
  • Visualize the information in a user friendly manner [12]


1 Uruguay
  • RSS, XML n/a n/a 100%
1 Philippines
  • CSV n/a 100%
1 Philippines

The official tender and award notices are available at Philgeps. The data is available for download through the Open Data portal. The data on the portal is in the public domain.

1 Australia
  • Excel n/a 100%
1 Australia

All metadata available from the dataset at This dataset lists the weekly contract notice updates but also links to historical contract data back to 1999.

1 United States
  • XML n/a 100%
1 United States

In addition, here is the link to the GSA eLibrary that provides contract award / acquisition information. Here is the link to System of Award Management (SAM)’s public data access page that shows who is registered to do business with the federal government.

1 Canada
  • CSV, ... n/a 100%
1 Canada

There are different data products available here -

While they don't impact the status of this review, there are some public comments worth noting on the Tender Notices page in the open data portal:

12 United Kingdom
  • XML, CSV n/a 90%
12 United Kingdom

In February 2015 the Cabinet Office launched a new version of Contracts Finder as a beta service. This service provides a search facility for public sector procurement contracts in England. Similar services are available for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (though the NI service requires registration).

Cabinet Office has separately made available a static archive of data from the earlier version of Contracts Finder, covering the period from February 2011 to February 2015.

Information posted to Contracts Finder (past and present) is generally re-usable under the Open Government Licence but some contract records contain exceptions and are therefore non-open.

12 France
  • XML n/a 90%
12 France

Procurements data (both tenders and awarded contracts) is available as open data. However there are challenges with the data:

  • Tenders data fit nearly perfectly since recently the requirements, regularily published by DILA as the BOAMP database under the Open Licence as lots of XML files. The bulk criteria does not apply to this dataset.

  • Awards data only provides procurement from a portion of the central governmental entities (see here and here), estimated to represent only 40 to 60% of the global amount awarded each year. This dataset is only updated yearly and has been published on an irregular basis and inconsistent formats for the last four years making the bulk criteria not applicable to the French dataset.

The dataset on 2014 procurement tenders is an extract of PLACE, the national procurement marketplace. It includes tenders name, description of the tenders and status of the buying unit, supplier name, award title, date of the notification (DAY/MONTH) city, zip code, value of the award, description of the award, if it was attributed to an SME.

Data from 2011, 2012, 2013

Data on procurement tenders by some sub-national entities (city, departments, regions) and independant administrative authorities are generally not present on but there are some, such as CNIL and the City of Poitiers.

12 Italy
http://portaletrasparenza.avcp... XML n/a 90%
12 Italy

The main limit of this service is the lack of a bulk download data and the need to know the names of the government institutions in order to make use of the search engine. The license should be IODL, but isn't specify the version. I assume is the 2.0 (the last that sounds like a cc-by). The specifications are here.

12 Spain
https://contrataciondelestado.... XML, ... n/a 90%
12 Spain

The Procurement Tenders dataset matches the evaluation criteria.

It does not provide a bulk download but an an electronic mechanism to allow companies to integrate the tenders with their systems (with the CODICE specification) and a set of RSS feeds.

16 Brazil
  • csv, ... n/a 80%
16 Brazil

Has data on tenders, participants, suppliers, contracts, bids, values, etc. Available as a RESTful open data API. Possible to browse data in html format as well. Sources: Sistema Integrado de Administração e Serviços Gerais (SIASG), SICAF (suppliers registry), CatMat (material types catalog), CatSer (service types catalog) and Comprasnet (online tender bidding system).

Does not qualify the minimum criteria because the data us not up-to-date (last update: January 2015).

17 Isle of Man
  • n/a n/a 75%
17 Isle of Man

The new government digital strategy debated and approved by parliament introduced an expectation that the Open Contracting Data Standard will be adopted, initially in the Department of Infrastructure and then cross-government.

17 Korea, Republic of
  • n/a n/a 75%
17 Korea, Republic of

The Public Procurement Service (PPS) of Korea, Republic of has developed an electronic procurement system called Korea ON-line E-Procurement System (KONEPS). KONEPS is aiming to establish a nationwide web-based procurement system, dealing with whole procurement process including acquisition of all the information on the national procurement projects, procurement request, bids, contracting and payment for 37,000 public organizations and 120,000 private firms.

Although the data provided on the site meets the minimum criteria, it is not available in machine-readable formats, and not available in bulk. The data can only be accessed in HTML formats. Descriptions of tenders and awards are only provided by attached documents. There are Web APIs that can be used to access the data in machine-readable formats, but they require pre-registration so they are not publicly available.

17 Kosovo
  • n/a n/a 75%
17 Kosovo

Article 12 of Law No. 04/L-065 on copyright and related rights places public documents in the public domain.

20 Bulgaria
  • CSV n/a 70%
20 Bulgaria

All documents are available on the website of the agency. They are in somewhat structured form, but are not machine readable. There's no formal schema or definition. Their own dataset has been extended multiple times, so even internally it's hard to figure out a standartised form and values for the data. A bulk download is avialable via the open data portal of the government.

20 El Salvador
  • CSV, Excel n/a n/a 70%
20 Kyrgyzstan
  • CSV, ... n/a 70%
20 Kyrgyzstan

The state portal for governmental tenders Provides all the information about all the tenders created by government. Additionally they provide the data about winners. It is required by the law that all governmental agencies and bodies have to publish their tenders on the web site.

20 Russian Federation
  • XML n/a 70%
20 Russian Federation

All russian procurement data including customers, suppliers and tenders database is available for free since 2005 year. It's published at FTP server for developers and provided free for regular users via website.

20 Greece
  • Excel n/a n/a 70%
20 Timor-Leste
  • XML, XLS n/a 70%
20 Timor-Leste

There is a dedicated ministry that covers Procurement in Timor-Leste which is the Ministry of Finance However, following the list of Current Tenders provided by the Ministry of Finance, the information does not meet the above criteria.

26 Czech Republic
  • XLS, ... n/a 60%
26 Czech Republic

Historic machine-readable data is available as a yearly summary for 2012- 2014 but the frequency is insufficient to qualify as bulk download. The license or terms of use of the data is not specified. Current awards are available on the Journal Procurement.

26 Portugal
  • XLS n/a 60%
26 Portugal

There is no reference on the site to the terms of usage or license of the published information.

26 Ecuador
https://www.compraspublicas.go... Proprie ... n/a 60%
26 Ecuador

The public procurement portal (Portal de Compras Públicas) gathers information about all procurement processes, budgets and contracts from all government offices. It is required to register as a supplier in order to get access to the data which is published in a proprietary format called Ushay and sometimes in pdf. The supplier agreement states that all rights to publish, reproduce, distribute and transform content from the portal belong to Servicio Nacional de Contratación Pública.

26 Moldova, Republic of
  • XLS, ... n/a n/a 60%
26 Georgia
https://tenders.procurement.go... HTML n/a 60%
26 Georgia

While the data is available online, it is not available in bulk in a machine readable format. The only way to access the data in this way is by scraping it. TI Georgia and JumpStart Georgia have both unsuccessfully requested bulk format and API access.

26 Dominican Republic
http://www.comprasdominicana.g... XLS n/a 60%
26 Dominican Republic

The historic data is available for download on the transparency portal of the contracting authority.

26 Germany
  • XML n/a 60%
26 Germany

Germany does not have a unified set of public procurement regulations for tenders that fall below the EU thresholds. As a result, the publication and monitoring is decentralised at the federal state level and different local procurement portals exist. is the main access point to the electronic information and administrative services of the German public administration and contains tenders from the federal, state and local governments as well as of vacancies in the public administration.

26 Belgium
https://enot.publicprocurement... XML n/a 60%
26 Belgium

Current and closed tender notices are available. Contract notices are available, but information on companies is not included. It is only searchable in a search engine, not available in bulk or aggregating datasheets.

26 Azerbaijan
  • .xlsx n/a n/a 60%
35 Mali
  • n/a n/a n/a 55%
36 Ukraine
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Ukraine

In addition to the website we assessed here, Prozorro, an independent web application that is actively supported and scaled up by the government, is being developed to increase the level of transparency of procurement. Through ProZorro all tender and award data is accessible, machine-readable, & openly licensed.

36 Senegal
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Senegal

The procurement tenders are made available for public on a dedicated website. User can query and download data for free. Bulk download is only available as PDF.

36 Tanzania, United Republic of
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Tanzania, United Republic of

The data is available though, it doesn't conform to open standards. Also, information on award value is not always available.

36 Singapore
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Singapore

Only tentative tender data available on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Individual agencies/ministries do provide more information, such as land tender award for HDB.

Reviewer's comment - There is an alternative website for tenders and awards - see here

36 Albania
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Panama
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Qatar
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Qatar

The Central Tender Committee of Qatar publishes information about the tenders for government projects and the awards for these tenders. The tender data appears to be up to date and includes the tender number, type, subject matter of the tender, client, closing date, expected value, tendering format, and tender fees. The tender award data includes the tender name, type, subject matter of the tender, client, closing date, winning company name, and accepted value. However, it is difficult to verify if the award data is up to date because the awards are not ordered chronologically.

36 Puerto Rico
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Puerto Rico

The Administración de Asuntos generales has a link to this website , the unique registry for auctions; you can search for auction information by auction number, awarding agency, or contract type. For closed auctions, this link does not include who the contract was awarded to or the value of the award.

The Administración de Asuntos Generales, has a separate registry of awarded contracts, which includes the scanned original contracts-- these contracts include auction number, amount awarded, etc:

The information is there, but it is not easy to match.

36 Botswana
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Botswana

Note data is very hard to use, not easily searchable and organised by date of decision.

36 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

The official e-system for public procurement ( is kept up-to-date, the interface is easy to use and data is avaliable in great detail.

36 Iceland
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Iceland

Ríkiskaup has a list of recent public tenders and awards on their website:

The awards do not always show who was awarded nor do they always provide a description. Open tenders do show suppliers and the value. Sometimes the data is available on the site in the right field so in all likelihood this is caused by the data not being put on the website, but according to a conversation with Ríkiskaup this is all recorded in a computer system.

36 Jordan
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Jordan

Here are ongoing tenders, - and here are the awards,

36 Finland
http://www.hankintailmoitukset... n/a n/a 45%
36 Finland

Hilma data is in, and has been at times obtained through FOI requests, but is not published as open data. Tender and award data over 120,000 Euro is available throught the European tender system TED.

36 Denmark
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 India
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 India

The Government of India has online portal for procurement and issuing of tenders where one can easily browse through data and access information regarding them. is the main site catering to this need.

The Central Public Procurement Portal of Government of India facilitates all the Central Government Organizations to publish their Tender Enquiries, Corrigendum and Award of Contract details. The system also enables the users to migrate to total electronic procurement mode. The primary objective of this portal is to provide a single point access to the information on procurements made across various Central Government Organizations.

36 Netherlands
http://aanbestedingskalender.n... n/a n/a 45%
36 Netherlands

All Dutch tender information that is also on TED is available on this website.

36 Oman
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Oman

The website of the Tender Board, the body responsible for awarding government contracts, provides a comprehensive database that provides extensive data on government tenders. The data includes information about the project, the value of the tender documents, the names of all companies that bought the documents, the names of all companies that submitted proposals with the cost of each proposal. There is also information regarding the date the tender was floated, the date envelopes were opened, and the date the tender was awarded. There appears to be a bug with the page for displaying the award document, but it is easy to identify the awarded company as the information page shows the award amount (which could be cross referenced with the proposal cost).

36 Pakistan
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Pakistan

List of current tenders by Government Organizations is available at following link:-

36 Trinidad and Tobago
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Trinidad and Tobago

Awarded contracts are available here:

36 Cambodia
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Slovakia
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Slovakia

The data is available since 2009. It is updated daily and is quite detailed. It is not structured, machine-readable, nor published in bulk or licensed under an open license, though.

The data can be scraped and is being scraped and re-published in structured format by several NGOs.

Office for Public Procurement often changes the structure of the Bulletin, which disables scrapers. A couple of weeks ago the whole Bulletin even moved to a new URL (the original URl was identical tu the current one, except it started with "www" not "www2"). The change made all links to individual data from the Bulletin non-functional and confused users of the data. It is possible that this is a part of a redesign of the Office website and the Bulletin will be moved back to its original location in time.

36 Indonesia
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Indonesia

Bulk dataset is available at, under open license, but last updated on 2013

36 Hong Kong
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Hong Kong

The award information is available at

36 Guatemala
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Guatemala operado por el Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas

36 Japan
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Japan

Tender for purchase information is aggregated at following page.

Each Ministry publishes their tender on their own webpage. In those webpages, all the required information are concluded.

36 Morocco
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Latvia
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Latvia

There are plans for making the data available in machine readable form.

36 Kazakhstan
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Kazakhstan

In order to download files with necessary information it is required that you log in, there are a lot of other statistics regarding the procurements on portal. The information provided by government officials in Kazakhstan (by default) is open for reuse, publishing as cited by the law.

36 Kuwait
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Cameroon
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Cameroon

The Ministry of public contracts published on its website all the contracts awarded ( The Public Contract Regulatory Agency publishes regularly a Public Contract Journal, on a monthly basis including call for tenders and results of the calls (

The Ministry of public contracts has just build an eProcurement platform that will be launched as soon as January 1st 2016. Testing and training are underway. The goal will be to provide procurement datasets for all public contracts processes in Cameroon.

36 Côte d'Ivoire
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Côte d'Ivoire

The procurements tenders are managed by the direction of public procurement, that publish the data on his website.

36 Chile
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Chile

The data is on a Government Platform called which facilitates the contact between supply and demand. Only ongoing procurement process are available in bulk as XLS archives.

36 China
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 China

The is the central information portal publishing tender and award information at both national and local level.

For tender, you can find all national tender information here:

For award, you can find all national award information here:

data are available in HTML table. Some data such as the name of the supplier is available in a word document.

36 Costa Rica
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Guyana
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Bolivia, Plurinational State of
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Switzerland
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Switzerland

Tenders and bits conforming to GATT/WTO regulations are also published on Tenders Electronic Daily (TED).

36 Bermuda
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Austria
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Austria

There are several sources for such data - on EU level it is TED: and on national level data can be found freely available on the system of the Wiener Zeitung (Newspaper owned by the Austrian federal Gov) under: (but listed and not very user-friendly) and/or via the Federal Procurement Agency:

36 Rwanda
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Kenya
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
36 Jamaica
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Jamaica

Tenders are invited from appropriately qualified contractors registered with the National Contracts Commission (NCC) for the provision of Goods, Services and Works. For the provision of Insurance Services, in addition to the foregoing requirements, Brokers/Insurers must also be registered and pre-qualified by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). Upon the submission of tenders, Contractors must submit valid Tax Compliance Certificates (TCCs) and National Contracts Commission (NCC) Certificates. Procurement opportunities offered by way of International Competitive Bidding are not subject to the above. However, NCC and TCC Certificates are required prior to the award of contract(s). Awarded contracts are listed seperately.

Data is in pdf format and not machine readable.

36 Ireland
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Ireland

The Tender Advisory Service (TAS) is being piloted to assist suppliers who have issues or concerns with a procurement process carried out by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) or other public sector contracting body (excluding the commercial semi-state bodies). The pilot will cover all procurement processes and will be subject to review after the first twelve months. TAS will operate through the OGP’s Customer Service Section.

36 Montserrat
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Montserrat

Data is available as individual pdf and docx formats and not machine readable.

36 South Africa
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 South Africa

Most, if not all, government departments publish tender information online, generally in PDF format. There is no single, machine-readable source of information across all of government.

36 Argentina
https://www.argentinacompra.go... n/a n/a 45%
36 Argentina

Custom licence here:

36 Turkey
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Turkey

QA review - Data was not machine readable since it is in PDF. License in this link is not sufficient.

There are several ways to access current and archived tenders. Here: and here: None is truely available in bulk though.

36 Tajikistan
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Tajikistan

In comparison to 2014 registry of procurement that contained mostly tenders on gasoline, tenders in 2015 contain also pharmaceutical goods. All available data is in HTML format. Although the portal contains disclaimer on copyrights belonging to the Agency, it does not specify in details the rights of users.

36 Norway
  • n/a n/a 45%
36 Norway

Tenders are found at, while awards are found at

85 Burkina Faso
n/a n/a n/a 40%
85 Burkina Faso

The tenders begin with the publication of the public procurement plan. Following this plan, the tenders are launched and managed by the general direction of public procurement control. After the recount, the results are stored in a database and published in a paper magazine. The data in the database are accessible by demand but not yet opened by default. There is a process to make the data openly available initiated by the Burkina Faso Open Data Initiative

86 Benin
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Benin

The procurement tenders are published on the website of the general direction of procurement. All data about the tenders are publicly available, but the data are not machine readable and not up to date. Bulk downloads are not sufficiently frequent.

86 Saudi Arabia
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Saudi Arabia

The Council of Saudi Chambers publishes the details of government tenders and the details of the contracts signed by the government in regard to these tenders - i.e. the awards). The details of the project, company, and contract value is available. However, the websites does not show the date of tender or award and it appears to be out of date.

86 Togo
http://www.marchespublics-togo... n/a n/a 35%
86 Togo

Information on awards is not timely.

86 Guinea
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Guinea

A synthesis of the data are available on the website of the Ministry of Finances.

86 Cayman Islands
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Cayman Islands

Information on awards is not up-to-date.

86 Bahrain
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Bahrain

The Bahraini Tender Board provides details about current tenders and the latest awards. The data includes the project name, number of bids, winning company, and the value of the contract. The tender data appears to be up to date, but the latest awarded data is available up to June 2014 only.

86 Ethiopia
  • n/a n/a 35%
86 Ethiopia

Tender notices are up-to-date. Award notices do not seem to be complete.

93 Jersey
n/a n/a n/a 10%
93 Jersey

The Jersey government through its Corporate Procurement Services, States of Jersey Treasury Department publishes information about current tender opportunities worth more than £100,000, including an archive of opportunities, but does not publish information about awarded tenders.

There is a strict confidentiality policy in place, so one party accessing the tender documents may not share them with another apart from on a need-to-know basis.

Jersey and Guernsey, which are two different jurisdictions but are only 20 miles apart, use a shared service (Channel Island Tenders) for open tendering. Therefore the assessment of JE and GG should be identical.

93 Guernsey
n/a n/a n/a 10%
93 Guernsey

The Guernsey government through its Corporate Procurement Services, States of Guernsey Treasury and Resources Department publishes information about current tender opportunities, but does not provide an archive of opportunities and does not publish information about awarded tenders.

93 Luxembourg
n/a n/a n/a 10%
93 Luxembourg

Awards are not public. Tenders aren't aggregated by office. Some awards ("procédure restreinte") are not public.

Some of the data can be shown here -

96 Sweden
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Turks and Caicos Islands
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Turks and Caicos Islands

While tender information is available, the link to the awards is not active.

96 Syria
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Syria

In Syria this kind of data should be available for public by the department or ministry who asks the public to apply for tenders.

Reviewers comment: Couldn't find the data, and I doubt they release awards details

96 Nepal
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Nepal

Government Of Nepal, Public Procurement Monitoring Office does not publish information on contract awards, only tenders. Procurement portal available here.

96 Nigeria
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Nigeria

The Bureau of Public Procurement is responsible for publishing tenders and awards of the federal government, and its Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

The last consolidated procurement records released by this government agency was in 2011, while having some from 2010. However, it should be noted that the agency publishes Federal Executive Council's contracts for every three months in PDFs, which doesn't include the tender status.

96 Malaysia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Malaysia

From the ePerolehan official portal, the datasets are not available. Given that ePerolehan is under Ministry of Finance and the institution is in the Federal State territory, submitting for Freedom of Information request is impossible because there is no Freedom of Information Act for the Federal State Wilayah Persekutuan.

96 Israel
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Israel

  • Tender RFPs are published but not the awards or the chosen supplier.
  • Procurements that get exemption from using a tender (e.g. single supplier contracts etc) are published in a dedicated government website (but not in machine readable form). These kind of procurements make 80% of the total number of procurements.
  • Other data (including actual amount executed and small-valued procurements) is not available online but only through FOIA requests. Some work is done in the government level to release a quarterly report of these records, but it remains to be seen if this gets implemented.

96 Iraq
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Iraq

We were not able to find aggregates for the whole country. Some local governorate-level websites, such as this ( and this (, but data is either not complete or links not working. And there are no updates for more than a year.

96 Iran, Islamic Republic of
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Iran, Islamic Republic of

We could not find this data

96 Tunisia
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Tunisia

This site lists ongoing tenders ( but we were not able to find awards.

96 St. Vincent & the Grenadines
  • DOC n/a 0%
96 St. Vincent & the Grenadines

The data for procurement tenders is only available through third parties.

96 Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Grenada
  • PDF n/a 0%
96 Grenada

The government publishes tenders, but no awards.

96 Libya
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Saint Lucia
  • PDF n/a 0%
96 Saint Lucia

The government makes active tenders available online through itsenter link description here website. However, awards are not published.

96 Lebanon
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Lebanon

Was not able to find this data. Some government bodies list their tenders ( and but there is no general database and no listings for awards

96 Egypt
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Egypt

The website is meant to aggregate all tenders and awards of the Egyptian national government. It divides tenders into ongoing, submitted and awarded ones. The section for the ongoing ones seems to be up to date with tenders' names, description and status. The submitted and awarded section have the latest tenders from 2009 and 2010 respectively. For the awarded tenders it doesn't list the suppliers the tenders were awarded too. For each tender there are two links for "technical" and "financial" evaluations, but they require login.

96 Niger
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Niger

The general direction of public procurements control is in charge of the tenders data. Normally, the data must be online, but their website is down. The data is in pdf format and available for free

96 Algeria
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Algeria

We were not able to find this data

96 Sudan
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Sudan

It seems that Sudan does not have data about its public procurement. We only found some examples for data about the tenders in some official websites like the website of Sudanese Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd, and the data seems outdated (

96 Myanmar
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Myanmar

No evidence showing from the President's Officer website that the data is exist. and the dedicated webpage for the cabinet ministries is empty so no way to find out who are the responsible minister involve. I have found a 3rd party website that provide a list of ministries official websites but some of these websites are not found.

Kindly note that there is a high possibility that Myanmar government did not update each of these ministries websites so there is an error while trying to gain access to these websites.

96 Dominica
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Dominica

This information is not available at any of the government based websites. It is unclear as to which department that deals with procurement, currently each government department is in charge of its own purchasing.

96 Barbados
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Barbados

Tenders are available on the Barbados Integrated Government website. Awards are not.

96 Aruba
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 Aruba

Public tenders are available on the Aruba government website. However, awards are not made online.

96 Antigua and Barbuda
  • HTML n/a 0%
96 Antigua and Barbuda

The Government of Antigua & Barbuda does not have a tender and award database. Notices are distributed via the Government's website

96 United Arab Emirates
n/a n/a n/a 0%
96 United Arab Emirates

The Ministry of Finance publishes the latest data about tenders on a timely manner on its website. ( ). Details relating to awards do not appear to be online.

Not to editor: I am facing a problem whenever I try to answer "no" the question "publicly available". I had this same problem with many of my submissions, the form gets accepted only if I set the answer as "unsure".

Reviewer's comment: Since the data for awardees is not available, I'd mark this entity as unavailable since it doesn't meet the minimum requirements

96 Bahamas
  • n/a n/a 0%
96 Bahamas

Tender notices are available in PDF format and not machine readable. Award notices are not available.