Open Knowledge

Government Budget / 2014 62% open (avg.)

Ranked #2 against other datasets in the Index (avg.)
The Index average ranking for Government Budget is up from #3 in 2013


National government budget at a high level. This category is looking at budgets, or the planned government expenditure for the upcoming year, and not the actual expenditure. To satisfy this category, the following minimum criteria must be met:

  • Planned budget divided by government department and sub-department
  • Updated once a year.
  • The budget should include descriptions regarding the different budget sections.

Rank Place Breakdown Location (URL) Format Info Prev. Score
1 Denmark
  • EXCEL, ... #1  100% 100%
1 Denmark (StatBank Denmark contains detailed statistical information on the Danish society. The database is free of charge and data can be exported in several file formats and presented as diagrams or maps.) The website offers a data selector where users can configure specific indicators and export the result in different machine-readable formats. All the items and years can be selected in the selector and then data can be downloaded in bulk. (English version, instead of Danish)

Responsible for the page " " under "URL to license or terms of use" is

1 United States
  • XLS, ... #1  100% 100%
1 United States

Current budget is available at Formal budget documents are in PDF format and are on Machine-readable data in Excel and CSV files can be found in the supplemental material at

Furthermore, the copyright notice states all material is CC-By (see

Bulk: Whilst the data is split across multiple files there is a good core set of data in the "Public Budget Database" which consists of only 3 substantial CSV files. As such, have marked Bulk as "Yes"

  • Machine-readable: whilst formal budget is PDF we believe that all relevant data is contained in the Excel and CSV files so Machine-readable is "Yes" (note also that the CSV files are well formatted)

  • Older budgets: the OMB budget site only contains data for the latest budget with past budgets available on the GPO website at: The GPO site only provides PDFs. However, the OMB site does contain a historical tables section at and the Public Budget Database contains data back to 1962.

1 Brazil
  • .rdf #36  45% 100%
1 Brazil

Data is also published on the website of the Brazilian planning Ministry: But links are broken. In June 2014 the Brazilian government published all budget data as .rdf data on the Open Data Catalogue

1 India
  • CSV, Excel #64  25% 100%
1 India

The data is fully available in the Data Portal India website mentioned above with their links. The data is available in machine readable formats. The data portal provides important data pertaining to various aspects of the budget from 2011 to 2014 in machine readable format. The Ministry of Finance website on Union Budget provides up to date information about the though some of it is in PDF format. The information available on Data Portal India and is completely open for reuse and further studies and research. Same is the case with the data available on the budget website. Data has been shared under National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy – 2012 (NDSAP-2012). This was a unique initiative taken by Govt of India. The objective of the policy is to facilitate access to Government of India owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine readable forms through a network all over the country in a proactive and periodically updatable manner, therefore, permitting a wider accessibility and use of public data and information.

1 Uruguay
  • CSV, ... n/a 100%
1 Uruguay

Metadata on the contents is provided, as a TXT file that describes each of the fields in the CSV files (description in Spanish)

1 Netherlands
http://opendata.rijksbegroting... csv #1  100% 100%
1 Netherlands

De begrotingsstaten van het Rijk worden op of rond prinsjesdag als open data ontsloten. Deze staten bevatten een artikelsgewijsuitsplitsing van de geraamde verplichtingen,uitgaven en ontvangsten van een begroting. Deze staten worden geregeld bijgewerkt. [No changes from 2013]

1 Canada
  • Excel #1  100% 100%
1 Canada

The data for the most recent year is updated monthly. The annual budget data is avaible back to FY 2009. The data is available grouped in three ways: - Authorities and Expenditures by vote - Expenditures by Program Activity - Expenditures by Standard Object The data is available in Excel and xHTML formats. (No change from 2013)

1 Mexico
http://www.transparenciapresup... CSV n/a #19  70% 100%
1 Isle of Man
  • Excel #10  95% 100%
1 Isle of Man


Other national statistics are available from the Treasury Economic Affairs Division (generally equivalent to Office of National Statistics):

There is also a well organised independent apolitical CSO/PMO Positive Action Group with topical analysis:

1 Germany
  • xls, ... #1  100% 100%
1 Germany

It has to be said that the granularity of the data is not satisfying. The budget data is available as XLS in bulk and free to use as an "amtliches Werk" according to §5 Abs 1. UrhG

1 New Zealand
  • Excel n/a #1  100% 100%
1 Australia
  • CSV #17  75% 100%
1 Australia

Data from the 2014-15 Budget are provided to assist those who wish to analyse, visualise and programmatically access the 2014-15 Budget.

1 Italy
  • CSV, Excel #1  100% 100%
1 Italy

The General Accounting Office publishes data on central government spending of the state in time series from 2007 and processable format. The data allow to follow the evolution of resources allocated, committed and paid from the state budget, broken down into the public policy goals (missions and programs), the economic nature of the expenditure (by title and economic category), the nature of 'legislative authorization (by type of authorization) and the administration responsible for the implementation and management (accounting). [amended: it is possible to download state 2013 budget as xls from under IODL2 as well as other documents mentioned above]

1 France
  • CSV #11  90% 100%
1 France

Proposed revision: url updated, and data is available in bulk. "It is considered non-bulk if the citizens are limited to getting parts of the dataset through an online interface". It's not the case.

1 Indonesia
  • CSV #36  45% 100%
1 Indonesia

Indonesia government budget (APBN) is spread over several resources as published in Indonesia Data Portal under Bank Indonesia

1 Chile
  • CSV , XML n/a 100%
1 Chile

National level information.

17 Finland
  • CSV, xml #36  45% 90%
17 Finland

The data is available since 2014 in CSV and XML. The data asset is also available on Finnish data portal

On the page ( ) data is available in PDF and HTML but not in CSV, XLS or neither through API. The page is hosted by Ministry of Finance. The main datasets are the ones Government proposes to the Parliament. The Parliament amends the budget perioidically. See the discussion in Finnish:

17 United Kingdom
  • n/a #11  90% 90%
17 United Kingdom

The position seems to be as follows. There is an annual "Budget speech" and documents are published online by HM Treasury and are re-useable under the terms of the UK's Open Government Licence. For 2014 all the documents are provided in PDF format. However this does not usually include detailed departmental budgets. Departmental level budgets are in a number of places, but the two collections available regularly free of charge under the UK Open Government Licence are: (1) the annual "Estimates" published each April for the financial year commencing that April. These are published in PDF format department by department and are at for the last three years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14 The dataset for this fiscal year is available here: This dataset is "up to date" (2) the same, and some more detailed, data is contained in the "Plans" part of the COINS/OSCAR dataset (this also contains matching expenditure information). Although the expenditure information is published quarterly, the "plans" are not currently published in OSCAR data until the end of the financial year to which they relate. Once Plans information is available on OSCAR it is available for bulk download in machine readable format (CSV). In assessing the ratings fairly it was necessary to choose between the "Estimates" and "OSCAR" versions - the OSCAR version seemed closer to the ideal, even though it was not as up to date, and that is assessed here. -

19 Hong Kong
  • n/a #36  45% 85%
19 Hong Kong

The data are provided in pdf format by the Information Services Department (ISD) and Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government of the People's Republic of China. Data are under copyright.

The data are also provided in csv format the South China Morning Post (a media company):

Data is not in Machine readable format, but in PDF

19 Kosovo
  • n/a n/a 85%
19 Kosovo

Article 12 of Law No. 04/L-065 on copyright and related rights places public documents including laws such as the Law on Budget in the public domain.

21 Georgia
  • n/a n/a 75%
21 Georgia

Most of the data is made available in PDF files, although some Excel files are available; therefore, the data is overall not machine-readable.

The PDF files must be downloaded individually for individual years, so the data is not available in bulk.

All government-generated data is legally public domain in Georgia, although the Ministry of Finance website specifies that it is Copyright 2012 the Ministry of Finance. No specific license for the dataset is provided, however.

22 Taiwan
  • PDF, ... #19  70% 70%
22 Taiwan

No changes in 2014.

22 Korea, Republic of
  • Excel #19  70% 70%
22 Korea, Republic of

Original source is from Specific budget category (budget of each project or governmental programs.) does not exist.

22 Colombia
  • Excel n/a n/a 70%
22 South Africa
  • XLS #27  55% 70%
22 South Africa

Government budgets are standardised across government departments allowing for easy comparisons. historic budgets are also available, 2013 and 14 seem the most comprehensive datasets. Planned expenditure data is available in PDF and XLS. The data is copyright under the National Treasury.

22 Ecuador
  • HTML, ... #35  50% 70%
22 Ecuador

The consolidated budget for 2014 is available online, but not its detailed version and execution.

22 Slovenia
  • CSV #1  100% 70%
22 Slovenia

Each of the budget revisions are published as an Act and therefore available freely. Click on the links in the content of the page, to get to a page about each revision of a yearly budget. There, the first two links will be the budget in PDF and CSV format. Since 2013 the budget is also provided in CSV. Older PDF and CSV files, general part only ("splošni del"), are provided via a third party, on github: ----

22 Costa Rica
  • CSV #58  35% 70%
22 Costa Rica

The budget is accessible and downloadable via an interface as a CSV file. The interface is not a burden but a filtering mechanism to allow people to choose fiscal year (or all years). Therefore it is said to be available in bulk.

2015 budget is available and is therefore made available on a timely basis.

22 Norway
  • Excel, CSV #11  90% 70%
22 Norway

No license for use of data is stated on

22 Czech Republic
http://monitor.statnipokladna.... CSV #36  45% 70%
22 Czech Republic

Budgets for years 2010 - 2014 are available. The current budget is published in 3 phases (estimates, changes, actual expenditure) and updated quaterly.

Czech national budget for 2015 has not been approved by the parliament and therefore not published (not even a framework).

The license says, that data can be shared freely and integrated into computer programs or databases and other works. However, it also mentions, that the data can't be edited - I think this is just unfortunate definition, that means that the cannot be used in a misleading way, but I'm not 100% sure about it. The terms of use:

22 Croatia
  •, xls, pdf #11  90% 70%
22 Croatia

Older budget records are available in non-machine readable format only.

Since in the impressum of the website of the Ministry of Finance it is not clearly stated whether data is licensed by the Government of Croatia, we have selected "No" category.

We have selected "Yes" under the "available in bulk" category since the whole budget for 2014 is available for download in a consolidated file.

22 Hungary
  • Excel #25  60% 70%
22 Hungary

Until 2014, official budget documents were in the form of Budget Bills and acts, not available in a user-friendly format and which were difficult to interpret for the average citizen. Also, Budget Bills only talk about spending institutions and due to the frequent institutional reorganizations, it was difficult to track the spending dynamics over time by field/sector. By now the budget data are published on the Hungarian State Treasury's website in a slightly modified COFOG2 breakdown, which makes the interpretation of the budget data significantly easier.

22 Sweden
  • Excel #1  100% 70%
22 Sweden

Available in Excel format. No explicit license information.

22 Latvia
  • XLS n/a 70%
22 Latvia

The state budget for recent years is published as semi-structured XLS files (cell text indentation level shows budget entry hierarchy, not entirely machine-readable):

URL for state budget 2014:

  • see "4.pielikums" for the main budget and "5.pielikums" for the special / social insurance fund budget

The archive of state budget data for previous years (year 2013 shown by default, see the sidebar for earlier years):

See also:

22 Zambia
  • http:// ... n/a 70%
22 Zambia

Budget data for 2014 is available here: in PDFs by seraching "Budget Yellow Books"

22 Japan
  • Excel #19  70% 70%
22 Japan

The license of the e-Stat data is available at And MoF's license is here:

"3) Prohibited use" makes the data non-open.

22 Turkey
  •,267... Excel n/a 70%
22 Turkey

22 Israel
  • PDF, ... #19  70% 70%
22 Israel

The data is also available graphically in

39 Romania
  • XML, PDF #36  45% 60%
39 Romania

The state budget is published as soon as it is approved by the Parliament on a special page maintained by the Ministry of Public Finance. The budget is presented as a set of PDF documents, and, starting with 2014, also in XML format (scroll down to the bottom of the budget page for the link).

However, the XML format does not include the budget rectifications, which are only available in separate PDF files. Also, there is no updated version of the budget after rectifications, which means that one should take the provisions from the rectification bills and apply them to the original budget.

The data is slightly behind schedule: the information on the latest rectification, from mid September, was not yet published in mid October.

The data are under the Copyright of the Ministerul Finantelor Publice DGTI but there is no reference to a licence nor terms of use.

39 El Salvador
http://www.transparenciafiscal... Excel n/a 60%
39 El Salvador

The data is not available in bulk in the sense that you have to download budget information for expenditure and incomes separately.

No explicit notice or information has been found explaining the terms of use of the data set.

39 Russian Federation
  • XML #25  60% 60%
39 Russian Federation

Brief Description: Russian budget data is one of most open data but a bit dispersed over a few government websites. Well prepared machine readable data available on new government webisite right here - This data is XML data dumped from government database as XML dumps with XSD (XML schemas) provided. is beta-stage portal for now (November 2014) and this data is not up to date . Up to date data published as XLS on websites of Federal Treasury ( and Ministry of Finances ( I suggest to accept this data XML but not to accept it as timely updated for now. Step by step explanation 1. Does the data exist? Yes, national level budget data available at - 2. Is data in digital form? Yes, data available via website and has digital form. 3. Publicly available? Yes, this data is publicly available. We don't need FOI request to get it. 4. Is the data available for free? Yes, this data is available for free. No payment is required. 5. Is the data available online? Yes. Data available at 6. Is the data machine readable? Yes, this data provided as XML files 7. Available in bulk? Mostly yes, you need to download a few XML files 8. Openly licensed? No, this data is not formally under open license from 9. Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis? Yes, data updated monthly

39 Paraguay
  • CSV,HTM ... n/a 60%
39 Paraguay

The data is provided with low granular level, it not seems to be complete but it is up-to-date and well formatted. It is also easy to share.

43 Zimbabwe
  • n/a n/a 55%
43 Zimbabwe

The government of Zimbabwe publish every December an estimation of expenditure for the next calendar year on the treasury website. No license was found.

43 Virgin Islands, U.S.
  • n/a n/a 55%
43 Virgin Islands, U.S.

The buget is downloadable in full as a PDF document. The latest budget, for 2015, is available although the budget for 2014 is not.

43 Jamaica
  • n/a n/a 55%
43 Jamaica

Data including budgets, budget memoranda, presentations to parliament and revenue measures are all available from the site. There is no clear license within the PDF documents and a copyright (all rights reserved) statement on the website itself.

43 Austria
  • n/a #19  70% 55%
43 Austria provides links to the budgets for 2014 and 2015 in PDF files. Numerous relevant datasets with various statistics and payments are available as XLS files, however there appears to be no machine readable file with all data from the budget. More than a dozen XLS files are available for download, most of them with tens of worksheets, but all this data combined still does not appear to cover all the data contained in the PDF files of the budgets. The Ministry of Finance appears to claim a Copyright on all content on its website.

The Austrian Parliament has a department for budget analysis. The analysis and data produced by this department is only available online, mostly as PDF and DOCX files, a couple of relevant XLS files are available as well, but no fully machine-readable budget data set (

43 Serbia
  • PDF #27  55% 55%
43 Serbia

The whole budget can be downloaded as a single pdf file, which means it is available in bulk.

No licese is available (although all laws should be in the public domain).

43 Spain
http://www.sepg.pap.minhap.gob... n/a n/a #27  55% 55%
43 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
  • n/a n/a 55%
43 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

PDF files that contain information on the government's budget for a given year can be found on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Data is available since 2008.

43 Botswana
  • n/a n/a 55%
43 Botswana

Submitters comment: Budget speech is available from various sources including bank of Botswana

Reviewers comment: It appears that the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning offers budget data at general level (, where pdf-downloads are available. The numbers are divided by sectors, but not very granular.

43 Pakistan
  • PDF n/a 55%
43 Pakistan

Link Updated.

43 China
  • HTML #27  55% 55%
43 China

Nothing changed in 2014.

But the State Council published a new order about "deepening reform of budget management issues" stating and encouraging all level of government to publish in detailed budget and spending data. (Oct 2014)

43 Burkina Faso
  • PDF #27  55% 55%
43 Burkina Faso

The government budget is managed by the general direction of budget. This direction has a statistic service that publish the budget online in pdf format

43 Nepal
  • n/a n/a #27  55% 55%
43 Argentina
http://sitiodelciudadano.mecon... n/a n/a 55%
43 Argentina

The budget details are on the website of the National Budget Office which depends on the Ministry of Economy. The paper this year (2011- 2014) is published as disaggregated data.

56 Bulgaria
  • Excel #36  45% 50%
56 Bulgaria

The Budget law is promulgated in the State gazette, so it is in the public domain. The PDF is also published on the Ministry of Finances website (see here for 2015:

The consolidated budget framework is published on the Finances ministry website, usually as an Excel generated PDF. The available Excel sheets for 2015 are different amendments but their aim is unclear.

Data has been considered unavailable in bulk because each file, be it in machine-readable format or no, has to be downloaded individually. Also, the data has been considered available for free as anyone can access the files and download them from the Ministry's website.

56 Morocco
  • Excel n/a n/a 50%
56 Cambodia
  • Excel n/a n/a 50%
59 Moldova, Republic of
  • Excel #36  45% 45%
59 Moldova, Republic of

Moldova has a law on re-use of public data since 2012 (In Romanian: but the website of the ministry of finance uses a restrictive license.

59 Slovakia
  • HTML, XLS #36  45% 45%
59 Slovakia

Data is available in a form of "interactive portal". XLS export is available for some data (but sometimes fetches tables without numbers) so "machine readable" was filled "unsure". License is not clearly stated and there is copyright notice in the footer of the web page so "no" is filled.

59 Egypt
  • n/a #36  45% 45%
59 Egypt

The Egyptian financial year starts in the beginning of July each year, thus this is the budget for the period between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015. The budget is available in a PDF format.

Final reviewer: the data was marked as unavailable in bulk as it is solely provided as a single PDF. This is not exactly 'dataset available in bulk'.

59 Panama
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Panama

Various budget data are to be found on the Ministry of Finance website. There is no annual document with expenditures and revenues planned but you can find for instance yearly updated investment plan for next 5 years in pdf format. Data are quite aggregated though.

59 Lesotho
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Lesotho

Aggregated budget data for current fiscal year 2013/2014 are available in pdf format as part of the budget speech. For fiscal year 2014/2015, there is a document entitled Background to the budget speech containing some estimates and forecasts for revenues and expenditures.

59 Tanzania, United Republic of
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Tanzania, United Republic of

Budget speeches from 2001 to 2014 are available online in pdf format an contain basic revenue and expenditure estimates.

59 Senegal
  • PDF #58  35% 45%
59 Senegal

According to Genova, no change from 2013.

59 Tunisia
  • PDF #58  35% 45%
59 Tunisia

Budget available for 2014 (Arabic) in PDF as well as a "Circulaire de préparation du budget de l'état pour l'année 2015". As it is unclear what the status of Tunisia's Open Data initiative is, solely the website of the data producer has been considered for this research.

59 Côte d'Ivoire
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Côte d'Ivoire

The attached PDF provides high level figures but no details. Additional data on the 2014 budget can be found in the following documents:

Additionally, I was able to find more granular budget data for 2015

59 Kenya
  • n/a #58  35% 45%
59 Kenya

Data are available in pdf-format and seemingly also exists on the Kenya Open Data (KODI) portal, with more details (sector, county) but is not up-to-date (according to submitter). "We chose the most significant data sources going forward and trackable as far back as possible. The ministries have changed with the new dispensation and the budget datasets on KODI are not only outdated but span only two financial years."

[Minor revisions made to these comments during review]

59 Iceland
  • HTML #36  45% 45%
59 Iceland

The government budget is made available via an interactive website (and also as a printed version). The budget can be regarded as laws and should therefore be exempt from copyright but as there is no explicit statement on copyrigh exemption the budget cannot be regarded as openly licensed.

59 Ireland
  • n/a #36  45% 45%
59 Ireland

Data could be more granular. I sent a question to the Dept. of Finance regarding the availability of the data in a bulk download and did not receive an answer. I will therefore leave it as a NO.

59 Ghana
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
59 Haiti
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
59 Lithuania
  • n/a #63  30% 45%
59 Lithuania

Presentation (visualizations) of data is mostly available as well as some Pdfs. However, open datasets are not available on the Governments websites.

59 Portugal
  • PDF #36  45% 45%
59 Portugal

The complete budget is available in a series of PDF's, from 1836 on. (No changes from 2013.)

59 Sierra Leone
  • n/a n/a n/a 45%
59 Mali
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Mali

Please note this file is only about in income budget and not expenditure budget.

59 Thailand
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Thailand

Bureau of the Budget responsible on publishing the budget. The budget for year N will normally published in September or October of year N-1.

59 Benin
http://www.budget.finances.gou... n/a n/a 45%
59 Benin

General Directorate for Budget under the Ministry of Economy and Finance

59 Philippines
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Philippines

The Department of Budget and Management provides detailed information on the budget. Budget is presented by department/agency, sector and certain projects.

Data is offered in a non-machine readable format (PDF). It also can't be downloaded in bulk (only one section of the budget at a time).

Data is presented timely - current information is of 2015.

There is not explicit license on the website, therefore the data is not compliant with the open definition.

59 Bangladesh
  • pdf #36  45% 45%
59 Bangladesh

On can't find information on licensing; PDFs only so not machine readable; need to download many PDFs so not available in bulk . Various forms of information available including previous years from

59 Guatemala
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Guatemala

PDFs available

59 Cyprus
  • n/a #65  0% 45%
59 Cyprus

Later data is more complete, but is only available in PDF so not easy to machine read. More information available in Greek than in English or Turkish.

59 Rwanda
  • n/a n/a 45%
59 Rwanda

Rwanda's national budget documents are available from on the MINECOFIN ministry website but there are also several annex documents for the budget published at in PDF form.

59 Switzerland
  • PDF n/a #36  45% 45%
59 Nigeria
  • n/a #17  75% 45%
59 Nigeria

It is the National Budget Portal and the data is always available on the official Budget Office of the Federation website. Budget Implementation Documents are not released on a timely basis.

59 Belgium
  • xls #36  45% 45%
59 Belgium

Budget Online webpage provides access to recent budget data in pdf and xls formats.

87 Bermuda
  • n/a #58  35% 35%
87 Bermuda

Budget data are up to date and available in pdf format. No evidence of an open data license.

For historical records available back 20 years (non-gov/third party source) has worked to make these available online:

87 Bosnia and Herzegovina
n/a n/a n/a 35%
87 Bosnia and Herzegovina

No data per se was identified. The numbers available ( are inscribed in a legal text and thus do not constitute a dataset as there is not even a table associated. I thus suggest the indicator to be revised as suggested in order to reflect these considerations.

87 Oman
  • XLS ... n/a 35%
87 Oman

The annual budget is published in Arabic in the Official Gazette and can be accessed from the website of the Ministry of Finances, the website of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and the official Omani law search engine. The data is available in XLS format and there are quite a few formulas in the document which motivates the definition of the format as "non machine-readable".

The Annual Budget is issued through a Royal Decree, which is exempt from copyright protection and is there available freely to use, reuse, or to distribute.

Reviewer: I have solely identified outdated data such as the one for 2012 (issued through Sultan Decree number 2013/250, see here: I was not able to locate up-to-date budget report for 2014 or 2015. Lastly, if I consider the Ministry of Finances website, it carries a copyright mention at the bottom. Thus, in the absence of actual quote from the law the reporter refers to, I have considered this data to be non-openly licensed.

87 Lebanon
  • n/a n/a 35%
87 Lebanon

Data is there until 2013, but not in machine-readable format.

87 Cameroon
  • n/a n/a 35%
87 Cameroon

Not all budgets a available from the Government website, some of them are only visible from private website like

92 Guinea
n/a n/a n/a 5%
92 Guinea

The Ministry of Finance provides only with Finance Law for 2010, 2011 and 2012 on its website and there is no budget plan attached.